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Thread: Do hot springs and spandex tails mix?

  1. #1

    Do hot springs and spandex tails mix?

    I got asked a question from one of my customers if she could take her spandex tail into a hot spring down in Florida. This has never occurred to me before, mainly because I don't live near any hot springs- it just never crossed my mind. I know heat is damaging to spandex, but are hot springs too hot in and of themselves? I know hot tubs are... and obviously things like that. Has anyone ever encountered something like this before? I did a little research to answer her question, but it would really help to hear first hand experiences as well.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member North Pacific Pod Miyu's Avatar
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    Hmm, good thought... Don't people usually wear swimsuits in hot springs too? I know they do in hot tubs and we're not supposed to take our tails in hot tubs, but I do also wonder if maybe hot springs are easier on tails, either from a lower temp or a lack of chlorine (I'm imagining the combined heat + chlorine of a hot tub would just be the worst for tails).

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Pod of Cali Merman Storm's Avatar
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    It takes temperature of around 170 F to shrink spandex, and that is well above the danger level for a person in a hot spring. You cannot actually get into a hot spring that is hot enough to shrink the tail without injuring yourself.

    That said, washing instructions for spandex say a maximum temperature of 86 F, (30 C) with is actually lower than a person's skin temperature (90 F). This seems odd, as we can wear spandex without damaging it. Also, as mentioned above, you can wear a spandex swim suit into a hot spring.

    My guess is you can get away with it. But, its not my tail on the line.
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  4. #4
    Miyu, yeah, that was what I was thinking as well. The heat and chlorine combo would be too much for the tail, at least in theory. But you're right, swimsuits do fine in hot tubs. I did take an old tail into a hot tub last year, but it's not really the same anymore. My suit's fine though, ahha. The hot springs might be easier on tails, at least I hope so. Thank you

    Merman Storm, thank you! That's really informative. I appreciate it! I'm going to pass the information along to my customer. Thank you. How's the Toothless tail doing, by the way?

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