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View Full Version : Making my very first Tail

Tasha Mermaid
04-29-2012, 01:58 AM
Well i really want a tail and i can't afford to buy one ...sooo I'm letting all my imagination and creativity shine in something that i will make myself, because lets face it when we mark it ourselves it because a part of us :D

So i have placed my order for my very first mono fin...i have gone with the Oceanika Merfin because i adore the mermaid design (it should be arriving this week yay)
this is the one i have chosen


I have also picked out my material and bought 3 meters of it (i hope thats enough) i plan to make my tail, perhaps a matching top and some arm bands that flow (I'm big so i have big arms that i would like to hide :S )
I chose to go with a material that i think would should my skin tone (would love your thoughts on that) i wanted something not a plain colour and something unique so here was my choice


and here is a picture that show my skin tone and natural hair colour, i have one blue and one green eye :P


so what do you think about my tail colour choice :)

04-29-2012, 02:49 AM
I think you're on the right track O:
I like the fabric! It's very interesting. Also an oceanika tail seems really cool :'D

04-29-2012, 02:43 PM
Both your monofin and the fabric look really pretty! Great choices. :)

04-29-2012, 02:45 PM
I love rainbow colored tails! Your tail will look amazing! Also, it will look really nice with the Merfin.

Tasha Mermaid
04-30-2012, 01:34 AM
@ Kanti thanks it took me a whole minute to find it lol, i walked into my favourite fabric shop and up to the "spandex/lycra dance material" and there it was amongst all the other plainer fabrics and i was like
THATS IT !!!!!! hahaha

@ Little Treasure thanks i just love not having to cut the mono fin into the shape i want and these are meant to be big mono fins, i will admit the whole small fluke isn't my thing hahaha

@ Bellasea me too :D, I'm hippy so anything tie-dyed or rainbow has my note hahaha

i will keep you all posted and take a real photo of the merfin when it gets here :D

Mermaid Momo
05-02-2012, 07:06 PM
are you putting the monofin inside of a tail (like everyone usually does to a normal mono) or outside of it since it already has the look of a fluke? (like the tail fabric stops once it reaches to the fluke)?

Tasha Mermaid
05-03-2012, 01:53 AM
are you putting the monofin inside of a tail (like everyone usually does to a normal mono) or outside of it since it already has the look of a fluke? (like the tail fabric stops once it reaches to the fluke)?

I will be cutting the fabric to go over the fluke also, i will do the exact shape :)... thing is, i tend to be a little OCD so if my fluke didn't match or at least compliment my tail then i would not like it .... of cause i COULD paint the fluke to match my material but i think i would prefer it covered because then i could make a number of material tails and it could slid inside all of them :)

05-03-2012, 01:35 PM

Okay, now that I'm done spazzing, yay for rainbow tails!! We can be rainbow buddies!

Tasha Mermaid
05-05-2012, 12:46 AM

Okay, now that I'm done spazzing, yay for rainbow tails!! We can be rainbow buddies!

aww thats my baby Odin, he is a 3 pound 8 inch tall purebred longhaired chihuahua and he is stunning...so stunning that last year in november someone stole him from my yard, he was only out 15 mins so i don't have him anymore.....but for your benefit i will put my fav pic of him up for you :)

I now have his nephew who is 10 weeks old and gorgeous called Dewi

Ok so cuties aside
woohoo for rainbow buddies ...ok I'm going to friend you and put a pic up of your tail i MUST see it :D

05-05-2012, 12:59 AM
god im so sorry to hear that :( i would be very sad if my pets were stolen :(

05-05-2012, 01:12 AM
That's horrible ):
People are so despicable sometimes.
I know a couple people who's dogs got stolen as well. It's pretty messed up that they'd do something
like that. Don't they realize a dog isn't just an item?
I hope karma exists and that whoever did that gets an ass-load of it in the worst possible way >8(

05-06-2012, 12:19 AM
Your poor baby! I would personally go on a doggie crusade to get him back, myself ( how, I have no idea.) Dewi looks precious.
So are you going to do any detailing after it's all sewn? Painting on the fluke? Extra fins? Or are you just keeping it simple? I think your monofin is going to give the fluke a really nice shape.

Tasha Mermaid
05-06-2012, 01:37 AM
@ NemeFish i am still beyond devastated....looking at his photos or videos makes me breakdown and cry, my other older dog Athena (scottie x shih tzu) didn't eat for 2 weeks and sat cleaning his jumper she was so lost without him just as i was.

@ Kanti Odin is microchipped and his microchip is set to missing, so the moment someone takes him to the vet or pound etc he will be HOPEFULLY scanned and i will get him back...and then they will get their karma when i show them EXACTLY why you don't steal my baby :)

@ Little Treasure everything that could possibly be done to get him returned home was done in the first 3 days......he has his lost poster posted on his Facebook page (and the photo went viral worldwide) i still check the local shelters every week and so do many others. I even nearly hired a pet detective for $300 but they said they could only do what i had already done :(


im not to sure about detailing as of yet, mainly because i don't know how to go about it :S
im most likely adding other fins like side fins and a dorsal fin....but still unsure what i want :P
but if i feel it looks right without them then i will leave them out :)

05-06-2012, 05:25 AM
ok then moving on to the tail... i think it is going to be beautiful and very exotic so good luck and dont forget to post pics and videos when ur done :D

05-06-2012, 02:49 PM
So precious! He looks like my sister's chihuahua SnickerDoodle.

You poor thing!!I can't believe that some people would be so awful to steal someone else's pet, yet it seems to happen all the time. I was raised in a zoo; at one point we had three dogs, four cats, two turtles, three guinea pigs, a hamster, 13 frogs, four hermit crabs, and a goldfish. Everyone in my family is a big time animal lover and we look at all of our pets as members of the family; I can't imagine how upset I'd be if someone stole one of my babies away. (I currently have a kitten and a scorpian who is possibly preggerz.)

I think a sparkly dorsal fin would look fabulous; they're really easy to make, and if you do it a certain way then you can add a zipper. :D And YES, we must be merfriends!

05-06-2012, 03:34 PM
I think fins would be an awesome addition~
Sheer fabric would be my choice if you want it to look sparkly yet transparent. It's also very thin so
it'll waft nicely in the water.
I guess it also depends on what type of fins you want. I love flowy stuff <3_<3

Mermaid Rillia
05-07-2012, 04:22 AM
fins are always fun to work with and they can look lik an array of different things :)
Flowy stuff is nice but it depends on the look you're trying to go for.

05-07-2012, 09:01 AM
Well, I'm so sorry about your puppy again.*hugs*

In any case, the side and dorsal fins sound lovely. It'll make the tail look even better in the water. I can't wait to see!

Tasha Mermaid
05-08-2012, 04:27 AM
@ Nemefish i definitely will, just as soon as I'm done thinking and start actually doing hahaha

@ Mermaid Raegan oh wow i would of LOVED to live in your little zoo lol, i grew up with every kind of animal imaginable as well, from horses to cows to pigs, sheep, turtles, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats, ducks, fish even a kangaroo lol i adore animals :)
smarkly dorsel fin sounds sooooo good, perhaps i can use thin clear vinyl and coat it with clear glue and add either shimmer dust or glitter to it...i wonder if that would work :S

@Kanti hmmm not a bad idea, but i think it maybe hard to find over here

@ Mermaid Brooke im not really sure what look i want to go for as of yet....i may need to check ut some fish till i find what i like :)

@ Little Treasure ​i know but i am wondering if I'm capable of making them yet, i mean i have been sewing since i was 4-5 years old but i suppose i still doubt my abilities (even if others say I'm being stupid) i tend to get like this when its something i have never done before :)

Tasha Mermaid
05-11-2012, 09:48 PM
So when i tried my new Oceanika Merfin last week i found that, although it was mean t to be my size, it went on but squished my feed into the foot pockets leaving the tops of my feet bruised and swollen :(
So i made some adjustments to it.... i cut the back strap off and made a new strap out of elastic waste band.
I find that it now goes on and off easily in the water (i went swimming yesterday) and doesn't leave the bruising on my feet.

I made a short video showing you all, please note the background noise is my fan on, next time i know better,
ALSO i DO have a lisp (speech problem) i don't say my "S" very well, its actually no where near as bad in real life, most don't even realise i have one, for some reason my webcam picks up on it REALLY bad, intact it when i recorded my dad talking (he doesn't have any speech problem) it gave him one too, so I'm not sure of that :(

<font size="5"><font color="#800080">

05-18-2012, 07:42 PM
Awesome fix! I'm thinking of getting an Oceanika fin as well, and I've been wondering what I would do if the fit wasn't quite right for me. This makes it a little less nervewracking. :)

05-21-2012, 04:08 AM
I cant wait to see the end product of your tail!! Im between getting a finis wave or the Oceanika. I was debating on if I should have the fabric come down over my feet then attach it with glue or something and painting the rest of the Oceanika that is showing or putting it in the tail itself. Where did you find the foot sizes on the website?

Tasha Mermaid
03-01-2013, 11:49 PM
I cant wait to see the end product of your tail!! Im between getting a finis wave or the Oceanika. I was debating on if I should have the fabric come down over my feet then attach it with glue or something and painting the rest of the Oceanika that is showing or putting it in the tail itself. Where did you find the foot sizes on the website?

Im sorry, i only seen this now......i put my tail on hold because i decided i would prefer a different monofin in my tail.....so i bought a HYDRA monofin....been practising with it and i adore it....

Ok if i remember correctly the sizes were on the page where you choose what colour you want (just before you purchase) but their site doesn't seem to be active at the moment, not sure why :S .......what did you end up going with ....it has been quite awhile :S

Tasha Mermaid
10-23-2014, 01:41 AM
Its been ages i know, but i finished my tail, it got put on hold a lot longer then i wanted, i did end up using the hydra monofin.

here is my rainbow tail finished :)


It came out really nice for my first tail, its super comfortable and easy to swim in, feels like an extension of me :D

anyways, sorry for the 2 year wait lol

bubble kisses OoOoOo

Mermaid Isabel
10-24-2014, 09:12 AM
I love your last pic! It reminds me of Anna from Frozen! well, a mermaid Anna ;)

Tasha Mermaid
10-24-2014, 10:40 PM
Aww thanks Mermaid Isabel ☺
Is it my plaits lol xo