View Full Version : YouTube video ideas

10-13-2018, 01:02 PM
Hey guys I’m Mermaid Lilac, I would like to know what I can do to get channel better and how to get me back into my Mermaiding stuff because I did quit my Mermaiding stuff to personal reasons and that was the worst decision I ever did so please let me know and I do have a YouTube channel I’m going to do some of the things that I have out so..
Mermaid Lilac

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The Magic Crafter
10-15-2018, 03:10 PM
Hiya Lilac!
I've been on YouTube for like... forever! If you want any help with YouTube shenanigans, I'd love to lend a fin!
May I ask what your goal is for your YouTube channel? For example, mine is made to help teach and inspire others interested in becoming a mermaid, fairy, Goth or any other sort of alternative thing. It is primarily focused on mermaid stuff though. ALSO! I use it to help build credibility when pitching to a potential client. If they want to know what I do (and have done) I can send them to a playlist of videos! Mine is also used to help support the growth of my business through passive revenue. ♥ I am SUPER passionate about video creation too. I actually have a second channel "just for fun" because I love YouTube so much! ♥♥♥

So... what are you after with yours? Documenting your adventures? Gaining new clients? Helping other mermaids? Creating beautiful videos that inspire creativity in others? Bringing awareness to a certain cause? Ect. Ect.

Once you know WHY you want to create videos, it is a lot easier to focus on the "how to grow" part. :)

I hope that helped get your mind going some! Please feel free to message me on Instagram (@the_magic_crafter) or email me if you want to talk YouTube more in depth. I'm rarely on MerNetwork, so I likely won't see your reply otherwise... :sweat drop:

10-16-2018, 11:16 PM
Thank you I would gladly would like to talk more about YouTube please send me your email thanks again

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10-19-2018, 03:13 AM
I need help in this area as well !!! It doesn’t help that I have social anxiety as well !!!

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The Magic Crafter
10-21-2018, 11:33 AM
Alright ladies! Feel free to email me at Phantom@TheMagicCrafter.com I'd love to chat YouTube! :)

I have been quite busy though, so my response time may not be instant! Please title your emails "MerNetwork YouTube Help" so I know who the emails are coming from! :sweat drop:

10-22-2018, 11:56 PM
Alright ladies! Feel free to email me at Phantom@TheMagicCrafter.com I'd love to chat YouTube! :)

I have been quite busy though, so my response time may not be instant! Please title your emails "MerNetwork YouTube Help" so I know who the emails are coming from! :sweat drop:

Sent you an email!

Ps: I love your YouTube channel I check it every time there is a new notification!

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