View Full Version : How to make a trident

12-27-2011, 12:02 PM
I made a how to guide for making tridents! I added it to MerNetwork's list of how-to guides, or you can just click this link:

Mermaid Photine
12-27-2011, 12:11 PM
This is so awesome. It took so few steps!

12-27-2011, 02:01 PM
For my old merman costume, I just found a devil pitchfork (not that difficult, especially around halloween) and spray-painted it gold. The only downside there is that, while when I made my costume (back in the early nineties) costume devil pitchforks were pretty simple black and red constructs in plastic, they're now more commonly seen with more appropriately demonic features (rusty-looking prongs, skulls, etc) that don't really make for a good mer trident. So look for something simple. I never used my trident underwater, though. Malinghi, are there any specific kinds of spraypaint we should use that won't come off in water?

Mermaid Photine
12-27-2011, 02:04 PM
I think that a rust textured devil pitchfork with a skull would make a great trident for a pirate/adventurer mer- Spray paint it, then paint the rust to look like barnacles. Add some little crossbones under the skull and you are set! ^_^

12-27-2011, 05:32 PM
For my old merman costume, I just found a devil pitchfork (not that difficult, especially around halloween) and spray-painted it gold. The only downside there is that, while when I made my costume (back in the early nineties) costume devil pitchforks were pretty simple black and red constructs in plastic, they're now more commonly seen with more appropriately demonic features (rusty-looking prongs, skulls, etc) that don't really make for a good mer trident. So look for something simple. I never used my trident underwater, though. Malinghi, are there any specific kinds of spraypaint we should use that won't come off in water?

Yeah, I just did a google search, and you can find pitchforks that would work just fine as tridents. That's probably the reason no one has made a tutorial on this yet. Still, I like the idea of having a custom trident that matches the person's idea of what they would like it to look like.

As for paint, sorry, I don't know. I just used spraypaint, but there are probably better options. I guess it would be best to just look for what paints work well on PVC.

Mermaid Shelly
12-27-2011, 07:45 PM
This is awesome! Thank you so much :) I have always wanted one and envisioned long hours spent in a metal shpp to create it, and probably going broke in the process! Your solution is so simple and elegant, I am just blown away!

12-28-2011, 04:26 AM
We have a list of how-to guides?!?!?!

02-05-2012, 12:42 AM
We have a list of how-to guides?!?!?!

Ha, a lot of people don't know about this. I've been meaning to place it a little more prominently on the site. Its on my to do list.

Mermaid Saphira
02-05-2012, 09:29 AM
Thats is so super cool! To decorate it you could add wraps of seaweed around the points or the polewith little shells! Gotta get my dad into this stuf... :lol:

Merman Dan
06-20-2012, 08:41 PM
Or if Spartacus is more to your liking: Museum Replicas (http://www.museumreplicas.com/p-1830-trident.aspx)


Shipwrecked Blue
06-23-2012, 11:31 PM
Wow. i work at a home improvement store, so when my discount kicks in, I am so making one for myself and my fiance. Mine will probably be shiny or sparkly blue, though. Ha. :D