View Full Version : Hi all South Australian Mer's!!

08-27-2020, 06:46 AM
Hi everyone!

Was hoping to find some South Australian Mer's on this forum! I would love to meet some fellow Mer's and would love to know where the best places to swim are, or if SA mer's have Pods or meetups etc!

I've been into mermaids since I was 1 or 2 (I'm 18 now) and used to have a tail from Mermagica (which I got for my 10th birthday). Now that I'm an adult and making my own money I finally (after 8 years of no mermaiding) bought myself a Monofin and once I've found somewhere to swim, I'll start saving for the tailskin I want ;)

What tail(s) have you all got? Where do you swim, I'd love to know how to 'mer' in SA!