View Full Version : Just Talk!

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  1. Anyone else a HP fan?
  2. New(ish) Aqua song is actually pretty good....
  3. Post Pictures of Your Pets
  4. Welcome to the ChatterBox! (please read)
  5. The Offical Super Cute/Funny Cat Video Thread
  6. Contemporary Families Discussion
  7. Losing Weight
  8. Summer Cool Down
  9. Write Something Nice About The Mer Above You...
  10. Change a letter game
  11. Some Of My Favorite Vintage Doll Commercials...
  12. A rose by any other name...
  13. Canadian Music to Check Out
  14. Shameless self-promotion!
  15. Doll Collectors!
  16. Asexuality
  17. Fish are friends, not food!
  18. What are y'all's fave musical artists/bands, movies, TV shows, and books?
  19. Pottermore!!!
  20. Any other Michael Jackson fans?
  21. Guys, I need some support right now
  22. Clean Parnormal Romance Novel Rec. Thread
  23. My new geckos!
  24. My Bedroom Update : ZOMG Big Changes
  25. my whale/dolphin watch review
  26. House breaking tricks, anyone?
  27. Heavy Rain - possible film in near future?
  28. Banana peels can clean up water! :D
  29. Memorial fund for my uncles son
  30. This is not about mermaids!
  31. So Excited!
  32. Beautiful Calico Cat needs home
  33. The little orange tabby.
  34. running for the cure!
  35. depression.
  36. Help-thread for the hopeless romantics
  37. So Super Happy right now!!
  38. Phobias - Support thread
  39. New name! (Formerly "Crimson Vision")
  40. *Sighs* Money Issues...
  41. Fairy wings...How to make them?
  42. Good fairy wing making company name...
  43. Animated Tread Signatures
  44. Fairy Wing Comapny Logo Contest
  45. Talk to me about Etsy!
  46. Back To School
  47. Something Silly
  48. Nifty Leg swim fins
  49. Halloween!!
  50. mermaids from montreal?
  51. Health Conditions
  52. Relationships in a awkward since
  53. Bucket Lists?
  54. Attitude
  55. bulemia
  56. Laid Off
  57. Pottermore
  58. This conversation made my day;
  59. Advice...Thriving On a Fish-Free Diet?
  60. ...
  61. Have You Watched "Dolphin Tale" Yet?
  62. Worried and semi depressed
  63. Something Positive
  64. Super exciting news!
  65. Excuses, Excuses
  66. Finders/Keepers!
  67. After the White Light
  68. Awesome Hotel!
  69. YouTube
  70. MY TAIL
  71. AMAZING video!
  72. A Little Vent and Something Else
  73. First time with my Monofin! <3
  74. How am I supposed to feel???
  75. Just a Update 8D
  76. Pets!!
  77. Eye Twitch
  78. Ouch
  79. "Storm's Path" Script...
  80. Christmas Cards?
  81. Fairy Community?
  82. My Blog~ The Life of a Mermaid
  84. you will cry from laughter
  85. I went to my first concert!!!!
  86. Some heavy stuff...
  87. Signature Randomness! :)
  88. So... Santa sent me a video...
  89. Christmas Gifts
  90. If you've got a problem...
  91. The 12 days of fishmas!
  92. Say Something Nice About The Person Above You...
  93. Anyone here play Puzzle Pirates?
  94. Mer-ry Christmas everyone
  95. AHHHHH
  96. Mer-Friends
  97. Happy New Year! List Your 2012 Resolutions :)
  98. 2012 Polar Bear Dip
  99. NEW BLOG
  100. mermiad had a loss
  101. Art theft
  103. Film: Troll Hunter
  104. Until we meet again friends!
  105. Good book
  106. Should I change my mer name??
  107. The broken Mermaid
  108. worst song ever? NSFW
  109. Problem Fish!!
  110. Acronyms & Abbreviations
  111. My Adventure
  112. sinking like a siren that can't swim anymore.
  113. Cooking and Eating Seafood? YES PLEASE!
  114. Icanhazcheezburger?!
  115. I feel dried up...
  116. For the Admins
  117. Feeling crappy?
  118. Thinking about horror movies :)
  119. Threadless Tee
  120. I shaved the back of my head.
  122. How to Make an Underwater World in 3ds Max
  123. Braces
  124. Apart of your world video?
  125. Does anyone know who Vicki Espy is?
  126. unversity Help
  127. Random food question
  128. When You're Not A Mer....
  129. Really Happy, Wanna Share
  130. What do I do??
  131. Hot Dogs More Dangerous then Sharks
  132. Mer-Artists ^_____^
  133. Actually Considered Quitting Mermaiding...
  134. Just when things cant get any better... :(
  135. Might as well face it you're addicted to Drama...
  136. Wedding songs
  137. HUNGER GAMES...anyone else a fan?
  138. Are we FB friends?
  139. I know it's early, Buuuuut.......
  140. i want that!( a thread to post fish you've ever wanted to own)
  141. Mermaid Resume?
  142. Dolphin Rape... WTF?
  143. Mermaid swear words
  144. Geek Hobbies
  145. Have I offended people here?
  146. its.. ADORABLE!
  147. So...What does it take to make a friend on here?
  148. How to Train your Dragon Live Show
  149. That Awkward Moment When: Mermaid Edtion!
  150. Teach Me About PayPal
  151. I Don't Know Whether I Want to Kiss Him or Drown Him.
  152. My Little Pony?
  153. post your reactions caught on tape!
  154. Happy Star Wars Day!
  155. B!TC# IT OUT!
  157. I need some advice BADLY!
  158. Inspiration
  159. Courage Wolf to the Rescue! [Motivational Thread to Keep You Moving Forward]
  160. Disney can be scary!
  161. What do I do? Family won't talk to me anymore...
  162. Kickstarter
  163. Volpin Props
  164. Relationship Drama Thread
  165. Dream home ideas
  167. My gay Gay Gay! verson of The Little Mermaid a.k.a Deeply
  168. HAHAHA. come on teach -at least give him 1/2 credit!
  169. A super cuddly seal
  170. oh god... *facepalm*
  171. Random Facts
  172. "Grow" your own sneakers?
  173. My latest film!
  174. What's your dream?
  175. Check Out My Products! :)
  176. Songs that dont quit
  177. No Longer Catless
  178. Fun Things To Do That Freak Out Total Strangers
  179. Haters (internet trolls!)
  180. Mr Rogers is epic
  181. Shameless Advertising!
  182. LADIES ONLY! Swimming during your T.O.M??
  183. I'M SORRY!
  184. If you could describe the mer above you in one (appropriate/positive) word....
  185. Biotop natural pools
  186. Mountain biking
  188. Old friends
  189. An Invitation
  190. Etsy Shop
  191. A little story to tell
  192. Highlight of my week
  193. Cafe Press Issues?
  194. For those of you who swim in the ocean.....
  195. the trippiest pool ever
  196. Disney changing toy designs?
  197. Fun Websites
  198. creepy past life meme
  199. How to get the ball rolling
  200. mermaidvogue made me a gif!
  201. 10 Things Most Americans Don't Know About America
  202. Goats Surfing
  203. My job...Uhg.
  204. A Mermaid's Dilemma (job searching and moving)
  205. I got a Tattoo!!! My First one!
  206. Everything is just bogging me down.
  207. Youtube Spammers and Nayers!! Ugh!
  208. is this our future?
  209. An interesting thought when it comes to LGBT
  210. Redecoating My Bedroom
  211. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!
  212. An employment question
  213. Vent about your health
  215. People who are too smart.....
  217. My fiance's awesome nature photography!
  218. What Mermaids do when they're bored
  219. Feeling less and less mermaidy
  220. taking the Kids to the beach tomorrow
  221. Is there something wrong with me?
  222. Plush sea creatures!
  223. Diamond Shoals Light Tower
  224. Humming Bird Rescures!
  225. Who has Roommates?
  226. Crochet scales
  227. Are you on my FB?
  228. A very beautiful videogame!
  229. My web-series
  230. An AWESOME looking cat! O_O
  231. Any Whovians out there?
  232. Skype?
  233. Can haz cute/funny animal youtube video dump?
  234. Reusable grocery bags
  235. Your fav inspirational quotes?
  236. I know there are Broadway fans here... Let's share out our favorites!
  237. Inspirational
  238. I'M ENGAGED!
  239. Anyone play sims 3?
  240. Tired of reality TV
  241. Halloween's coming up soon...
  242. Bias Babies
  243. DUUUUDE You slapped a FISH
  244. Seasteading
  245. ಠ_ಠ
  246. HAIR
  247. Mermaid/Ocean Wedding Ideas?
  248. Gaming Mers? *looks around*
  249. A great mantra for you all.
  250. The Mernetwork and the Breakers of Bad