View Full Version : New tail in the works!

Mermaid Jewel
07-25-2011, 06:27 PM
FINALLY starting on a new tail! I just ordered my neoprin today so no progress pictures yet...

I'm debating whether or not to go all out and make it realistic (with ALEX) or just paint it with scales and etc. Any thoughts? If I did it realistic, I'd be using ALEX so is it worth it?

Pictures as soon as I start!

Mermaid Jewel
07-25-2011, 06:59 PM
Oh the neoprin is turquoise blue :)

07-25-2011, 07:25 PM
Do you have any design concepts? I just made a spandex one and painted it with some ALEX in the paint. It's scraping off easily but it seems to be a personal preference. How thick is the neoprin?

Mermaid Jewel
07-25-2011, 09:00 PM

There's my concept pictures. It's pretty simple. The colors are turquoise, royal blue, purple, and some silver.

I don't know how thick the neoprin is, it seems to be 0.5-1mm thick.

07-25-2011, 10:47 PM
OOOO I can't wait to see it done! :)

Mermaid Jewel
07-30-2011, 05:31 PM
Finally an update! I got my Lumiere paints! I decided to not get the Tulip spray paints because I couldn't find dark enough colors to make it stain (Only a dark teal, no dark blue or purple :( ) So here is my color palette of Lumiere paints! They're tiny bottles though, I'll probably need to get another set.

Another difference from the original design, I decided to individually paint scales all over my tail :D Hopefully the high contrast colors will make them really stand out! It'll take longer but I'm willing to put in the work. So the design is kinda changed from above. Instead of gradient colors, all the scales will be the same basic color design, so it won't have the dimension but I might try to get some variety (more of the green/blue in the middle, less of it on the outer edges and more indigo). The fluke and dorsal fins are staying the same though :)


The colors are Blue with Gold Halo, Indigo, and the matte Navy Blue :)
Neoprin coming in monday! Can't wait!

07-30-2011, 06:55 PM
Alex takes like a month to dry. It says 2 weeks but everyone Ive talked to and in my own experience it can take up to a month. I love the colours you picked out and I freaking love all your underwater photos you cute little underwater baby! Youre like a bellerina! cant wait to see what you do with your next tail

07-30-2011, 08:23 PM
Hopefully you got more than just those little tubes! You may need a lot more if you are painting the whole thing. If not, ignore me. lol :)

Mermaid Jewel
07-30-2011, 09:43 PM
Raina-Haha thanks I think :) I am a ballet dancer, actually ;D

Little Ocra-Oh I'll definitely be needing more paint :D We just bought one of each to just test it at first and gauge how much I'll need...I want to get some more before the 30% off goes away though!

08-06-2011, 02:14 PM
NONONONONNONONONONONONONNONONNONONONONONONONONONON ONONONO you can't use Lumere on neopreneee!!!! It's an iron set paint and under NO circumstances can you use and iron on neoprene (It will melt it!!!) I too was shot down by this, but I have to tell you this before you do anything you regret O_o And as for the Alex, I suggest taking it simple the first time around~one step at a time ;)

Mermaid Saphira
02-12-2012, 07:52 PM
did you ever finish the tail? :)