View Full Version : Different types of orcas

Mermaid Ceto
07-10-2017, 05:12 PM
It is widely unknown that there are different types of orcas. I'm going to share them with you.

Northern hemisphere orcas

North Pacific residents: these orcas strictly eat salmon, mackerel, halibut, and cod. They are categorized into four subgroups based on what area of the north Pacific they live in.

Bigg's/transient: these orcas live in north America's west coast. They eat whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions.

Offshore: these orcas live nine miles away from any shore. Their pods consist of 20-75 individuals, but may reach up to 200. Their blunt teeth suggest that they eat prey with rough skin.

North Atlantic type 1: these orcas live around Norway, Scotland, and Iceland. They eat herring, mackerel, and sometimes seals. They are known to form bait balls in order to catch fish.

North Atlantic type 2: these orcas eat whales and dolphins, especially minke whales.

Orcas of the southern hemisphere

Type A: the largest of the southern orcas, reaching up to 31 feet long. They live in open waters of the southern ocean. They prey on minke whales.

Type B large: these orcas live in the southern ocean. They are known for creating waves that knock seals off of icebergs.

Type B small: these orcas live in the Gerlache strait of the Antarctic peninsula. Their overall diet is unknown, but they eat penguin.

Type C: these orcas live in the Ross sea. They eat Antarctic toothfish. They are the smallest southern orcas, at 20 feet long.

Type D: the rarest of the southern orcas. They live in subantarctic waters. They have the smallest eyepatch of all orcas. Their overall diet is unknown, but they are known to eat Patagonian icefish.