View Full Version : Head Start on my two-week Neoprene Tail Construction.

12-15-2011, 10:59 AM
Well, here I am, ready to start on a tail to fit my new body (I've found that even after losing almost all of the weight after having a baby, my hips are now considerably wider - my lower body in general, actually...), and here's the punch - the event I'll be using it for will take place January 3rd. I am 'suppose' to have all of the supplies by Monday, the 19th *crossing fingers*, which gives me exactly two weeks to put it all together.

Once upon a time, in my single life, this would be no sweat, however, my challenge is in juggling this task with the care of my 1 year old girl, continuing "winter cleaning" of the house, since I missed spring cleaning (only have her room, my room, and the bathroom left), work (I run my own company, and am needing to generate some extra work for myself, as this season has already taken more money than I had set aside for it to spend), christmas shopping and wrapping, and a balloon twisting training series that I have vowed to get recorded and uploaded online by the new year.

The thing GOING for me is that my parents will be visiting, and thus be able to care for my child from Christmas through the new year, so I will have about a week that I can focus on the other things a little more.

So far I have my blue neoprene sheets, ordered from stretch house, the monofin I am using for this tail is still on its way from Estonia, and is suppose to arrive by Monday, and my createx paints should arrive any day now. I have decided I had better include a zipper for this tail since I doubt my hips will fit through an area designed for the waist, so I do need to run to a fabric store for a stainless steel zipper and some heavy duty thread. Otherwise, all of the other things, (airbrush gun, sewing materials, etc), I already have.

I figured I would create my body outline on the neoprene and perhaps begin working on the top a few days early to get a head start until the other materials arrive. I am doing a rather simplistic tail, primarily turquoise with a lighter underside, and darker topside. The decor fins will be made using thin strips of the neoprene scraps, as I really do not like how the floor mat material sits (My friend used this after HF shared her way of making her tails. I wasn't too fond of it, personally - I want something with more flow). After the event is over in January, I will then paint scales on my tail for future uses.

The pattern/outline will begin today. Pictures coming in the next couple of days. I'd say, "Let the count-down begin", but I think I will officially start that on Monday.

12-15-2011, 04:50 PM

Mermaid Saphira
12-15-2011, 04:55 PM
Good luck! Can't wait to see how well it turns out :)

12-16-2011, 03:37 AM
good luck miss!

inactive account
12-16-2011, 11:54 AM
Good luck! sounds great btw very organised :)

Mermaid Shelly
12-16-2011, 03:05 PM
Sounds like you have a well thought out plan and I'm sure you can meet that timeline. Best of luck to you and can't wait to see it when it is done :)

12-19-2011, 03:08 PM
Well, here it is. Official count down *gulp*

In my head start, I got my body measurements, and made my pattern. Cut out the body part from the neoprene (still have to make the fluke), solidified my on-paper design for my mermaid outfit, which now will also include accessories, and bought some extra shells, and stuff.

My monofin just arrived today, and I am still waiting on paints. I have to get ready to go to work now, but can hopefully accomplish some sewing tonight. I think I will sew the body part of my tail before making the pattern for my fluke. The way I am doing my tail, the fluke will actually be sewn on separately. Will try to upload pictures tonight, when I get home.

12-19-2011, 09:56 PM
Be careful when you put on the fluke. That's what I did and I ended up with an ugly seam.

12-19-2011, 11:44 PM
Well, what I've done is cut a sort of scale-like pattern around my feet, instead of just a line or smooth oval. Eventually, after January's event, when I go in and add the painted scales to the main part of the tail, and the puffy paint to the fluke, I'm hoping it will look pretty nice. In the meantime, since I've cut it in a scale like shape, the seam shouldn't look too ugly. Not in theory, anyway. In actuality... well... we'll see. I'll cross my fingers >.< The neoprene really just wasn't long enough to fit my body up to the height I wanted it, AND my monofin. The leaderfins are a pretty good size, so.... yeah.

12-20-2011, 02:18 AM
I'm going to have to call it a night. I'm three quarters way done sewing. Well.... I would be, but I can tell already I'm going to have to take it in by a lot. That's okay though. I'd rather have too much tail than too little.

So far, I only have pics of the design itself:


And of the panels of cut neoprene:


Part of me wants to keep going, but I must listen to my body, and it is saying, "bed time!". Tomorrow I will try to finish sewing, and taking it in. Hopfully there will be time for a bit more.

12-27-2011, 11:16 PM
Giving an update:

The holidays proved to be QUITE the time suck, so it was hard to find ANY time to sleep, much less think about the tail. So I've been in super catch up mode since yesterday.
I assembled the body piece and attached the dorsals, pectorals, fringified them, and attached the zipper:
Closer look at the hidden zipper:

I added some elastic pieces to parts of the waist line to help it grab me better:

Cutting the monofin turned out to be a pain. I had to laugh at my attempt to get through it with an exacto blade. It was barely a scratch. I wish I'd taken a picture... pretty humorous stuff. Carbon fiber is some seriously tough stuff. I ended up purchasing a rotary tool with a grinding blade attachment. Went through 3 blades, but finally got the job done. I also had to shave off some of the top rubber that was a little too high (you really noticed it through the neoprene). Rubber was an even bigger pain to cut through, but with patience, it was achieved. This is my cut Leaderfin:

After that, I cut out the fluke on neoprene. The sheet was just BARELY big enough to fit. I need to shop around to see if any places carry wider sheets. Stretchhouse neoprene isn't wide enough to fit larger monofins like the Leaderfin and Finis Competator fins. And I prefer the look of a wide fluke. In any case, I then sewed the body of the tail to the fluke:

That is the last picture I have atm, but I've also attached pieces to the ends of the fluke and fringified them, and rather than putting the monofin in and sewing the bottom shut, I'm trying to come up with a way, aside from another zipper, to access the bottom of the tail. I would like to leave parts of it open so that water can flow out of it freely, avoiding any bubbling up of the fluke. I am putting pieces of velcro in every 2 inches or so. It's working for most of it, though it appeared that it would be odd in that middle notch part so I am currently trying to glue on a piece directly to the monofin. Takes 24 hours dry time so I will see tomorrow how it works out. Worst case, I may have to buy a short zipper for the middle (I really don't want to, as the middle part of my fluke has no fringy extra to hide a zipper or anything else, really.

If I can finish that tonight, I will also begin painting. I am still a little behind, because I wanted to start and complete the painting today, but that's probably not going to happen. I still need to paint it and detail it, and I will be adding some beads to some areas (to cover some of the stitching).

I have also begun constructing the top. Currently, 2 big shells are drying (used E6000 glue, per mernetwork recommendations) onto a sea-colored bra. Will be adding fake seaweeds, other little shells and starfish, pearls, and bunches of things after those are secured on. Again, those should be cured by tomorrow late morning. I've finished the necklace, bracelet, and will begin work on the headpiece at some point.

5 days left to complete everything. Crossing my fins >.<

12-27-2011, 11:18 PM
Ah yes, and I forgot to mention, I do plan on taking the tail and mertop by the next door pool to test swim them before the event next week. Test swims are a must.

Winged Mermaid
07-27-2012, 02:17 PM
I just thought I'd update this thread on how wonderful SireniaSolaris's tail came out! A great paint job and and hand beading, and this tail turned out amazing!

4839 4840

Angel the Little Merman
07-27-2012, 05:07 PM

Mermaid Kassandra
08-02-2012, 03:30 AM
O!!!It's wonderful!!!:D

08-02-2012, 04:20 AM
That's gorgeous tail! Good job! I have a question: What stitch did you use to sew the neoprene together?

08-02-2012, 10:31 AM
holy crazy! i can't believe it's just neoprene