View Full Version : Greetings from Portugal! :D

02-24-2012, 06:05 AM
Oh dear, I totally missed this thread!
I presented myself in other post and didn't even saw this special one for Introducings! (Epic Fail Mafalda)

Okay, so Howdy Guys!
My name is Mafalda, you can call me Mafi for short, I'm okay with it =p
I have 21 years old, and I am from Portugal, Lisbon/Cascais! (Now you guys can stalk me! =p Just kidding!)

What Mafalda Mermaid do:

- I work in ZONTvCabo, which is a company that sells Television, Phone and Internet services, and I'm happy with it, cause I get to work near my dad. I love him, he is my best friend, and he always supports everything I do, including this "mermaiding" one! I feel I can tell him everything that he won't judge me :)
- I also have another hobby, which is Customizing 3D Model Horses, such as Breyers, Peter Stones, Artist Resins, and I have became professional about it. I have my own site, and people buy from me worldwide.

Now, lets talk about how I became a Mermaid!

- I have been "turned" into a mermaid Last September, when I finally ordered my tail, from MagicTail.De, and I may say I'm really happy! :D
Being a mermaid was always my childhood dream! I remember my grandy making me a tail out of Duvet Sheets, when I was 6 years old, and I used to spend the whole afternoon with it! Never swimmed with it though, my mom used to be very "protective" and she was scared if I'd sink or not! hahaha xD
I will be honest, I never thought that people would work as professional mermaids worldwide, and I only knew that through Youtube!
I Accidentaly, yet luckily, pressed on a video, of a mermaid, I believe it was Melissa Mermaid, and I saw her with that fantastic tail, swimming, working as a mermaid!! I got so surprised and begun to search more about it! Found many mermaid's videos! Raina, Raven, Hannah... I just had to be part of it as well! :D Found a nice site, with affordable tails, and decided to order my first one!
Everytime I come from work, I stay dressed with it in my sofa, till I go sleep :) It feels so good for me!

I found this forum recently, and I'm extremely happy with it!
People are really nice and I feel that I'm gonna do many friends here! :D

Thank you for reading my huge post, shame on meeee! I talk too much, don't I? xD
Oh and again, sorry for my grammar errors, I promise I'll get professional soon! hehehe

Have a wonderful day and Happy mermaiding guys!
Mafalda Mermaid

Sea Pearl
02-25-2012, 02:49 PM
Welcome to MerNetwork, Mafalda! It's so nice to have another mer join the community :) You live in Portugal...I went there once when I was younger and loved it. Have you started swimming in your tail yet? I cannot wait to get one but I need to save up first.
And don't worry about you're grammer, it's very good.

02-25-2012, 04:26 PM
Thank you so much! Yes, I live near the capital, Lisbon, but in the beach area. I don't knwo if you visited these areas, but I live in Cascais =p
It's good to know you liked my homeland! :D
I still didn't got the chance to swim in my tail! =/
I ordered it last winter, and I'm waiting for the weather lift a bit for I jump in my pool and try =p I have to say I'm pretty ansious.
Thank you again! :D