View Full Version : Warm and Fuzzy Stories

12-11-2011, 07:56 AM
I thought it might be nice to share stories of when mermaiding has made a difference to someone and filled you with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

I've got a few of these stories now but recently it happened to Nerissa (Happyguava) and myself when we were taking some photos on a large rock at the beach; http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.221279734612521.54176.221235554616939&type=3. A woman had sprinted home to get her camera and sprinted back to ask if she could take some photos of us. We swam up to chat to her and she said that her grandson hadn't been visiting much lately so she told him that mermaids come and sit on the rock and he should visit so he could see them. When she saw us she was thrilled since she had been using that "story" for a while. We look a bunch of photos on her camera for her grandson as proof and apparently she was going to send them as soon as she got home.

I really hope he decided to visit his grandmother to look for mermaids on the beach with her! :3

Share your heartwarming stories!

Mermaid Saphira
12-11-2011, 09:55 AM
^ Awwww! Thats so sweet! Thats was really nice of you mers! <3
BTW Beautiful photo shoot spot! I love they great big rock in the middle :)

12-11-2011, 02:21 PM
The pictures of you two look like your were having a lot of fun. And isn't it intriguing just how often telling a story like that makes it true somehow?

Mermaid Sirena
12-12-2011, 03:11 PM
First off you two look beautiful! Second, that is a wonderful and heart warming story :D Thank you for sharing your tale and also for making a thread about Warm Fuzzy stories ^_^

12-28-2011, 08:59 AM
Oooh I had another warm-and-fuzzy moment today!! I was swimming about at the local pool while my friend fiddled with the camera and these two cute little kids age about 3 or 4 started watching me. I waved and talked to them a little bit but they were all shy and kind of looked at their feet and shuffled about, it was adorable. They then started chasing me up and down the pool. It was like a game of Giant's Treasure - they'd stop moving whenever I surfaced, but follow me around excitedly while I was underwater.

I started showing off a bit, did a few flips and bubble rings and stuff - my friend told me later that these two little kids were now jumping about excitedly and clapping next to the pool. I went and talked to them a bit more and they were still ridiculously shy, it was so cute! I told the little girl I liked the seahorse on her T-shirt and she blushed and looked all nervous and smiley :) Their mum came and spoke to me later and said how excited her two children were to see a mermaid in the pool and how I'd made them completely forget that they'd come to the pool to actually swim!

01-01-2012, 06:04 PM
omg i love hearing these stories! keep em coming!
i have a ton:

i inspired so many girls to be mermaids. i can name 4 in my head. all the little girls ask how to be one. but the most wonderful experience i had was with some kids that attend my events often
this one girl had this look of awe all over her face. she was blown away. "oh my gosh.... its a mermaid. i never thought i would see one in my whole life" she later came back and brought me a penny from Pennyland( valley of the moon has whats considered a dry well where you pick up a penny and itd good luck) then i gave her one of my plastic gems i have in the pond. she looked so shocked when i gave it to her. she said she would come back to see me at every event. next one will be in is march so i hope to see her again as she made my event even more magical than it usually is =)

Mermaid Saphira
12-26-2012, 11:06 AM
Why did this thread have to die? I love warn fuzzy stories <3.

Mermaid Tory
02-27-2015, 12:16 AM
I don't have a tail yet so no mermaid stories but I work as a professional princess and there's always at least one kid who walks up slowly and just looks up at you and you can just tell that they want to touch you but are too shy. I always offer hugs and they are just so happy and amazed that the "real Anna" or Belle wanted to hug them. I had a mom tell me that I made their daughter's day after I pointed out to a girl that we had matching boots, ( Anna's black boots with gold design) as belle I'll ask kids if they'd like me to tell Beast anything and they usually want me to tell him to be nicer or to shave.

02-27-2015, 12:26 AM
I don't have a tail yet so no mermaid stories but I work as a professional princess and there's always at least one kid who walks up slowly and just looks up at you and you can just tell that they want to touch you but are too shy. I always offer hugs and they are just so happy and amazed that the "real Anna" or Belle wanted to hug them. I had a mom tell me that I made their daughter's day after I pointed out to a girl that we had matching boots, ( Anna's black boots with gold design) as belle I'll ask kids if they'd like me to tell Beast anything and they usually want me to tell him to be nicer or to shave.
Ahahaha "be nicer or shave" >.<

02-27-2015, 12:30 AM
I think we should revive this thread! I'll post my story I wrote a while ago, it was in 'The happy thread,' but it fits here too :)

Hey guys! This is going to be long, sorry!
I had the most awesome moment of my mermaiding journey so far today, and I have to share it!! :D

(So, even though I don't have my first tail sewn up, I'd still like to think I'm a bit of a fish without one!)
I was with my Mum, stepbrother, stepsister and stepdad at a 'secluded' beach. (ten minutes drive out of town, but still you get the occasional person driving by) and I noticed that at the end of the beach near a massive rock, there was a family with a little girl and a toddler. I only have my monofin at this point, but I thought "hey! why not see if I can brighten that little girl's day?"

so I swam over ( long swim from my original spot) and just hung about fifteen metres from the beach, lifting the tip of the monofin out of the water every once in a while. The little girl saw me, pointed at me, and said "DADDY LOOK!" Her mother was sitting there with the toddler on the rock, and was beaming when she noticed what I was doing. (I couldn't stop smiling) The dad said "wow!" look (name?) It's a mermaid! Do you want to say hello?" The little girl was a bit shocked I think, but she was asking me questions like; "do you live in the water? can you walk?" I said that I could change my tail into legs, ( I kept my knees underwater to keep the illusion) and the dad played along, saying that I can say a spell that changes me so I can be on land with people. The little girl went over to tell the mum, so I said quietly to the dad " I just know that if someone did this for me when I was little, the magic would've lasted a lot longer", and he said "Thankyou"

I hung around in the water, diving down and watching the little fishes near the seaweedy rocks, (the best I could without goggles) Just playing in the waves. I swam up to the beach near the mum, and she was just smiling at me. she asked me if it was hard swimming in the fin, so I replied. The dad and the little girl stood on the beach, and he asked her if she wanted to swim with the mermaid. she walked in a bit, (but the water was pretty cold, and I was surprised I hadn't gone purple yet !) I chatted with her for a bit, until I saw we were leaving. She kept waving as I swam back over to where my family was, so I did my best to look "mermaidy" the whole time. it was a pretty big distance, so she lost interest and started to run around with her dad on the beach. I told my mum about how the little girl reacted, and she said to my stepbrother how it was funny that I had 'convinced myself' that I was a mermaid. ( little do they know of my plans to be a professional mermaid one day!!) heh heh

I think I probably had more fun than the little girl. :D Her first reaction made my week :D :D She was so adorable!

02-27-2015, 02:23 AM
I made a similar thread over here (http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?9556-Favorite-Stories-Experiences-While-Being-a-Mermaid) if anyone wants more warm and fuzzy stories! Can never get enough. Here's mine from that thread:
"I went out in public for the first time in my tail yesterday to a beach for a photoshoot. I had some great experiences with younger kids who thought I was real and it brought me to the question-- what are your favorite moments/stories that you've had while being a mermaid? (Let me know if a thread like this already exists- I searched but may have missed something)
For example, yesterday I was hanging out in the tide pools while my friend/photographer was taking pictures and a huge group of tourists walked by and were pointing and waving and shouting "MERMAID!!" Later, there was a little girl who was very shy and holding on to her father, who encouraged her to go up and talk to me. I introduced myself in my mermaid name, Mermaid Opal, asked her what her name was and if she had seen any cool sea creatures today. There was another little girl who came up to me when I was in a different spot, in a little grotto/rocky outcrop, and I asked her similar questions and then got to show her a starfish that was on the rock next to me. I told her to look out for my octopus friend who liked to live in the tide pools, (i had seen one there months ago) and not 20 minutes later the octopus was spotted hanging out in a pool about 15 feet from where I was! There was a brother/sister pair that looked really excited to see me, and even the adults were all smiling. Being the first time I went out as a mermaid, it was a really gratifying experience! I love kids and it was an amazing feeling to be part of the magic for them!"

02-27-2015, 03:23 AM
ahhhh! that's so cute! good timing with the octopus too :D