View Full Version : Ahhh...if only!!!! Nice design though!
02-01-2012, 05:08 PM
How sweet is this design!!!! I was just googeling monofins and found this beauty! Unfortunately, it is only a computerized image and not a real item you can buy or use :( I almost thought it was an adult finis mermaid monofin! :lol:
Mermaid Saphira
02-01-2012, 05:19 PM
DUDE! That is soooooo messed up! I seriously thought this was real :(
Man, they should make it real how cool would that be?
02-01-2012, 05:42 PM
I've seen that before and I was like "Really? You went all the trouble to design it and you now one is even going to make it?"
Seriously it would be so awesome!!!
I also came across this one a few years ago...
Same thing though, it's only a design no one had bothered to make it. :/
02-01-2012, 06:01 PM
Ooohh! that ones awesome too Aquatarian!!! I know, right!?!?? These people coming up with such creative monofin ideas need to just make them already!!! I'm working on a polycarbonate monofin right now and was trying to find mermaidy shapes when I found this. I'm making it!!!!! :) It is too perfect!!!!
02-01-2012, 06:07 PM
^ Awesome! That's really cool. I mean it's the perfect shape and it looks like it would still give you great propulsion. Good luck! You should update us here as you go.
02-05-2012, 04:06 PM
I know such a fin... but it's not that beautiful. Look here...
But I'm searching for such a fin:
Does anybody of you know the name of the fin or where I can get it?
Greetings from Austria ^^
Mermaid Saphira
02-05-2012, 04:14 PM
^ Our fellow mer Vickylynne made that monofin! She isn't selling them....yet
Here is her finished tail:
02-05-2012, 05:00 PM
ah, thanks for the information ;)
I thought I'm crazy because I couldn't find it anywhere. Now I understand :)
It's a shame that fins like the pink like in the first post are not produced...
Mermaid Saphira
02-05-2012, 05:02 PM
IKR?! :)
02-06-2012, 06:28 PM
Aahhh, the Vickylynn cool :) I am actually using the same materials as Lynsea from the Meryuku forum:
I'm using different foot pockets, and the fin will be a little larger with a sharper "V" shape. I have two sheets of polycarbonate so I'm making two to go in the tails I'm working on :) AND, I have another new design for scales! Will be working on them tonight and posting photos here very soon!:!!!!-I-m-LOVING-it!!!!-D
Mermaid Saphira
02-06-2012, 06:38 PM
I made a monofin to! Now if only I could find a picture :(........
02-07-2012, 04:08 AM
LindseyLu: The fin looks great... did you test it in the water until now?
I'm thinking about making my fin myself... but are the as well to swimm as the buyed ones?
02-07-2012, 11:23 AM
Cornelia: This is not my is Lynsea's from the old Meryuku forum (Mernetwork use to be Meryuku). If I remember right, it swam well. I know Capt. Nemo was a big info source for her as he has made one like this too. His swims well too :) I personally have not swam in a lexan monofin, but if I am correct the tails have polycarbonate monofins and they look great in the water! I've heard they can be a little uncormfortable, but that was due to the foot pockets and not the balde itself.
I noticed you are in Austria? It seems like there are a lot of monofin suppliers in Europe. Finswimming is pretty popular over there and hasn't quite picked up here in the US, which makes it hard to find a variety of fins to chose from here :( But, if you are a hands on individual, I think building a monofin is a great thing to do! It can give your tail a really unique look :)
If you really do want to make your own monofin, you should check out this forum:
02-07-2012, 03:13 PM
Hey, thank you for the answer. I will look for informations in this forum. :)
Yeah, im from Austria, but It's not popular in Europe... I saw a little TV Clip on youtube about the owner of ... it was just a project for her daughter and the most tails are exported...I never seen a maid in real life... but I saw the beautiful videos from Mermaid Dana with the dolphins and it opened my heart.
I wanted to be a mermaid till I can think and so I try to get informations to make a tail for myself... ^^
02-07-2012, 03:40 PM
<3 Mermaid Dana...she is such a sweetheart!!!! Wow, the mom sure scored on her idea...her tails are becoming VERY popular! :)
Good luck on your tail Cornelia, you've got a whole bunch of great people here to help you in your adventure if you need it!!! :)
Mermaid Dottie
03-30-2012, 01:44 PM
^ Our fellow mer Vickylynne made that monofin! She isn't selling them....yet
Here is her finished tail:
Oh, wow, does anyone know if Victoria is on here? I really REALLY want her to start making fins to sell soon. She's been working so hard for so long, she deserves for her business to be up and running.
I have her on FB...
04-23-2012, 08:43 PM
That first image actually looks exactly like a competitor that someone cut. I've seen a lot of pictures of them that people have just cut and sanded down into a fin shape for tails.
09-14-2013, 01:29 AM
Hello Cornelia!
I'm now selling my mermaid monofins! You can find them through my Etsy shop: Custom Mermaid Fins.
All the information you need to know about custom sizing of the monofin is available in the item's description. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!
09-15-2013, 06:45 AM
I NEED this fin!!
Would be perfect for my snaketails!
The first picture of the thread actually reminded me of the Finis product
but it's obvious how much better the nonexistent one would perform lol.
10-25-2013, 11:34 PM
Hello Cornelia!
I am now selling custom mermaid monofins, you can check out my Etsy page "Custom Mermaid Fins"
Each and every mermaid monofin is artistically hand crafted-no two fins are exactly the same, making them unique pieces of functional art. You have the option of choosing your boot size, and shape/style of the monofin. Both styles/shape of fins are separately listed on my Etsy page.
Please email me if you have any questions!
**I do not sell full mermaid tails. Only monofins.
The Harlem Mermaid
08-30-2014, 06:06 PM
Hello Dear! i so much would love to get one just like this, i have the wave mono fin, and want to shape it like this, but i rather get this one, only thing i m wondering is how sturdy is the fin, afraid it might break if bent during traveling. and how much would it be? thank you any advice it appreciated :)
Aahhh, the Vickylynn cool :) I am actually using the same materials as Lynsea from the Meryuku forum:
I'm using different foot pockets, and the fin will be a little larger with a sharper "V" shape. I have two sheets of polycarbonate so I'm making two to go in the tails I'm working on :) AND, I have another new design for scales! Will be working on them tonight and posting photos here very soon!:!!!!-I-m-LOVING-it!!!!-D
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