View Full Version : This May Be Personal, But What's The Most You Mers Would Consider Spending On A Tail?

Princess Kae-Leah
02-26-2012, 05:18 PM
For me, I don't think I could ever justify spending more than $500 on what is essentially a costume.

02-26-2012, 05:30 PM
it's different for everyone KL, I make a bit of my living as a mer so high quality and something that will last me years is what I needed.

Mermaid Saphira
02-26-2012, 05:32 PM
Never over $200 as I am not a pro and do not need a tail to make $$ as Raina does with her tail. I just need mine to read @ the library to kids and swim ;)

Princess Kae-Leah
02-26-2012, 05:51 PM
@Raina, I understand that. I try to keep that in mind, that for you and other pro mers like Raven, etc., your high-end tails is essentially a business expense. It's comparing apples and oranges to compare what meets your needs to mine.

02-26-2012, 08:43 PM
If I had the money to spend on a tail I would spend a few thousand on something amazing. However, I don't... But I can justify a few hundred, a little at a time, on my own work.

02-26-2012, 09:39 PM
I'm in a position right now to spend a little bit more than I would have a few years ago on a tail. I'm not a professional, although I may try for that after my braces are off in the summer, but it's worth it to make it that much more real to me.

But I'm one of those people who blows a ton of money on hobbies. Some people spend their money on cars, or clothes, or a nice house or what have you. Not me! I've got a kimono collection worth several thousand dollars at this point, but my winter coat is five years old and won't zip anymore, lol.

I think it has a lot to do with what your priorities are :)

Mermaid Lorelei
02-26-2012, 10:53 PM
Yay for another kimono collector!

02-26-2012, 11:29 PM
Dude! Yay! yayyyyyyyyy!

02-26-2012, 11:50 PM
If I had that kind of money I would, but I don't so guess I don't have to think about that :$

Gem Stone
02-26-2012, 11:56 PM
If I had the money, I would spend the money and get a realistic silicone. As I do not, I am stuck with building mine for a bit more than $200

02-27-2012, 02:03 AM
I love the idea of making my own tail, and making it exactly how I want it. That may take trial and error, failures and success, experimentation, multiple textiles, etc. And I see it as part art, part hobby and part costume. So I dont' have a monetary limit on what I'd spend as long as I was happy spending it on what I like. I've made costumes that have cost me over $600 from beginning to end, and they didn't involve half of the materials/processes that making a tail would!

Mermaid Jewel
02-27-2012, 07:49 AM
Right now, I can't justify anything over $250 because essentially that's what my new tail is going to cost me to make (amazing, isn't it?). And since it's supposed to be at least somewhat realistic, that's good for now :) When I start making serious money, then I could justify more for myself :)

02-27-2012, 12:39 PM
We'll probably spend no more than $200 on my wife's tail. If she likes being a Mer, she'll probably start making her own, which could end up being either cheaper of more expensive depending on how elaborate she wants to get.


02-27-2012, 05:42 PM
my tail was an investment as i swim all over Arizona and possibly in other states by rather next year or the end of this year, i hope.
for a costume i would never go over $100
i cant wait till you get the tail of your dreams, kae-leah =)

02-27-2012, 06:48 PM
It's a hobby thing, and hobbies are expensive.

It's just like buying anything. You can opt for the cheaper side and still get the same experience. Or you can chip in a little more for a longer lasting, better looking, more luxurious item.

Do I think that $500+ for a tail is crazy? Yes I do. But would I be willing to pay the price for the experience? Probably. It's what you feel conformable with. I WISH tails were, at the most, $250. But the price of a high end tail almost adds to the beauty of it.

And almost everyone could agree, IF you had the money for a realistic tail, would you get it? Most people would IF IF IF they had the money to.

02-27-2012, 06:54 PM
This question has come up in many forums I am in; be it mermaid tails, belly dance costumes, movie recreation costumes... the list goes on.

I've spent over $600 on a tail & I'm not a pro mermaid.
I've spent over $1000 on a belly dance costume & while I am a pro belly dancer the costume is not the style I dance & therefore it's of no use to me in pro performances.
I've spent over $2000 on one PART of a movie costume I was making (the custom dyed pink ostrich feather boas for the bustle on my pink diamonds costume from Moulin Rouge) & I am not a professional Nicole Kidman impersonator nor was it for a movie.

All of the above I purchased because it made me happy. I saved money, I worked hard, I sold things to do what made me happy.

I get *really* upset with threads like these that seem to almost berate people for frivolously spending money on something they 'don't really need' or 'what is essentially only a costume'. I don't think that was the purpose of the original question but obviously this is a hot button for me. :p

If you don't want to spend a ton of money then don't. That's cool But do not look down upon others who chose to do so if it makes them happy. I agree, it is all about where your priorities are. But if you are jealous of those that DO spend the money for it and are tearing them down for spending the money because of that... not cool.

02-27-2012, 06:55 PM
KL, Raven is selling a beautiful neoprene purple sequined tail and it doesnt have the monofin in it so the fluke is open and still realistic looking! It's not finished, personally I think it looks great the way it is, but she's selling it with the sequins too so whoever buys it can finish it if they want! It might be perfect for you, it's a Hannah Fraser style!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/419702_3441144227001_1222432636_33484198_781771667 _n.jpg

Mermaid Saphira
02-27-2012, 06:56 PM
^ That is MERMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want a blue one like that :D :D :D :D

Princess Kae-Leah
02-27-2012, 07:19 PM
Wow, wowie! Raina, how much is she charging and what are the tail's measurements? If it was Raven's, I probably wouldn't fit into it as I'm taller than she is and at least two dress sizes bigger(I think). That is the closest I've seen in a while to my dream tail in a while!

@Scarlet Rose-I'm not trying to put anybody down or judge them for spending lots of money on mermaiding! Heck, I have a vintage Barbie collection, and I spent $200+ on my vintage favorite doll(a 1968 titian Talking Stacey, Barbie's "British Chum" who had her talking mechanism repaired so she can still talk) at a doll show, still pretty cheap compared to most tails and many other vintage collectible dolls, yes, but still a lot to spend on a Barbie by many peoples' standards, so I certainly am not one to judge, I can assure you. If anything, I sometimes wonder if those of us who aren't willing to spend large amounts of money on our tails could come off as less "serious" and "dedicated" about mermaiding than those who have no qualms about handing over four digits on a SFX-quality silicone tail.

02-27-2012, 07:32 PM
It might be able to go up higher on you since you wouldnt have the monofin in it. Does anyone in your family sew? Im sure they could let it out a bit too, and dont forget neoprene stretches. She's taking the best offer she gets. So, who knows I think it's worth a shot maybe talk it over with your folks? early present? hahah

Princess Kae-Leah
02-27-2012, 07:46 PM
The link doesn't work for me. :( Money is super-tight right now, honestly, so I doubt I could get it now.

Prince Calypso
02-27-2012, 10:13 PM

02-28-2012, 04:21 AM
I paid US$2,500, which sadly worked out to be $5-6,000 here with very poor exchange rates-which is more than I wanted to pay. I'm with Nirix and Scarlet Rose. :) I spend whatever I want to on my interests. Not because I'm swimming in dough (I wish! haha!), but because if I want something, I'll budget accordingly and save until it's realistic. That's what I think is the most important when deciding on a tail, to make sure the tail you want is realistic for you.

02-28-2012, 04:54 AM
I think, if you're not one to put the work into the actual crafting (and there are lots of people like that), you should put as much time and effort as you would crafting into something that will make you the money to buy the tail of your dreams. It's not reasonable to expect to do less work for the same product, unless you're an heiress or something.

03-15-2012, 04:34 PM
If I had lots of money, price wouldn't matter to me!! lol but as I'm on a very low income at the moment, I have to save and save what I can, to get what I want :) At this point in my life there is no way I could afford a fancy tail from the lovely mertail online shops that are out there, I'm going to try and make my own. Plus with living no where near the sea, all I have is a local pool :( It would be silly to spend lots of money as I'd hardly ever use it :( It definatly depends on people's situations and locations :)

03-15-2012, 05:30 PM
It really depends on how well the tail is made, and how I am for money at that time.

03-16-2012, 06:48 AM
Umm, right now I'm looking at a couple hundred, but I'm making my own. I wouldn't buy a tail, I want one that reflects exactly what I want and I want to be able to say I designed and made my own from start to finish. I even have a friend who has the materials to make custom monofins so the whole thing should be unique. I guess I'm more okay spending money on something that's an experience and not on a monetary object.

03-16-2012, 02:24 PM
www.facebook.com/mermaidparties sells realistic tails made from silicone/latex for $200 and free shipping in the US if you're interested. They're custom painted any way you like as well, with a built in monofin for easy swimming :)

03-16-2012, 03:19 PM
At this point in my life with a cruddy retail job I can't go beyond $500, If I had a better job with benefits (Health, sicks days, vacation) and a increased paycheck I would love to spend the extra cash but for now spandex will have to do.

I also have other Priorities, hobbies (action figures, Blu-Rays/DVD's and gaming) and my also have to save.

03-16-2012, 05:31 PM
Check out www.facebook.com/mermaidparties They sell realistic latex/silicone tails custom painted for $200

03-16-2012, 08:29 PM
Check out www.facebook.com/mermaidparties (http://www.facebook.com/mermaidparties) They sell realistic latex/silicone tails custom painted for $200

While that is great I'm going to wait and see other board member reviews, Also more pictures and details would be useful as well.

Gem Stone
03-20-2012, 12:41 AM
I can give more details when the tail I ordered comes in

03-20-2012, 08:41 AM
I, too, think it is definitely about priority. I am my only source of income to support myself and my baby girl. So between her necessities, my necessities, and household bills, the little I am able to save past that is very important to have as "emergency money" in the bank. To me, this is all something that means a lot. And when I have a hobby I am focused on, I invest in it. I have thousands of dollars worth of belly dance costumes, accessories, and props. I have a cello, which is pricey, and my art and sewing stations in my house have a considerable amount of worth in them. It is harder to have spending money now than when it was just me, but I work extra shifts to get extra so that I can save. And sometimes you get lucky and catch a break. I got to experience one of Jesse's dragonskin tails, and that won me over. And I'll be getting that for less than half of what I'll be spending on another tail I am waiting to buy, but I'm still going to buy that one, too because - well - I want it, lol. That's all there is to it :)

You set your priorities and you get the things you really really want :)

03-28-2012, 02:56 PM
500 might seem a bit steep but furries pay almost as much if not more for their suites
i have a freind who payed close to a thousand bucks for vampire fangs

i think when it's something your really want that you feel defines you as a person there is no price tag.
i want my tail and i'll pay as much as i can for it
is out of my price range but the two hundred for the tail i'm getting is within my price rang even though my family feels i'm paying all this money for something that is basically a costume
but it's not a costume to me so i'm like i have to have it

Hey Prince Calypso, my PMs are messing up. Are you not interested in my tail anymore? :) just need to know before I let it go to other buyers.

03-29-2012, 09:21 PM
When I made my tail, I could only spend about...oh, maybe $150? Something like that? I say that with a question mark because I was able to do this out of the kindness of my parents' hearts - they bought me the fabric, and my mother helped me make it. I don't know how much it came down to, really. I didn't want to spend any more than that because I knew if I didn't turn out loving swimming with it, it would be a waste to spend more. I'm very grateful that I was able to spend that much on it - though I'm sure that if I had asked, they would have let me do more to it (meaning more money spent).

When I have started earning enough to support myself, when I have everything I need, then I can start worrying about saving up for something better. I'd definitely be willing to spend something like $1000 - or more - on a tail, if I had that kind of money to spend.

Prince Calypso
03-30-2012, 02:58 PM
500 might seem a bit steep but furries pay almost as much if not more for their suites
i have a freind who payed close to a thousand bucks for vampire fangs

i think when it's something your really want that you feel defines you as a person there is no price tag.
i want my tail and i'll pay as much as i can for it
%00 is out of my price range but the two hundred for the tail i'm getting is within my price rang even though my family feels i'm paying all this money for something that is basically a costume
but it's not a costume to me so i'm like i have to have it

Mermaid Dottie
03-30-2012, 08:13 PM
Fantasy is my passion, and I want there to be more magic here, in Utah. The Rockies are so mysterious-looking, you can almost see a satyrs dancing in their forests or waternymphs playing in their streams. The more realistic, the better the imagination stimulation in little ones, which is what I want.
I don't wanna spend thousands, but I want more realistic tails. Tails that make people question reality a little.

04-02-2012, 06:46 PM
I caught the Mertailor's realistic latex tail on sale. I spent a little under $600 -- AND THIS IS MY FIRST TAIL. I wanted something I would love to begin with, and not sit and wonder if I had gotten the wrong one. I was originally going to order a neoprene tail, but that was going to run me a little higher. So I opted for the realistic tail instead. I may still buy a fabric tail -- but I am trying my hand at sewing, and may try and make one of my own. I had a very specific design in my head, but we will see if I can ever get it on paper ... -_-

My hobbies usually don't have price tags in my eyes -- I have thousands invested in my aquariums, and I also have my car hobby to contend with. ;) Mermaiding is winning out now. :)

Mermaid Dottie
04-02-2012, 07:51 PM
Kae isn't berating people, she was just honestly curious. Your costumes are beautiful, I know Scarlet. I also think Kae Leah's tail is adorable. She loves being a mermaid, just like we all do. I'm sure she's just money smart, is all. I've already spent more on my mermaiding then any of my family would approve of, (but they don't have to know that) but I also only spend money when I have it. AND I look for alternatives, like ways I can make it myself for cheaper. A penny saved is a penny earned.

08-23-2012, 04:50 AM
Since I'm making $8.50 an hour at my job and usually work about 35 hours a week, no more than $200. I spent $161 on the tail I ordered, plus about $40 on a matching bikini, which made things really tight for me until my most recent paycheck. However, I don't have a problem spending a little extra on express shipping.

When I get my tail, I'll probably see this as a hobby more than anything, though I could see myself being a pro mermaid later on down the line. I've seen Hannah Fraser videos on YouTube and I'd love to do what she does.

Mermaid Fenicia
08-23-2012, 05:12 AM
As I don't have any budget and I'm a seamstress I make my own tails. Except for the 2 monofins I have (a blue wave Finis and a white sport Leaderfin) my tails cost me about 10/15 euro each on materials. ;)

08-23-2012, 11:15 AM
the most i would see myself spending on a tail...realistically...is under 2 grand. just because i can't afford it in this point in my life. i have 3 picked out that are 1,000 each. and i own 2 that were under a grand, and have 2 more designed. so....when i aim to end with a half dozen tails.....they can't all be outrageously priced. it depends on what you're buying, because obviously you wouldnt spend 600 on a fabric tail, but for those of us who only do realistic tails, 600 is a totally normal nice price to drop.

08-23-2012, 11:29 AM
I would see myself spending 500$ on a tail at this point, but when i'm older, in my twenties, thirties or so, I would def spend a thousand :)

Mermaid Annariea
08-23-2012, 11:58 AM
ive spent $345 on my tail, and its my first. its a latex and neoprene tail from fish butts (https://www.facebook.com/fishbuttsforsale?ref=ts), and im super excited about it.
down the line, once i have the money and have been mermaiding in a tail for a while, i plan to buy a tail from raven, and will end up spending about $1000, which is awesome to me, i feel like id be stealing it from her because of the incredible quality of her tails.