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Thread: working with (for me) me materials (pic heavy)

  1. #1

    Red face working with (for me) me materials (pic heavy)

    As I have many fabric tails, I always want to have a silicone tail, but ordering from out of Belgium is to costly for me (as specially post and taxes). Then I noticed PearlieMae's tail-making technique and asked her if I would use it to make my own tail and she said yes So in the autumn I started on collection everything I need to make my tail. Found mica-powders at a craft-fair, Dragonskin in a shop in the Netherlands, fabric in a shop nearby, ... and ordered a new (translucent) Triton-monofin online (as it's a European brand, no taxes and cheap shipping for me).
    After New Year I started to make my molds out of thermo-plastics:
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    - started testing my pigments:
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    - after that I started to cast my scales:
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    - when I had lost of them, my boyfriend helped to make my body-double:
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    - that I covered in white lycra (as my white iridescent scales are see-through):
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    - and started pinning my scales in place, the front first:
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    - and gluing them with some clear silicone:
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    - the back and sides:
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    - and the top (skin-colored scales):
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    After my boyfriends birthday-party (end of February) I started making my fluke:
    - my pattern under a layer of saran-wrap and clear tape (the same as my body-double):
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    - a layer of iridescent organza and 3 layers of colored dragonskin:
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    - made 2 of them:
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    - and sandwiched my yellow monofin in between them, gluing only the sides:
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    - after that I attached the tail-body to the fluke:
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    - after that I sealed the outside of my tail with a slime-coat (clear silicone with a lot of fine iridescent glitter:
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    - then I sealed the inside of my tail with clear silicone:
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    - then I decided that my clear monofin was better for this tail and sealed it in my fluke, leaving holes for drainage:
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    - made some ribs for the side of my fluke:
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    - attached them and trimmed the excess
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    And this is how I store my tail (and also let it dry in the bathroom after swimming):
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod PearlieMae's Avatar
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    Such beautiful work! Congratulations!

    Also, using the plastic tub lid for a mold is GENIUS!

  3. #3
    WOW. The blending on the front of the yellow and clear and gold is all so seamless--BEAUTIFUL tail! I LOVE the heart scales!

  4. #4
    Thanks Pearly and Emma In the new year I'm going to make a new tail for my partner using the same molds and technique but in different colors: pink, purple and blue

  5. #5
    Member Undisclosed Pod
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    That's so so beautiful! How has the tail held up?
    Also I'm really confused as to how you turned your tail inside out to seal the inside after the fluke was attached?

  6. #6
    I've already swam 2 times and used it for several dry gigs and no problems with it. Turning it inside out wasn't a problem as it's quite thin and flexible and the monofin wasn't inside it jet.

  7. #7
    Started testing the colors for the new tail. These are the test with the powders with out mixing them up to create new ones. Also some are 2-tones. Top row is without glitter, bottom is with fine iridescent, clear glitter.
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  8. #8
    Mixed some of the powders to create new colors
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Pod of Cali WaterDragon's Avatar
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    the colors are looking good, do you have a sketch of what you want the color scheme to be?

  10. #10
    nope, as this tail is for a friend and she only know what colors she wants and still is looking for a design.still waiting on some glow-in-the-dark powder to arrive to stest it with these colors

  11. #11
    Senior Member North Pacific Pod Miyu's Avatar
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    Ooh I hadn't seen your first silicone tail, Fenicia - That's gorgeous! I love what you did with the fluke, I've been thinking that's what I'm going to do for my next fabric tail since I like the translucent fabric but want the durability/fishiness of silicone.

    Ooh, these new colours are so pretty! Those are pretty much mu favorite colours there, and of course I'm in love with anything glow-in-the-dark (I have determined that every tail I own after my first will have glow on it LOL)

    Can't wait to see what you do! You're so creative!

    ~Miyu the Rainforest Mermaid~

    Fundraiser (Soon to be updated)

  12. #12
    Glow-in-the-dark-pigment arrived and has been tested, but the blues are to green, the pinks are more orange and purple isn't glowing hard So we won't using them.
    Tomorrow we will going to buy the buckets of silicon in Amsterdam, so I can start making scales for this new tail

  13. #13
    Senior Member Pod of Cali WaterDragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mermaid Fenicia View Post
    Glow-in-the-dark-pigment arrived and has been tested, but the blues are to green, the pinks are more orange and purple isn't glowing hard So we won't using them.
    Tomorrow we will going to buy the buckets of silicon in Amsterdam, so I can start making scales for this new tail
    Sadly Purple Glow in the dark pigments never seem to work well.

  14. #14
    Moderator Pod of Cali Mermaid Wesley's Avatar
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    Beautiful as always!

  15. #15
    Senior Member Pod of Oceania Mermaid Jaffa's Avatar
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    Love the yellow hues! Its like sunshine!
    Formerly known as ireneho

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Scale-making-factory has started again iridescent white
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  18. #18
    made 1 batch of all the colors that we going to use
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    iridescent white on the belly and the darkest blue on the sides

  19. #19
    Beautiful color scheme!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. #20
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod PearlieMae's Avatar
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    Oooh! It looks like candy! Lovely colors!


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