View Full Version : Any examples of REALISTIC dry tails?

Princess Kae-Leah
02-22-2012, 07:04 PM
Are there any pictures out there of realistic-looking mertails that are not designed to be swam in, or are open at the bottom of the fluke so you can walk if necessary. By realistic, I mean, made of latex, ALEX, silicone, neoprene, etc., NOT spandex or another regular fabric, I'm not talking about your average Ariel cosplay or Halloween costume ;).

Mermaid Saphira
02-22-2012, 07:14 PM
Hmmm....I don't believe I have ever seen one before! Good luck finding one though :)

02-22-2012, 10:21 PM
The tail from this photoshoot is a Thom Shouse "dry tail" meaning it is latex, not urethane (MUCH lighter in weight) and has no monofin in it.

Thom's Latex dry tails are $2,500. The only thing photoshopped in the picture below is just my waist, to make it blend.


Princess Kae-Leah
02-22-2012, 10:45 PM
@Sirenade-Thanks for sharing! I do love Thom's tails, but whoa, the price tag! Not really that unfairly high when you consider who's making it, but still too rich for this mermaid's blood! ;)

Is it possible to make a latex tail that is open at the bottom so someone can pull up the fluke and take baby steps, like Fin Fun's tails?

02-23-2012, 04:42 PM
Im sure it would be a simple matter to make a realistic tail exactly like you would for swimming only leave out the monofin and not seal up the bottom. The only problem is that such tails do not stretch at all (well, they do sort of but not nearly as much as a plain fabric one) so walking would be a little bit different and probably a little bit more difficult.

02-23-2012, 07:53 PM
I wonder if someone could make a "walkable" mermaid tail by imitating the classic French two-tailed mermaids? Kind of like mermaid-tail-blue-jeans?

Mermaid Photine
02-23-2012, 09:47 PM
For an ice skating show I was in (Peter Pan), the costumer made leggings and dyed them to look very pastel-swirly and magical. Then she sewed some stiff transclucent fabric on the outsides of the lower calves to make it look like fins. The affect was beautiful.

Princess Kae-Leah
02-23-2012, 10:24 PM
@SweeteSiren-What I have in mind is just like a regular realistic tail, only the fluke is open

02-24-2012, 12:08 AM
Remember how Raina's mertailor tail had just a pocket and the monofin fit inside? I bet you could have cut open the bottom and taken out the monofin and had a walkable, realistic tail.

02-25-2012, 06:32 PM
To walk in the tail without stretching it you would need to have a slit in it at least up to the knees. I guess a zipper or velcro in the back would work for that.

02-25-2012, 06:46 PM
The first tail I made for a costume party (that got me thinking about making swimmable tails) I made with a horizontal slit that was closed with velcro when I wanted a tail, and that fit my legs through like a skirt above my knees with the rest of the tail hanging down.
It's not realistic, but I bet you could make something like it with neoprene or something.
It's an old photo, but you see what I mean :P

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/19838_1301152245065_1118196357_929003_2516162_n.jp g

Princess Kae-Leah
02-25-2012, 07:47 PM
Another must for me is any tail of mine would have to be very lightweight OUT OF THE WATER and not be too hot to wear in the heat. I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 pounds, so basically a tail must not be much heavier than wearing some dresses. It it even possible to make a realistic tail that weighs under 10 lbs and isn't hot to wear in heat?

02-25-2012, 09:05 PM
Yes! My first tail (that I made) would be that light if I took out the monofin. I covered a spandex tail with caulk. That cuts out the weight of neoprene. Plus, the caulk could be spread even thinner than I did to be even lighter. It can be sort of hot but it isn't avoidable because anything latex or silicon with not breathe at all. It isn't really that bad, though. (Also, if you use clear caulk, you don't have to paint it and it would be even more realistic because fish scales are actually clear and it's the skin below that is colored.)

Princess Kae-Leah
02-25-2012, 10:32 PM
What kind of caulk did you use, and may I ask how much it cost you to make your tail(not including the monofin)?
Does anybody else have a tail that zips, Velcros, snaps, etc. open at the fluke or has a retractable fluke

Mermaid Photine
02-25-2012, 11:10 PM
What about a jersey/knit fabric (like t-shirt material) that is decorated with beads or those shell sequins in another thread? You can it up with paint, and it'll be shiney and scaley and not very heavy (unless you choose heavy beads)

Winged Mermaid
02-25-2012, 11:44 PM
I wouldn't recommend using a spandex tail with a caulk coating for dry wear. People have been really adversely effected by exposure to caulking like ALEX, and that's with a solid neoprene base and in water so they don't have much contact and the toxins are diluted in water. Plus caulking or not, having it clear isn't a very good idea. Latex, silicone, caulking, ect- it all eventually discolors. If you look at Shimmer's PAX tails the bottom where the silicone was clear is now brown. That's just what happens. I've cautioned people about depending on the color under these materials for that reason. Painting over the material shouldn't be too much of an issue for you, as usually the paint only scrapes off on rough surfaces like rock and such or the concrete in the pool.

Winged Mermaid
02-25-2012, 11:57 PM
This is the most realistic walking tail I've seen: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/298960_253263678043763_184952671541531_632149_1987 517854_n.jpg

Mermaid Photine
02-26-2012, 12:02 AM
That is super-clever! I wonder what it is made out of.

Winged Mermaid
02-26-2012, 12:05 AM
It's cast latex, cast super light :)

Princess Kae-Leah
02-26-2012, 12:06 AM
Would a retractable fluke work? That way when the fluke is on, it won't look obviously open

02-26-2012, 01:07 AM
Mermaid Aradia might have what you're looking for, her tail is spandex that came with a scale pattern on it, and she velcros the fluke shut so she doesn't have to bend her competitor.

02-28-2012, 10:07 AM
I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but Magic Tails are open at the bottom so that you can take the monofin out. For a fabric tail, they are very realistic.

03-06-2012, 08:13 PM
1986 This picture is a little old, but I was able to make this dry tail out of plastic that was cut out into scales and I had sewn it onto regular fabric. It was aaaaalot of effort but totally worth it. Despite my sad face xD