View Full Version : need a mer-name

03-30-2012, 10:51 AM
I need a mer-name, and I'm at a loss!!!! HELP! ...ok, I guess it's not THAT dire, lol... I just hate being stumped is all.
So, My name is Nicole, I come from Colorado.... long hair has kind of always been my trade-mark feature, (my nick-name in my trick riding days was Rapunzel) I have a few tattoos, though only one shows when I swim in my tail... I feel kind of, um, identity-less, mer-wise. I guess I never put a whole lot of thought into "who I am" as a mermaid- I just AM one. But now that I'm taking my tail to the pool regularly, I seem to have this small following that makes a point to show up when I do... they never come very close, so I just smile and wave at them from under the water and though I realize these people realize that this tail is spandex, I finally feel like having a mer-dentity is my next step. And being the lover of the ancient Egyptians that I am, I feel that our name is the first thing that defines us.
...so now you have seen my thought patterns in action.... I'm sorry if that was all over the place... if anyone has any ideas, suggestions or otherwise, please let me know. Thanks!!

03-30-2012, 11:04 AM
Egyptian names: http://www.mybirthcare.com/favorites/pg1/Egyptian-names.asp
Although I don't see anything wrong with "Mermaid Nikki" or something of that variation.

Mermaid Dottie
03-30-2012, 11:37 AM
I've always LOOOVED Isis.
You could try rearranging the letters in your name. I think Nicole is beautiful.
Colien? Lonice? Coneil?
My mermaid name is actually derived from my middle name. Dot's been what everyone's called me for a few years, so Dottie just seemed logical.
Lona Locks, maybe, for you're hair?
One day it'll just hit you, I bet.

Ayla of Duluth
03-30-2012, 11:56 AM
When I first joined this forum is when I decided to come up with a mermaid name for myself. I thought of a word that defines mermaids, hence Water, and then I tried to think of a word that would sound good with it. WaterWolf. And although it doesn't have an actual person's name in it, I feel like it defines me really well. So now in my city I'm known as Mermaid WaterWolf. :) maybe you could do something like that. use a nickname that doesn't even have your actual name in it. I find that sometimes, the anonymity comes in handy. Now I don't know a lot about egypt, so I wouldn't know a good word to use. but I'm sure you'd think of a really good one.

03-30-2012, 12:45 PM
Naunet- Egyptian goddess of the ocean,,
Also, in keeping with the "variations of Nicole" theme- Collette
or Cora, a name I've just always loved. One that I have played around with is Ladi... may seem a little strange, but our old family name is Latimer (which means translator) and I could change it a little... Ladi-mer. Hmmmm.... thanks for all the thoughts, BTW, keep em comin'!!

03-30-2012, 02:22 PM
You could also frencify Naunet to Naunette.

03-30-2012, 02:57 PM
Anqet - "Embracing Lady"
Water goddess of Elephantine.

http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/anqet.htm <--- info

Mermaid Dottie
03-30-2012, 08:25 PM
I like Cora! That's cute! Dare I suggest Coraline? Coralee?
Ladi is cute too, Ladi-mer even more so. Maybe color names?
Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire, Azure, Ebony, and add the Ladi to the end?

Mermaid Nyla
03-30-2012, 08:59 PM
My name is also Nicole! How neat! I've also found neat names by looking up names that define the sea
They're all so pretty. :)

04-01-2012, 09:19 PM
My mermaid name has nothing to do with the sea, or water, or anything... it was my code name for getting into trouble with my friends when I was younger, and identifies with death because (in our four riders of the apocalypse theme) I got pegged to be death. So. You can go with anything with your mer-name- it should identify you, become a mermaid, not a mermaid who happens to be you. Does that make sense? I think Mermaid Rapunzel would be awesome, particularly :)

04-23-2012, 12:30 PM
Lotus! That's my new mer-name, unless it's already taken.... PLEASE PLEASE tell me it isn't....

Mermaid Dottie
04-23-2012, 12:46 PM
I haven't seen anyone named mermaid lotus....

Siren of the Sea
04-23-2012, 01:28 PM
My name is Nicole as well. :)

The way I came up with Meriel Enna (or Enna) was my NaNo Novel from last year. I wrote the character to be based on me, and I can play her. I'm thinking of going more from the acting standpoint that I can act different mermaids based on the different tails I wear/stories I make. That might just be me though. :P

New York Mermaid
04-23-2012, 02:01 PM
Mermaid Lotus... I like it :) my friend who does anime made her character "jade lotus"

Lanai is a name of a hawaiian island, I has a few meanings depending on the person, or context..lol

Its nothing but a name to me. Mermaid Rose, ive seen soo many times, i decided against it (probably cause my name is Rose as well- its actually Roselyn- i wanted my mersona to be entirely different). So Mermaid Lanai was a name that stuck out to me. I'm planning to make a more darker version of Mermaid Lanai like an "evil twin". who I named Mermaid Kaida, Im working on her mersona as we speak im figuring a siren of some sort..

Siren of the Sea
04-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Ooooh that would be fun, and an evil twin would mean I could wear my same tail. :) If I may steal that idea. XD Or I might just make a siren figure; I was going to make a new one for the new tail I'm trying to get. :)

04-23-2012, 03:47 PM
I like Lotus. What was your reasoning behind it?

I chose my name based on my middle name- Belle. So I got Bellasea. Then zarina came from one of the names that describe the sea. I am pretty sure it is sea nymph or goddess. Also, I am thinking about dropping zarina and just having Bellasea. (as soon as I find the post to ask for a name change) :)

04-28-2012, 04:19 PM
My mermaid name comes from the word 'Siren.' I quite honestly thought up the name when I was like, 3 (I'm 20 now.) I've loved it ever since. Whenever my friend and I played mermaids in my old pool, my name was always Syrenia and hers was Celestia.

05-10-2012, 09:11 AM
Sorry for the delayed response, but let me answer the question why I picked Lotus. There's a few reasons, actually... The Egyptians prized the lotus, as have lots of other cultures, but I have always had a deep fascination with ancient Egyptians. Also, it's just a really beautiful flower... but most importantly, the lotus grows out of the mud and makes a long journey upwards before blooming into a lovely flower on the surface. After all the pain, sorrow and heartache I've been thru, I'm still here and I still love and see beauty in others and to me, that's a victory. I've finally bloomed.