As much as I have said how much I love my two Mertailor tails I have to admit that I'm itsybitsy disappointed right now...
I noticed last week that my tail actually left markings on our bathroom floor, markings that stick. It also had colored our fence in our sauna, with this strange ink-like color which the tail didn't even have, on it's surface. I have used the tail in the water like 5 times...
I messaged my problem to mertailor, got an answer for asking some pics to closer investigation. Sent pics of the floor, and the tail, even though I didn't notice at the time that there were anything on the tail. Later I did. There's spots on the backside of the tail where the paint has gone off and revealed the ink-like color underneath the paint, so that was where the color has absorbed to our floor. I sent those pics for mertailor too. Got the answer for asking, what part of the tail was that pic from. I told, that it was from backside, about three inches above where heels are. The answer was this:

" Neea,

I'm not even sure how to respond to that.
Best Wishes,

The Crew of Mertailor LLC

1570 N Meadowcrest Blvd
Crystal River, Florida 34429
Tel: (352) 228-4934
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
E: "

Like, uhmm.... Well, thanks...

I haven't earlier sent any negative feedback about him in here, but now I have to, cause I'm disappointed and a bit mad. I'm just a lil bit worried if my tail colors f.ex. clients floor or smthn like that. Would be friggin awesome.. I suggested solution like him to send me sil-poxy and pigments for me to repaint my tail but he hasn't even answered. Nothing like this happened with my partial silicone tail.

Has anyone has any problems like this?