View Full Version : Being A Professional Dry Mermaid

Princess Kae-Leah
02-26-2012, 02:03 AM
For all the pro mers on the board, have you done many events where no swimming ability was required? Where does one look for gigs as a professional dry mermaid? Also, has anyone here done pro mer gigs in a low-end fabric tail, or do ppl usually only hire you if your tail is realistic?

02-26-2012, 03:08 AM
I know there are some dry gigs mostly in the winter or maybe festivals

02-26-2012, 04:16 AM
I know local entertainers have only fabric tails without even a monofin in them. I've also seen another mermaid for children's parties that has a long skirt with frills on the end to look like a tail and she's able to stand. Honestly, you'd probably get hired for more with a super realistic tail for "grown-up" stuff but for kids parties I can't see any reason why a fabric tail wouldn't work :)

Mermaid Saphira
02-26-2012, 12:30 PM
You could do children's birthday parties as a dry mermaid! You could read to them, play mermaid relaed games, have a tea pary...etc the list goes on and on! And a well crafted walk-in fabric tail should suffice!

Princess Kae-Leah
03-03-2012, 01:07 AM
Where does a mer go about looking for work?

Mermaid Sirena
03-03-2012, 08:42 AM
Oh lol I only just saw this thread, ignore my post on the other ^_^ I think just self promotion and being confident.

Princess Kae-Leah
03-03-2012, 08:50 PM
Another question: what about weight/size issues? Are mers usually expected to look like models? I'm not morbidly obese or what not, but I'm a size 14 and I think just SLIGHTLY overweight according to the BMI Index. Also, do places like Weeki Wachee or the Dive Bar EVER hire "dry" mers? Although, technically my tail *can* wet, I just can't actually swim in it. I'm game for sitting in a kiddie pool or hot tub or what not in my tail! ;) BTW, I've been doing research on the kid's party entertainment circuit, and most mermaids for hire for kid's parties(usually Ariels) do NOT in fact have very realistic-looking tails.

Mermaid Sirena
03-10-2012, 07:12 PM
My understanding of Weeki Wachee and Dive Bar's Business models they don't do dry land, they may have their mermaids on the land to say hi to guests but they are predominately an aquatic mer attraction.

Princess Kae-Leah
03-10-2012, 07:17 PM
I wondered if those places would make an exception for me, since I live and breathe the mermaid lifestyle and am unable to swim for health/disability reasons. I'd love to be a role model/inspiration for disabled mer-lovers.

Mermaid Sirena
03-10-2012, 11:52 PM
I highly doubt it love, at the end of the day they are a business with a very specific model. It's not about lifestyle it's about attracting the customers and putting on a show. Although I don't think you'll find a place their children's party could be wonderful, especially because they ask some of the most off the wall questions that I think you would really enjoy answering.

Princess Kae-Leah
03-11-2012, 01:14 AM
You're right, I think I would enjoy answering those questions, as is blatantly obvious from my thread about herbivore and omnivore merfolk, and other posts as well, I'm very big, as a writer, on imagining a complex world that my mersona lives in. In my Fictionpress series, I've created a magical world with its own rules. I could see myself having an answer for everything the kids could throw at me. It would be nice if my imagination and creativity would be worth something in the eyes of those hiring pro mers.

Mermaid Sirena
03-11-2012, 01:18 AM
It helps to be able to think on your feet, I'm thankful every time I have experience with improvisational acting. It's the only thing that saves my tail from their questions.

Princess Kae-Leah
03-16-2012, 08:42 PM
I know my somewhat radical environmental and animal welfare views are a turnoff to some, but I promise firmly that I understand being appropriate and respectful of your audience and the venue, so I would never lecture kids about overfishing unless of course I was 1000% sure that's what they wanted to do. I have (mostly Disney) mermaid children's books I can read aloud to kids. I am pretty good, I think, at reading aloud and I think I can do some pretty decent character voices as part of that presentation. I also have some sea creature plushies I can bring along with me to talk about. I also have a very nice, authentic Disney Alice In Wonderland costume and can do a pretty good Alice impression. I know Disney's animated Alice film backwards and forwards, and can recite the dialogue perfectly. I don't have a lot of experience with children personally, I admit, BUT as someone who has spent A LOT of time at Disneyland, around costumed characters, I have studied how they act around children and I think I can emulate it. I've always wanted to be a face character. I was in choir for a pretty brief time in elementary and middle school, so I have a wee bit of singing experience I guess, though I'm certainly no Jodi Benson. I can do a pretty good "Very Good Advice" or "World Of My Own" from Alice, but I'm not sure I have the pipes to pull off "Part Of Your World", although I have an excellent memory and am great at remembering song lyrics.

Princess Kae-Leah
03-17-2012, 08:11 PM
If I do go ahead and do this, I'd like to have a pretty good shot of making per month at least roughly the same amount as what I get from my monthly SSI payments(around $500 a month). If I was to go public as a business, I'd risk losing my SSI payments, so tell me, pro mers is making around $500 a month doable for a dry mer/party character? Also, this may be TMI for at least some of you, but there are *ahem* some days of the month that I do not for the most part get along well with others, so I doubt I would do a great job as an entertainer during those times(I also don't usually wear my tail during certain times, for fear of staining the delicate, hand-wash-only synthetic fabric). How does it work to schedule what days you will and won't be available to booking? Another issue is I do not own a car, and do not even have a driver's license, so I'm limited with how far I can commute. So with all that in mind, could I make it work?

03-18-2012, 05:24 PM
You could always do free events for charity or something and see if you enjoy being in that kind of atmosphere. That way you're not really risking anything and you can look at it as a trial-deal. Are there any town fairs or events coming up in your community? Maybe something your public library is hosting?

Mermaid Sirena
03-20-2012, 08:42 PM
I personally have not had a $500 month and that's with being hired through an already established Mermaid who has roots and clients (I love you Alasea!) However I have been doing this for only about a year now I think and I do live in South East Michigan, frankly the economy is TERRIBLE and we do tend to be frozen solid 5-6 months out of the year.

03-20-2012, 08:53 PM
You know, the renaissance fair may be a place to start.
They usually don't have mermaid attractions. The one by me just started making a pirate area this year and they featured a mermaid.
While the area is right next to a lake, neither of the mermaids were in the water. One was on a floating "dock" made of foam on top of
the water and another was up the dock on a table with a net thrown around her.
I don't think anyone is specifically looking for a "wet" mermaid unless they already have something set up- like a pool, a tank, etc.
If you just start your own event, you can do whatever you'd like.

From how they work things at my ren-fest, they make you do a year or so of volunteer work before they pay you. I guess to see how
popular you are and junk. Still, you could ask them if you can set up a stand, be a dry mermaid, read stories to kids, bring little seashells,
make them bracelets, take pictures with them, etc.
It's worth a shot, and it'll be fun either way, right? Lol

Princess Kae-Leah
03-20-2012, 08:58 PM
I MIGHT be appearing at Autism Day WA this August!

@Kanti, it seems that most of the higher-profile places that hire mers(Weeki Wachee, the Dive Bar, various aquariums and marine parks around the country, etc.) only hire "wet" mermaids, as their mermaid shows are usually built around tanks or pools, and they have a business model that they are unlikely to stray from.

03-20-2012, 10:27 PM
Congratulations on your tentative event! It's a first step. :)

Mermaid Bella
05-17-2012, 02:58 PM
I think you might be able to get some solid work as a party mermaid. My sister in law was a childrens party dancer and made a good amount during study. If you promote yourself well make sure you inform the mums and dads that you cannot swim in a full pool incase the kids request it. Perhaps bring along a portable pond for you to sit in to keep the magic. I think there is also a wonderful opportunity to educate disabled merchildren. Or other merchildren who cant swim. Show them that nothing can stop them from living their dream. I once saw a kids mermaid who set up at a library with a bathtub to show off the tail.

forgot to add that bas a child i had severe back issues, i had my first chiro when i was 6. over the years i have learned to work with my injuries. i refused a back brace when i was in primary school and i have never looked back. excuse the pun.