View Full Version : a little about me

Raina Matthews
04-02-2012, 12:44 PM
hihi everyone. thought it was finally time I actually posted something after a week or so of lurking around the forums and chat.

I'm Raina (not the other one that's been floating (pun intended) around here for a long time), and I'm out in sunny California.

I've been actively mermaiding now for a about a year, after getting my first monofin :). so far I haven't had the opportunity to venture too far from the pool at my apartment complex, but who knows, this year may bring more exotic places (if you count the local lake as exotic :) )

I'm 34 currently, and have been fascinated with mermaids since I was about 5. Growing up in the UK as I did, I can remember story books we had in school about mermaids, and they were the only things I ever read. but being so far from any form of water, the closest I could get was sitting in the bathtub, or as often was the case, laying about in bed, wrapping my legs up in blankets, sheets or whatever was available for a makeshift tail :)

right now I've got a cloth tail that I'm putting together, which will hopefully last better than my previous one, that started falling apart after about 2 days of use. That's though I suppose what you get for not using fabric suitable for swimming pools, and also having a pool with a very rough surface (the cuts on my face, arms, legs and hands I got from swimming too fast into the pool bottom are testiment to that (I mean who makes a pool that's only 5 ft deep :( )). I thought about adding some scales to this new one to give it some form of protection, but as is often the case with me, what I can think up in my head, rarely makes it into the real work in the same (or even close to the same) fashion.

I'd love to get my hands on a latex tail, but having heard so many conflicting stories about the various vendors, I'm not sure who best to go with. Any suggestions would be appreciated (and hopefully not ones that are too expensive :) )

other than that, that's me :). Look forward to meeting everyone in some way, shape or form in the future :)

Raina :)

04-02-2012, 01:19 PM
Jambo, Karibu!!

Hello and welcome!

Gem Stone
04-02-2012, 05:31 PM

04-03-2012, 08:38 AM
Only five feet deep? So boring. Like, what's the point if I can still touch the bottom?

Or they do have a deep section, but it's only for diving :(

Nice to meet you!

04-03-2012, 08:29 PM
Nice to meet you!
I have the same problem with my neighborhood's pool, and a lot of people seem to love going to our pool.
A lot, there's times when you can't even swim a foot forward. XD