View Full Version : Hey all.

06-11-2012, 03:25 AM
*blows bubbles* I hate introductions... But here goes. Hi everyone, I'm spotted catfish, and there are a few reasons as to why I joined this site.

First: for as long as I can remember I have had affinity with merpeople and other fantasy water life, I've been in denial about this for years, even tried to ignore it and shove it into the recesses of my history. But recently, I have begun to accept myself and my past, and I'm so glad to find this site and be able to speak freely about it, without the fear of judgement or rejection, and that's asking a lot of you all, especially seeing as this is only an introduction. So I'm now trying to accept my past and move forward into the future with no guilt or resentment. It's a healing process I guess...

The second reason I joined is well... cause this site is really cool, and a good inspiration. I have recently taken up swimming again mostly for exercise, and while I do not have a tail, I do have a pair of zoomers fins, that I plan to swim on a regular basis to build up my strength and endurance in the water, to become a better swimmer. I also have a fear of depths, and I really want to overcome that fear. I have a goal one day to become SCUBA certified, and I need to work on my swimming and fear of depths before I can get to that point. I also want to get more involved in marine environmental causes, and Marine Parks.

The third reason, is well you all look great in your tails, and I would love to have one someday!

So I think that just about covers everything I've wanted to say for many years now!

I bid you all Adieu,

-Spotted catfish

06-11-2012, 03:42 AM
Why did you feel that you had to repress your mersonage?

06-11-2012, 09:18 AM
welcome to the network!

06-11-2012, 07:57 PM
Hey Spindrift,
I felt the need to repress it because I was shy growing up and I was really just trying to fit in back then, and be "normal"... But what is normal? Normal is boring, mundane, and everyday... I have learned in recent years that It's good and healthy to embrace everything about ones-self, even if it is odd or out of the ordinary. Also, seeing as I have had this affinity since I was very young, when I was about 13 or so, I felt like I could trust someone with this secret. So I told my best friend at a sleep over, thinking that she'd keep my secret, that I still believed and had an affinity for merpeople. Oh how I was wrong! Within 24 hours she told a few people, one of them was another girl whom I did not get along with, and they picked on me for it. I should have been wiser and not told anyone. So that really set me in a state of denial and fear of telling anyone anything, cause I was scared of how they would react and who they might tell. I have since grown out of that fear, and grown into my own person, who's values and beliefs are most important, and though I may take some suggestions to heart, that is not after I have thought it out and analyzed in with my own psyche, to decide if I really need what was suggested to me or not.

06-12-2012, 07:12 PM
I'm sorry you had that experience. I'm glad you came to that conclusion though, and are here now. Welcome!

06-12-2012, 07:30 PM
Oh you poor dear, I hope you have better experiences now. Also, welcome to MerNetwork!

06-13-2012, 02:34 PM
Welcome! ^ ^

Mermaid Rillia
06-13-2012, 05:02 PM
Welcome to Mernetwork! :)

Sea Pearl
06-17-2012, 10:04 PM
Welcome to MerNetwork, spottedcatfish. I'm sorry to hear you had that experience too. Hope you enjoy your time here :) Glad you found us.

06-18-2012, 11:38 AM
Welcome to MerNetwork, spottedcatfish. I'm sorry to hear you had that experience too. Hope you enjoy your time here :) Glad you found us.

Thanks for all of the welcoming messages, I'm glad I found this site too.