Howdy y'all, I'm Mitch, aka Seatan, aka Seavanna--I have had merpeople know me by quite a few names over the years. I've been mermaiding since about 2013, though I haven't been on Mernetwork for about a year. Since that's quite awhile and there seems to be a LOT of new mers, I figured I might as well introduce myself again. I live in Arlington, Texas (that's by Dallas), I'm certified as a SCUBA Divemaster, and I am totally broke so I never get to USE my SCUBA certification anywhere fun. For a living I am a personal stylist for Stitch Fix, which is a lot less fun than it seems, and the best part of my life was probably the year I spent living on the island of Utila (off of Roatan in Honduras) getting my Divemaster cert. Sadly I couldn't take my tail with me since it was just too pricey to ship and Utila is the kind of island you have to take a puddle jumper to get to so there was no bringing it on the flight. I guess that's all I have to say about my fishy side! Nice to meet all of ye new merpeople and greetings to old friends!