View Full Version : Finis Aquarious: repairing?

Mermaid Strega
12-17-2015, 10:48 PM
So I should have just sucked it up and bought the Rapid, but this was on sale and cute. I got the Aquarious a couple months ago. I stored it well and cleaned it nicely. Yet, I put it on today and somehow between this swim and the one a few days ago the foot pocket tore and one of the straps broke while I tightened it. >.< is it possible to repair it, perhaps by sealing the edge again with caulking?

I can post pics here in a bit of needed.

12-18-2015, 12:30 AM
I'm sorry that happened! I had a foot pocket tear on my rapid after its third use or so and it was not a good feeling. It seems like it just happens sometimes.
Have you tried contacting finis to see if they can do anything for you? They've been pretty helpful for other people.

Mermaid Strega
12-18-2015, 02:18 AM
I haven't actually. I bought it through Amazon so I wasn't sure they could do much. I'll try emailing them! Thanks for the suggestion!

Edit to add pics for future references:





Mermaid Jaffa
12-20-2015, 08:26 AM
You could remove the rubber parts of the foot pockets and then gluing on water shoes.