View Full Version : Q: MerNation fluke plus monofin can't decide
Mermaid Yumi
12-13-2017, 08:42 AM
Hello fellow mers,
I am still in doubt wheather to got the athena or the khaleesi fluke.
Reachering i have seen some video's of the khaleesi and is seems les flowy the the athena. (but this prob also depends on the monofin picked)
on the other hand video's of the athena are hard and rare to find.
So if you have a Khaleesi fluke could tell me wich monofin you piked and tell me a little about how flowy it is?
Maby even a link to a swiming video?
So i only found 1 athena video from mermaid bridgette And its seems flowy no idea what monofin she has. So if you have a athena i would also love to know what monofin you chose and would like to hear your story and see a video about it.
I want my fluke to be flowy, so far i love the khaleesi most but am a bit disepointed by the flowyness of the fluke in the video's i have seen so far.
Can anybody or menation give me some visable idea of the fluke movement with the differend monofins you can chise from the the effect of them on the flowyness of thease 2 fluke designs?
Love Mermaid Yumi
12-13-2017, 12:20 PM
I don't know of any Mers with the Athena fluke off the top of my head but I know Phantom's tail is well filmed and she has talked about her tail in several of her videos (Khaleesi). Her tail is actually the photo up on their website for the fluke. I believe she is The Magic Crafter on youtube, just like her website
Mermaid Vee
12-13-2017, 01:31 PM
I think the Athena fluke is a lot more child friendly as it looks more magical... but i think the floppiness of both flukes is extremely reliant on the mono fin and and shooter would portably make it significantly more flowy.
Mermaid Yumi
12-13-2017, 02:16 PM
I don't know of any Mers with the Athena fluke off the top of my head but I know Phantom's tail is well filmed and she has talked about her tail in several of her videos (Khaleesi). Her tail is actually the photo up on their website for the fluke. I believe she is The Magic Crafter on youtube, just like her website
I know her tail is the purple silver black one,i have seen a couple of video's but most ar from a distance ill look on het channel for some underwater footage.
12-13-2017, 03:29 PM
Hi there! The monofin generally used in the Khaleesi is the Finis Shooter. It fills up most of the fluke and gives it quite a bit of power with the ends still being fluid. The Athena is much larger/longer than the Khaleesi so it can be made with the Finish Shooter or the Trainer. The shooter makes the fluke very flowy/floppy as it only makes it about half way down the fluke. The trainer travels the whole length so just the trailing ends are floppy. Just up to your personal preference! The Athena is our largest fluke :) feel free to email us with any other specific questions
12-14-2017, 02:08 AM
I have the Athena with the trainer. I haven't swum in her yet as she only arrived today, but I am happy to take any photos or video of it you would like if it will help <3
The fluke is very flexible and even though the trainer runs the whole way through there is still a lot of flowy silicone so I imagine it will look fluid in the water.
12-18-2017, 10:40 PM
Hi there! I have the Athena with a competitor and, even with the bigger/stiffer monofin I have to say that it's still a little flowy. I have several videos of it on my IG (@MermaidTitania) and if you're looking for maximum flowy, I would say Athena.
Mermaid Yumi
12-20-2017, 10:58 AM
I have the Athena with the trainer. I haven't swum in her yet as she only arrived today, but I am happy to take any photos or video of it you would like if it will help <3
The fluke is very flexible and even though the trainer runs the whole way through there is still a lot of flowy silicone so I imagine it will look fluid in the water.
Lucky you i hope you can enjoy a swim in it soon. If you have the time do do so yes please i would love to see some footage of you swimming in it <3
Mermaid Yumi
12-20-2017, 10:59 AM
Hi there! I have the Athena with a competitor and, even with the bigger/stiffer monofin I have to say that it's still a little flowy. I have several videos of it on my IG (@MermaidTitania) and if you're looking for maximum flowy, I would say Athena.
Thankyou so much even with that fin it still has a realy nice flow to it.
Mermaid Yumi
12-20-2017, 11:03 AM
Hi there! The monofin generally used in the Khaleesi is the Finis Shooter. It fills up most of the fluke and gives it quite a bit of power with the ends still being fluid. The Athena is much larger/longer than the Khaleesi so it can be made with the Finish Shooter or the Trainer. The shooter makes the fluke very flowy/floppy as it only makes it about half way down the fluke. The trainer travels the whole length so just the trailing ends are floppy. Just up to your personal preference! The Athena is our largest fluke :) feel free to email us with any other specific questions
I know i can emaio you with every question i have :) An you will replay even the same day wich is what i love about you next to the tail.
I have to figure out the details cause i found some on that could design it for me, cause i tried but it doen't seem to come out the way i want it to.
But that also means i have to figure out wich fins and fluke i want.
After that the only part left is saving for it. Put putting up a picture should help with that.
Making the dream a bit more visable and touchable.
12-31-2017, 10:59 PM
Lucky you i hope you can enjoy a swim in it soon. If you have the time do do so yes please i would love to see some footage of you swimming in it <3
I finally got to swim in her. I haven't got video footage from the swim yet but I'm slowly putting photos up on my page. I hope those help you choose your fluke. I have to say the fluke is MASSIVE. I've included a comparison with my friends homemade tail and our other friends size 10 feet to give you an idea of the size.
01-14-2018, 08:24 PM
I have video footage of swimming in the Athena now, which my friend has uploaded to her account. I hope it gives you some idea of how it moves.
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