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View Full Version : I Don't Know Whether I Want to Kiss Him or Drown Him.

Prince Calypso
04-25-2012, 12:55 AM
Ok I'm kinda at the end of my fishing line here guys.
i wouldn't bother the MerNetwork Community with my love life
but my friends are bullshit to talk to and give bullshit advice
(honestly i think most of them like seeing my depressed and only want me to be happy for them)
there is this guy that i used to go to high school with and never knew was a fellow gay fish lol
long story short we start talking but he's kinda inconsistent and doesn't pay nearly as much attention to me as i would like:mad:
i address the issue a few times and he apologized but no real change
also he's still in the closet and only has ever addressed himself as bi to close friends :doh:

so after a few months of feeling ignored, a huge fight with my dad and allaround bad day
i kinda put apost on my facebook that could have potentioanlly outed him
he of course res posted almost instantly and very upset with me (quicker than any other time i've posted shit to get his attention)
and i aaplogize but we don;'t speak for two day after that. and fianlly i deleted him from my Facebook

(yes I know this all sounds immature as hell):doh:

anyway one of my grilfreinds convinces me to add him back after antoher three months of nothing and i do
but is akward as hell and idk if there is till anything between us or if i should just cut my losses and swim away. what do you guys think?

Mermaid Rillia
04-25-2012, 01:12 AM
Drown him. If you think its awkward now, just wait til you get face to face time alone. it could go really south really quick. You could try to Appologize for slightly outing him. However he might have some pent up anger at you. Either way its a really awkward situation. I feel that you might be chasing a line with no bait at the end. There are other fish in the sea. maybe with some lees awkward situations too.

Anyways thats my 2 cents. Its ultimately your choice. But if I were in your position id give it more time or ditch the sitch all together.

04-25-2012, 01:15 AM
I agree with Brooke. He sounds like he's not interested right now or he might not ever be interested. I'd say do the same thing. Apologize for what you said and clear up that drama. Then he'll have nothing to hold against you and you'll have done everything possible to extend an olive branch. He can take it or leave it.

Mermaid Sirena
04-25-2012, 08:59 AM
I agree with both of the previous mers completely, cut your losses and swim away.

04-25-2012, 09:35 AM
So I'd like to start by saying that I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Relationship problems suck. :(

Secondly, I understand how you're feeling way too frickin' well. I 'dated' a girl who played the exact same game: wouldn't get out of the closet, seemed interested and then ignored me for days, etc. And there is a simple fact about these sorts of people: they aren't worth your time. You're a handsome young Prince of the Sea, and you deserve someone who will court you as such!

Thirdly, I'm agreeing with the idea that you should apologize for outing him. I did the same thing to my ex-girl, and I still regret doing that. Coming out can be a really hard experience for some people, and some people only want to keep that information between them and a few close people.

In short, maybe you could eventually be friends with this guy, but he's not worth swimming after.

04-25-2012, 10:19 AM
eeeep,. darlin, I love you, but dirty move :p never ever ever even joke about outing someone because you just never know 100% of the story as to why they're not out yet. I am betting that a huge part of the fact that he doesnt give you the attention you'd like is due to the fact he's not out. You CAN do better, and maybe a relationship will work with him further down the fishing line... but it just doesnt sound to me like HE is ready for much

Mermaid Dottie
04-25-2012, 12:24 PM
Not much I can say, except to reinforce the other posts. By the way, I found your facebook page through MermaidParties, and you have NO reason to be single. You're Gorgeous.

04-25-2012, 01:34 PM
You're Gorgeous.

Amen to that!!!!

04-25-2012, 04:03 PM
I'm going to have to agree with all our fellow mers. Cut your losses, honey. He's not good enough for a super-mer like you. It seems to me like he might like you, but maybe he's not comfortable with himself. My mom always told me you can't make anyone else happy until you yourself are happy. So I think he needs to focus on himself before anything else. And you should keep being the fabulous mer prince that you are. You'll find the Flounder to your Ariel soon enough. <3

04-25-2012, 11:28 PM
Hmm... I've also been there (nods to MermaidRaegan). I think that, while he's not completely closeted (you did mention he's out to a few close friends), you both made some mistakes... him by not actively addressing the issues you had with him not giving you the proper attention and care, and you by outing him (though I have to ask, just how badly did you "out" him? A frustrated post on your own facebook wall that refers to him as "the guy I'm dating" or names him but doesn't really state anything about his sexuality is really more him overreacting... and therefore furthermore being not a good guy for you). I think that you've hinted that you kinda want to be with him... but you want to be with the idealized "guy I'm dating" him, not the "closeted guy who didn't do anything when I tried talking with him and gave me grief when I had a rough day" him.

Also, if you did post revealing information about him on facebook (usually a bad idea, by the way... get a journal and vent there, not on facebook), and he responded instantly, did you minimize the damage and delete it instantly? What did your girlfriend say to convince you to re-friend him? It sounds like facebook is not the solution here... if you meet up face to face, talk, apologize for potentially outing him, and he seems similarly apologetic and looking to become friends again, then do the facebook friending, but not before. A lot of the time, closet cases are rabidly vicious when it comes to the most harmless comments, and you might not be in the wrong at all, depending on what exactly you posted and how he took it. Three months of nothing is basically a sign that there's not going to be anything, and awkwardness is also a good sign in that regard.

Remember, there's plenty of fish in the sea, and not all of them are rotten. Besides, you don't want to kiss him... you don't know where he's been.

Prince Calypso
04-25-2012, 11:34 PM
OMG Thank you guys so much for your kind words and support.
I'm blushing and like tearing up right now honeslt:hail:

you guys are right i'm just gonna apologize and see where it leads me
if we get to be all Philip and Syrena then freaking hells yes!
if not and he ends up sailing away i'll take a deep breath and sigh then swim off for warmer waters leaving his memory behind

Thank you Mers so much!
*smiles and wipes tears from eyes*

Nate Walis
04-27-2012, 10:27 AM
Aplogise to the guy and see where that takes you, but for god's sake don't keep hanging on in there if he gives you nothing back in return.

Prince Calypso
04-27-2012, 06:14 PM
Hmm... I've also been there (nods to MermaidRaegan). I think that, while he's not completely closeted (you did mention he's out to a few close friends), you both made some mistakes... him by not actively addressing the issues you had with him not giving you the proper attention and care, and you by outing him (though I have to ask, just how badly did you "out" him? A frustrated post on your own facebook wall that refers to him as "the guy I'm dating" or names him but doesn't really state anything about his sexuality is really more him overreacting... and therefore furthermore being not a good guy for you). I think that you've hinted that you kinda want to be with him... but you want to be with the idealized "guy I'm dating" him, not the "closeted guy who didn't do anything when I tried talking with him and gave me grief when I had a rough day" him.

Also, if you did post revealing information about him on facebook (usually a bad idea, by the way... get a journal and vent there, not on facebook), and he responded instantly, did you minimize the damage and delete it instantly? What did your girlfriend say to convince you to re-friend him? It sounds like facebook is not the solution here... if you meet up face to face, talk, apologize for potentially outing him, and he seems similarly apologetic and looking to become friends again, then do the facebook friending, but not before. A lot of the time, closet cases are rabidly vicious when it comes to the most harmless comments, and you might not be in the wrong at all, depending on what exactly you posted and how he took it. Three months of nothing is basically a sign that there's not going to be anything, and awkwardness is also a good sign in that regard.

Remember, there's plenty of fish in the sea, and not all of them are rotten. Besides, you don't want to kiss him... you don't know where he's been.

honestly i tagged his name in the post that went something like " I SoAndSo wants me then he knows where i am. i'm tired of chasing after men who should be chasing after me"
but the post was deleted before anyone could even really see it
also i should mention that he has a kinda sometime girlfriend who picture was suddenly plastered all over his Facebook
which after my emotional day was the last straw and I blew a fuse over it all
which lead to me posting what i posted in the first place lol

Mermaid Dottie
04-27-2012, 07:34 PM
Awe, sweetie! We didn't mean to make you cry. We just care, that's all!

New York Mermaid
04-27-2012, 07:55 PM
If your feeling awkward and theres nothing there for you, Just lift your tail and dive away, relationships/friendships will always come and go, at this moment you need someone who actually wants to be with you, share everything with you and support you in each and every way. You dont need one who's not giving you what you want.

I admit emotions can be evil at times "hense the term blind with rage" our emotions can make you do something and in the end we regret it, which can suck so bad :(

Always remember "i dont need a man like that, I can do way better because I know theres someone out there who deserves me." as for this guy, he will just be a fish that didint deserve a handsome Merman like you. It's his loss, not yours..

04-27-2012, 08:00 PM
A kinda sometime girlfriend? Awww, man, not one of THOSE! Get out fast. This guy doesn't care who he brings down as long as he comes out smelling pretty.

04-27-2012, 10:18 PM
I agree with Raptor, "The-kinda-sometimes' beard card is a sign to swim away. It's a situation where a lot of people could end up getting hurt, and it's not worth it.

04-27-2012, 10:54 PM
At this point, your namesake would strand him on an island for 10 years and check on him periodically - which is pretty much what I recommend. :) He might turn out to be a good guy eventually, but the problem with him not being out yet is that it automatically makes your relationship something he feels like he needs to sneak around and hide. There's no way to grow something healthy out of that. Give him some time to grow up and then maybe give him a call.

Prince Calypso
04-28-2012, 04:05 AM
Awe, sweetie! We didn't mean to make you cry. We just care, that's all!

oh now! they were happy tears darling. i was just so moved by everybody being so caring that i started crying

Prince Calypso
04-28-2012, 04:08 AM
all of you are right. its a bad sitituation on his part that i got tangled up in and i'm the only one who got hurt by it
so i'm just gonna have to move on