View Full Version : Confidence!

05-03-2012, 12:51 PM
Hey guys, I'm a new mermaid, and I'm gearing up for summer full of tail swimming! Most of the other mers on this website seem pretty confident, and the videos, everyone seems to like them. But.... I just wanted to know if anyone had any stories about when they may have gotten a weird look or made fun of... I think it will help me when I go to swim for the first time. I'm really nervous how people will react. Will they laugh at me? Will they call me names? I just thought I'd ask for advice, or even just some good comebacks!:lol: thanks. <3

05-03-2012, 01:03 PM
Honestly, I think people get more confidence the more positive reinforcement they get.
If you go in a public area in your tail and the first reaction you ever get is negative, like people
eyeballing you across the pool or coming up and asking you wtf you're doing xD
You'll probably be reluctant to try again.
My suggestion to make it as great as possible, try to go sometime and somewhere where there
will be lots of little kids. Kids always come up and oogle at your tail and play with you so it'll
be a great experience~ Since summer's coming up it'll be easier!

As for name calling, I doubt it. The only people I'd think that would directly call you a weirdo or
something would be a group of douchey teenagers/highschoolers. Besides that, you might be asked
some questions or stuff but I don't think it'll be THAT BAD

If anything you can just tell them "Some people like videogames, some people like being in plays,
some people like football, I like being a mermaid. Everyone's different."

05-03-2012, 01:30 PM
To be honest, I'm always a little insecure when I first start getting into my costume. Some people do give me funny looks, but i've never really had a bad reaction. Besides, by the time I'm in the water doing my thing, I'm so happy that I don't care. And if all goes well, it'll be the same for you. You're doing something you love, so just enjoy it and have fun!

New York Mermaid
05-03-2012, 02:30 PM
Everyone's going to give you a weird look because they dont understand what your doing, You get on out there put your tail on smile and go in, sure people will ask questions and when they do you tell them "Im an aquatic performer in training " My father always told me: you shouldnt care what people think of you at all, you are your own person and for those who cant accept that, there are millions more who will. And its true too. You think Hannah fraser didint get looks when she started? im sure she did, but hell because of that she's a famous mermaid. its not the ones who support you that makes you famous its the critics, look at howard stern, lady gaga etc.. their outragous and say/do outragous things and yet people are interested.. Your a starting mermaid, whether for fun or for future job, its your start. no matter what people say, you keep your head up high and smile.

05-04-2012, 09:56 AM
Just head out to where you know there will be kids. They will be absolutely wow-ed! :D Also, if you ever arecalled names and/or put down just remember people only do those things b/c you are confident being a mermaid. You are confident being a mermaid, when they do not fell thAT way in their own skin. So, they must prove to you (and themselves) that being a mermaid is something yo be ashamed of. Just render that it isn't! :)

Mermaid Dottie
05-04-2012, 12:08 PM
Tail = weird looks.
ESPECIALLY when you're first getting into your costume. Have no fear, though. Once you're in it and swimming you will automatically become fascinating.

05-12-2012, 06:13 PM
Thanks guys, it means a lot! And it looks like my neighbor might let me use their private pool the first time, so I'll be able to get my sea-fins before going public in August. :D

Mermaid Bella
10-02-2012, 01:23 AM
i had the same fear... so i went for my first swim during a storm, i thought NOBODY would be there to see me, while getting out of the car a woman was getting her dog out of the car for a walk, i waited on the beach for my friend then she asked me to walk up to get her as she couldnt find me... and there was the woman.. loading her dog back into the car.... i managed to get looks from the only human being within 100 miles! i went back down to the beach, proceeded to get molested by the waves and finally when i got the hang oF balancing and not being dunked i look up and there is about 10 people on their balcony watching me >o< they all thought it was pretty great though, so because of that i am now cured of my fear! my bad experience was the best thing to happen! now i cant wait to swim in my local pool, it has been postponed due to..... merwoman troubles but you can bet that in 4-6 days IMA GOIN TO THE POOLS!!!!

Azurin Luna
10-02-2012, 01:32 AM
I got weird looks too when I got at my local pool, but I just kept a straight face and said it was for art class, they believed me so they let me swim in peace. The second time I had a few jamaican people daring me into a race, it was fun to do. So now when I swim I'm on the lookout for those guys.
I swim at night, so I don't have little kids around to play with, but it's fun none the less.

Mermaid Lei Loni
10-02-2012, 10:34 AM
I used to be really nervous about swimming in my tail because I'm a very curvy mermaid. :) But people don't see that. People don't see your imperfections like you do. When they say you're your own worst critic, it's totally true! I've had nothing but compliments about how I look, and what a beautiful mermaid I am, how graceful I can swim, etc. It's been a HUGE confidence booster for me. I've also learned that it's none of my business what other people think about me, and that what I choose to do is none of their business either. Since adapting that motto, I've not really been afraid of swimming. I've even suited up at Laguna Beach with hundreds of people watching me, and although my knees were shaking (thank heaven for a tail to hide that!) it was exhilarating to have all that attention! :)

Mermaid Saphira
10-02-2012, 11:49 AM
for some reason I have never bee afraid to wear my tail in public, I guess I have been through enough to learn that you don't need to care about what others think. :)

10-23-2012, 01:49 PM
Don't feel bad pearl bae I was the same way when I started to swim in my tail for the first time. But when you start swimming in your tail it seams to fade away and you don't care anymore what people think. Then you get reactions like "COOL" or "WOW NEET". Then the questions will start where can I get one and how much an are the expensive. I have been told from other people that that is the coolest thing they have ever seen. So my advice to you is just be yourself and do what you like to do. An if people don't like it then they don't have to look. Have fun.

Mermaid Margarete
10-23-2012, 03:05 PM
Usually if you just go about your business like it's normal - no one makes fun of or questions you. I've accidnetally walked into a "high security - limited access" place and no one even noticed or ID'd me or anything cause I acted like I was supposed to be there... cause I truely thought I was supposed to be there XD
Confindence is an attractive quality and more you exhibit it the less people wonder ;-)