View Full Version : Doreen Virtues Mermaid and Dolphin's Oracle cards

05-03-2012, 10:30 PM
So, Im not sure many of you newer members know- Doreen Virtue is a well known author and spiritualist (for lack of better term!) who comes on our forums every once in a while, and is known to swim in a variety of tails. Today I picked these up from a store: http://www.amazon.com/Magical-Mermaids-Dolphin-Oracle-Cards/dp/1561709794 mainly because I was interested in the art and had a curiosity about oracle cards.

One of the things I love about Doreen is that she really embodies me what it means to be a believer of God. She's not hateful, judgemental, and she's open to the fact that everything in life is part of a harmony- and that many powers, gifts, etc are forms of God. She's very much a "we are all connected" type person, and that really resonates with me. I consider myself Christian, and I was raised Catholic. I was very devout despite being quite critical of the church. I honestly felt like God put me on a mission to change the Catholic church from the inside. Im not sure if anyone has been following the news, but Catholic nuns are coming under a lot of fire recently for NOT speaking up AGAINST gay marriage and abortion, and putting TOO MUCH focus on poverty! Isn't that ludacris? I have to admit, I have pulled away from the church, but I have a deep spiritual part of myself that just isn't being nourished. I stayed Catholic for so long because I believed I could change things from the inside- and in my part of the world I actually did. I was one of a few people very instrumental in putting more focus on youth, incorporating modern music (previously unheard of in our organ/standard choir churches), having relevant speakers and events, and actually including young people in the various goings on in the churches and having them sit on advisory boards. Youth arent stupid, and they don't like the way the church is going so I am hoping I've helped set things in motion for some of these younger people who seem to feel more comfortable with the idea of changing things from the inside too. Anyway... I am rambling. My point is, I dont agree with a lot my church does, obviously, but I always felt like if nobody stayed in the religion to change it- it would never get changed. If I can get all religiousy on you for just a sec, when Jesus showed up, all the guy did was tell off the current church of the time for doing stupid things! I feel like he'd do the exact same thing now!!! Just knowing that makes me feel a bit justified.

So this whole time, I've been on a bit of a spiritual journey, trying to figure out what exactly I do believe, if I want to stay in the church or turn to something else.... and Doreen just inspires me because she is all inclusive. In her world, prayer and magic exist. Mermaids can bring as much inspiration and guidance as angels. I've often told my very religious Dad and Stepmom that I feel like me being a mermaid is somehow a part of God's plan for me- otherwise things wouldn't work out the way they do. But I don't think they see it that way. :/

Gah still rambling. So- the Oracle cards. I did 3 readings after spending some time reading the little booklet. At first I thought it would be kinda hokey, just something I got because it had to do with mermaids... but wow it really spoke to me and I think from what I read about some of your spiritual lives it would speak to some of you too! So, I did these readings, 1 for me, 1 for my boyfriend, and 1 for a friend. My first time. They were so dead on and insanely accurate that it was almost kinda scary hahaha. One thing it tells you that if you draw the "divine magic" card it means the next card you draw will have big importance and meaning. I drew it and my boyfriend drew it, his card that came after focused on the importance of rest and meeting his needs which has totally been a non stop conversation between the two of us because he's a workaholic. Mine was to Accept heaven's Help, that if I'm going to pray for help I need to get out of the way of myself and accept it. Which was totally serendipitous to a situation Im enduring. My friend's had to do with self forgiveness, a very conversation I had with her minutes before she shuffled the deck.

Anyway, it was just a really crazy experience. I wanted to recommend them for anyone who is looking for a way to bridge their spiritual self with their mermaid self. I think we're all spiritual whether we believe in a God or not, or whatever religion we choose or dont choose to subscribe to. I try not to judge anyone. But yeah, it was kinda trippy. Hahah. I was thinking maybe some day I could start a thread and do readings for people using it :)

05-04-2012, 12:15 AM
this is so cool especially for me cuz i read tarot cards :D THANKS

05-04-2012, 04:58 AM
Wonderful! I read tarot as well, and I do love a beautiful oracle deck :)

I do see a spiritual side to my mermaiding as well. I consider myself wiccan, and to me there is nothing quite like the beauty of being in contact with the elements themselves. Mermaiding does that for me, it immerses me in water (literally :P), its mysteries and its beings. Actually it was a series of dreams that inspired me to start mermaiding before I even knew what mermaiding was. So I guess kind of like you, Raina, I feel like I was definitely "pushed" in this direction.

It'd be a really interesting discussion to have, about mermaiding and spirituality.

05-04-2012, 08:56 PM
I actually have her Angels Healing deck... I admit, I like the idea, and some of the art is incredible, but the styles are a bit too diverse for an overarching deck feeling, I thought, and I thought the prevailing focus on Michael and Raphael ignored a lot of the details of the other archangels out there, giving a somewhat slanted look at angels.