06-24-2016, 10:37 AM
Well, it is coming up on August and my annual gathering down on Cape Cod.... This year, it looks like it will be the second weekend in August, 8/13-8/14. I have limited sleeping space for those who would like to make an overnight, plus some space for those who don't mind 'roughing it' and can bring a tent. There is a nice small beach within easy walk of the house, and a larger, sandier beach a short drive (or swim) away on the other end of the cove. I usually provide lunch (sandwiches, chips, cookies/fruit, and water/soda/juice) for both days and we go out to dinner at a nice local seafood restaurant on Saturday night. There is a train that runs into the station at Buzzards Bay, and bus service to the Tedesky's by the rotary in Bourne. I can provide limited shuttle service between those two spots. If you are interested in coming, please let me know.