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View Full Version : In Defense Of Ariel

Princess Kae-Leah
09-28-2016, 04:05 AM
It seems that among mermaid fans, Disney's The Little Mermaid is a very divisive film. Some love it, and some absolutely hate it. Ariel's character especially is often criticized for being a poor role model who gave everything up for a guy she didn't even know. I think there's validity to some of the criticism that the film is not a very faithful adaptation to the original Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale, as yes the original story is beautiful and more bittersweet than the Disney movie, but in spite of that, Disney's version of TLM still remains my favorite mermaid movie of all time, and my second favorite movie period(I give Disney's 1951 animated adaptation of Alice in Wonderland a slight edge). I'll share some of the reasons why I still love it so much:
(1) No mer-world in fantasy media ever seemed more enticing to me than Disney's Atlantica, and it will always influence how I think of merfolk. In Atlantica, merfolk live in harmony alongside most sea creatures and can speak to them, with a few notable exceptions such as the shark that chased after Ariel and Flounder. While it's not exactly stated outright that the merfolk are vegetarians, King Triton hates the humans for being "fish-eaters", and in the excellent but unfortunately somewhat obscure nowadays prequel animated TV series, it's clearly shown that merfolk eat a diet composed of seaweed salads, seaweed donuts, etc. As a vegetarian and animal lover, that's a very attractive fantasy world for me indeed! For me, part of why I love the fantasy of merfolk so much is the imagined ability to talk to animals as an equal in a way mere mortals certainly cannot. On the other hand, I can't watch the famous lobster scene in Splash without cringing, and was absolutely shocked and horrified the first time I saw it. That scene was so upsetting to me that for many years I would always say I hated that movie, though as I matured I have learned to appreciate it to some degree in spite of that(yes, I know in real life Daryl Hannah's a fellow vegetarian, so at least it wasn't real, but I still hate the idea of the scene). There are other mer-media that portray merfolk that are vegetarians or can communicate with sea creatures, but very few of a quality even close to Disney's The Little Mermaid.
(2) Ariel's one of those fictional characters where there's more to her than what it might seem on the surface, no pun intended. Yes, she's impulsive and naive, she's also an insatiably curious explorer who yearns to see other worlds. Remember, she sang about wanting to learn more about the human world and stubbornly and passionately insisted to her father than humans "are not barbarians" BEFORE she rescued Eric.
(3) The first time I ever saw a "mermaid" in person was meeting the Ariel face character at Disneyland. Seeing her sit there in her sparkly fabric tail, acting completely in character, and flipping it in parades, was part of what inspired me to get a tail of my own.

09-28-2016, 12:53 PM
From a completely objective standpoint, I don't think she would have much to offer an aspiring real-life mermaid because as a cartoon character, many of the things she did in the underwater scenes would be impossible for an actual person to accomplish. The underwater motions of the H2O/Mako mermaids are actually possible to do since they are real actors being given real direction. However, that is also part of the beauty of animation because it creates a world where literally anything is possible. I think if Ariel did inspire any real-life mers, they might be embarrassed to admit it because she comes from such a fantastical world that couldn't possibly exist except in people's imaginations. In fact, most people who have portrayed her in real life don't even usually swim. Traci Hines' famous "Part of Your World" music video was filmed completely on land using bubbles and visual effects to emulate water.


While I find that very few mers aspire to be just like Ariel, she does get referenced every so often in news and informational videos about mermaids, probably because people who aren't very familiar with them would still at least know who she is. That said, Mermaid Catalina of Sheroes Entertainment seems to be a huge Ariel fan, as I've noticed she dresses up as Ariel in a very large portion of her photoshoots and videos. There is a shamless Little Mermaid plug during the very last five seconds of this video of her, and she dresses like Ariel throughout most of it even though she doesn't mention it directly:


So there definitely are mers who were inspired by the movie.

Now, from a completely subjective standpoint, I think Ariel is an excellent role model for regular everyday girls who may or may not be able to swim, but it has absolutely nothing to do with being a mermaid. Her movie was revolutionary for its time, started the Disney Renaissance, and give us the first fully active Disney heroine who took control over her own destiny instead of waiting for someone to come save her like Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. She inspired a whole generation of girls to chase after their dreams, take risks, and not be afraid to jump in the deep end even if it might be dangerous. She was a large part of the reason I worked so hard in school, felt ready to move away from my parents, and went for all the things in life that I really wanted but wasn't certain I could do. She also made me believe in love because as an asexual, I knew that I wasn't compatible with most people I had crushes on just like how her body wasn't designed to allow her to be with the man she loved. Since she never let that stop her, I never let it stop me, and now I'm getting married next year!

So yes, Ariel is a wonderful character in general, but she doesn't necessarily have much to offer aspiring mers since she hated being a mermaid herself. I think liking Ariel and wanting to be a mermaid are two completely separate things, even though there's nothing wrong with doing both.

Princess Kae-Leah
09-28-2016, 04:10 PM
Oh my Poseidon, Lisa, you are so insightful! You raise some really interesting and valid points. I do think some mers do take issue with Ariel rather being a human, and H2O did really inspire a lot of people because like you said they are live actors actually swimming. Likewise I think that's probably why Splash is so beloved around these parts, as Daryl really did swim in her tail. That starts to get into the other thread topic I started, fantasy vs athleticism. Ariel is good fantasy mermaid inspiration, and the H2O gals and Madison are good athletic mermaid inspiration.