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Thread: The Mermaid Libary

  1. #1

    The Mermaid Libary

    Finally I'm putting my library knowledge and by LibraryandInformationTechnician diploma to good use!
    LauraLWatson in another thread suggested there be a Mermaid Library. so using the books that i already have on hand, and the list of mermaid novels that were mentioned on here, and my super special awesome skills as a librarian, I'm compiling a list of books along with their ISBNs, genre, subject, and other information into one huge "e-library" of some sorts. yass!!

    It'll be hosted here:
    and you can gladly put your review about the books in the comment section.

    Still in it's beginning stages atm.
    The SeaGlass Siren

  2. #2
    Layout is nearly there! Just tweaking and doing a few minor adjustments before starting to post.

    OHOH also, if anyone wanted to help contribute and suggest a list of titles, please be my guest!!
    The SeaGlass Siren

  3. #3
    Fantastic!!! This has been sorely lacking! I have a list of titles I can send you. Is there a tutorial on how to update? I don't want to screw up your format.
    - Loren Eisley

  4. #4
    Seaglass Siren you are a saint!!! This is an awesome idea! I shall be on your e-library religiously when it's finished!!!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SweeteSiren View Post
    Fantastic!!! This has been sorely lacking! I have a list of titles I can send you. Is there a tutorial on how to update? I don't want to screw up your format.
    Here's the "form" to submit :P lol. Nah you can just post on here.

    Title, author(s), illustrator(s)
    Publisher, latest copyright date, publication place(city,state/province,country)
    Isbn number

    The info is usually found on one of the first pages. The ones we tend to ignore lol. It's in fine print.
    Or if you can't find it a picture will do ^^

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mermaid Carly View Post
    Seaglass Siren you are a saint!!! This is an awesome idea! I shall be on your e-library religiously when it's finished!!!
    Thankyou Carly

  7. #7
    This is an amazing idea Seaglass Siren
    Now I just need to find more time to read. I'm still in the middle of A feast for Crows.
    I did get some free mermaidy books on my kindle, maybe I will put them on this library.

  8. #8
    Ooo you just reminded me I have to add ebooks to my list

  9. #9
    i am wondering if i should include a form though... hm.. anyway, it's up and running! im still adding more books and the search engine is a bit stupid but the side links work!
    The SeaGlass Siren

  10. #10
    Ingo is a good book...

    {(¯¨*·.,¸_¸,.»BRINGING GRAVITY FALLS AND MERMAIDS TOGETHER SINCE...erm...2014! «.,¸_¸,.·*¨¯)}
    If you're a Gravity Falls fan, why don't you check out my blog?

    Formerly known as SeaStarShimmer

  11. #11
    more books have been added, and a few audio (cds), and audio visuals (movies, docs, etc)!
    The SeaGlass Siren

  12. #12
    I've added all the CDs in my current collection but i feel like i am missing a few..

    Like Sirena, and Nightwish... and that other pirate metal band... except i dont have any of their physical albums.
    The SeaGlass Siren

  13. #13
    Ooo! Totally bookmarking this! XD

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #14
    yay hope it's of use to you! almost done with my physical collection. still have vicious deep, deep blue, rogue wave, mermaid's madness, and a few graphic novels and children's books. i have other books that have nothing to do with mermaids but have everything to do with water (mystery/thriller novels). wondering if i should include those.
    The SeaGlass Siren

  15. #15
    I work in a comic shop, I could let you know about mermaid comics that are out or upcoming. If you're interested of course.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    The SeaGlass Siren

  17. #17
    i have a few of michael turner's Fathom. i love the artstyle. and the fact that it feeds into my ocean artwork love is a bonus *o*
    The SeaGlass Siren

  18. #18
    Yay for Comic Readers!

    I have a list on my computer at home (ironically I'm currently at work until close tonight so I can't get to it at the moment) and I'll get a list off to you as soon as I can. I also have been compiling a list of comics that have mermaids on the covers but I don't know if that would fall under anything you may have in mind.

  19. #19
    Still works!

    I have an excel document that you can fill out.
    The SeaGlass Siren

  20. #20
    I just tried to add a widget contact form aaaaaand it just erased all the info I wanted on the form.



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