View Full Version : Steampunk Tail
Mermaid Jewel
05-26-2012, 09:44 PM
I guessed and discovered there's quite a few people on this forum who love steampunk. I actually was pretty recently introduced to it and fell in love with it, though right now mostly from an art perspective (I've done a lot of art related stuff. I'm trying to write a steampunk inspired novel now which is making me actually research the whole genre more).
Has anyone thought of making or made a steampunk mermaid tail?
I'm actually planning one and I have a design but it's like super detailed and a lot of work and tricky pattern sewing but it should be fully swimmable :D I'm probably going to make it an ongoing project this summer if I decide to do it.
Btw, sorry I've been like MIA for the past month or so. School swamped me.
05-26-2012, 10:19 PM
I love the aesthetic of Steampunk but personally I can't think of a way to make a tail steampunked, and not have thoughts of gears, and metal plates, which might make it not so swim-able friendly. However I would love to see your design when finished!
05-26-2012, 10:56 PM
i love this idea! i was thinking of doing something steampunk yet tropical, like a tiger fish with silver and gold and black ;D
05-27-2012, 01:00 AM
Have you guys read Girl Genius? Or played the roleplaying games Castle Falkenstein or The Kerberos Club? All of them are excellent examples of the SteamPunk/Gaslit genre, both in Art and in stories. I haven't encountered steampunk merfolk anywhere, but I think a mermaid in a Worth gown might look beautiful.
05-27-2012, 02:02 AM
I have one planned but no time or money with which to make it :P
Merman Ray
05-27-2012, 04:53 AM
I do not understand, what is "steampunk"?
Mermaid Saphira
05-27-2012, 11:05 AM
^ As I have heard, it is kind of like mechanical things mixed with vintage I believe and girl things like lace
05-27-2012, 12:20 PM
I like to think of steampunk as post-apocalyptic. You mix victorian fashion with futuristic ideas, sort of like instead of turning to atomic power, we turned to steam power. Here is a video from makers fair:
05-27-2012, 01:00 PM
Sounds like a funky cyborg mermaid tail That would be cool!
05-27-2012, 01:12 PM
Try Google images,type in steam punk mermaid,lots of cool images for ideas. You can copy this url,it might work... 247.2j9.11.0...0.0.vdZG9PdyrCE
Mermaid Jewel
05-27-2012, 03:22 PM
Steampunk is this whole genre that can expand to different facets but it's all based around Victorian times and a world that developed mechanically rather than technologically. It can manifest different ways, like Hugo (it was actually a pretty steampunk movie, though it wasn't as deep as other things I've read).
I have an awesome idea and ways to do it, I just don't have the sewing skills! :/
Mermaid Annariea
05-27-2012, 11:00 PM
that st.claire lady was absolutely hilarious.
Mermaid Sirena
05-28-2012, 01:09 AM
I just got done mermaiding at World Steam Expo ( and it was absolutely inspiring. I learned a lot from the vendors and some of the costuming is amazing, I hope by next year I can have some accessories so that I might be a proper gentle ladymer.
05-28-2012, 01:14 AM
@Mermaid Sirena: Wait is that the one with the steampunk pageant? How did that go?
Mermaid Sirena
05-28-2012, 01:27 AM
Yes it has the steampunk pageant, define the question. A lot of things went a lot of ways.
Oh & mermaid jewel if you caste gears & things out of say silicone or latex then you could have them and not have to worry :) Can't wait to see what you make! Should be amazing :D
Mermaid Miel
05-28-2012, 04:11 AM
Sounds Awesome!
If you know a church Fair / open market keep an eye out for the white elephant store for items/inspiration.
I imagine a steam-punk mermaid is a collector of human things like Ariel, but unlike Ariel they would use the items to decorate themselves and invent things.
Also, an excellent excuse to wear swimming goggles! Just modify them to look like Victorian-era aviator goggles.
05-28-2012, 04:16 AM
Yes it has the steampunk pageant, define the question. A lot of things went a lot of ways.
Er. OK. Well. Was it any good?
Mermaid Jewel
05-28-2012, 10:06 AM
Oh & mermaid jewel if you caste gears & things out of say silicone or latex then you could have them and not have to worry :) Can't wait to see what you make! Should be amazing :D
I was thinking that but I don't know how to do that. Plus I have a very specific painting style for when I do steampunk things that I'm not sure would work with silicone. And I've kinda heard of the World Steam Expo, how was it?
Also, an excellent excuse to wear swimming goggles! Just modify them to look like Victorian-era aviator goggles.
That's a great idea! I never thought of that
Mermaid Sirena
05-28-2012, 05:08 PM
Unfortunately I had work and was unable to make it to the con to see the pageant in the works but all weekend there were ladies walking around with steam crowns and sashes for one thing or another & I must admit their costuming was quite impressive.
World Steam was a lot of fun, though I thought it would be bigger then it was. Hopefully it will happen again next year and I'll be able to attend :)
Perhaps this could be a good learning/experimental process for silicone casting?
Mermaid Jewel
05-28-2012, 09:52 PM
Yeah, that might be a good learning time :) I was also thinking of just using neoprene (true neoprene though, since I own this weird neoprin thing) since from what I heard, you don't have to serge the edges or anything. I'm definitely going to think about silicone though...I also have another set of angel wings and a new costume set to make as well so I'm all steampunked out O.e
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