View Full Version : Volpin Props

05-17-2012, 02:55 PM
Hey guys
Just though some of you may find this interesting since tail-making involves a lot of
understanding of materials and other things.


Volpin AKA Harrison Krix is an amazing prop maker who has lots of building experience
under his belt. He's done amazing stuff and he usually posts a pretty decent explanation of
how he does things in his blog. It's a great tool for a lot of you to use to see how to make
certain types of molds as well as how to build things that may be a bit more complex.

Even if you don't find any explanations, his work is amazing and worth giving a look at.

But the entire reason I bring him up is because I came across a pretty funny video of him
explaining slush molds


05-17-2012, 06:17 PM
That's hysterical! And weirdly fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

05-18-2012, 01:57 AM
I love getting tipsy and working on things. Makes everything seem so much more magical and fun than
it actually is xD

Mermaid Rillia
05-18-2012, 01:07 PM
That was highly entertaining...And even though it was explained drunkenly....it was explained well. lol :)

05-19-2012, 10:52 AM
Bahahahaha XD that was great
Even when drunk he explained it pretty ok XD.