View Full Version : LADIES ONLY! Swimming during your T.O.M??

Mermaid Saphira
06-11-2012, 04:41 PM

My friend is planning on going swimming with me tomorrow at a pool in our tails, but she is on her period and doesn't think she can go swimming. She is afraid she will come through. We have read that bleeding stops althogether when in the water, but we have also heard that she should wear a pad! Then again we have also heard that she should wear a tampon because the water will soak the pad. We don't know what to do, we really want to go for a swim in our tails! Help?!?!?

06-11-2012, 05:21 PM
I always do a quick jump in the tub before I go out swimming just to try and "stop the bleeding"
ahead of time. I don't think it really stops anything, though, I think the flow of blood during your
period is just very very slow, so I believe that what you're actually getting rid of is just the stuff
that's sitting around near the entrance.
Maybe you guys could use a douche to try and "deep clean" it so it'll stay clean for longer.
Again, all I usually do is put some water in the tub really quick sit in there for a few minutes and
I'm good.

Mermaid Lorelei
06-11-2012, 05:24 PM
As someone who swims at all times, I can honestly say that tampons are my favorite way to go. Most people bleed very slowly, so a tampon is all you will need to keep anything from leaking. A pad won't help you. As you said, it will simply soak up water. Yes, the tampon will soak up a bit of water too, but only on the outer end.

Using a tampon should be just fine. :>

06-11-2012, 05:25 PM
tampons work for swimming all the time.

Samantha Siren
06-11-2012, 05:52 PM
Mooncup! They are brilliant! Environmentally Friendly and work better than tampons! You only need one, it lasts for years and you save so much money!

06-11-2012, 06:05 PM
yes weve discussed eco friendly options before and everything is listed here: http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?1486-LADIES-deal-with-that-time-of-the-month-in-eco-friendly-style!

Mermaid Jewel
06-11-2012, 06:24 PM
Mostly I've heard tampons. I normally don't go swimming on my period but when I have, the water does stop your flow. Apparently it drops your body temperature and blah blah...like when you take a shower. So...

Ayla of Duluth
06-11-2012, 06:53 PM
I used to sit in the tub and clean my girly bits, then put in a tampon. Now I'm on the depo shot and I haven't had a period in years. I would avoid using a pad though. It wouldn't be very effective in the water.

06-11-2012, 06:59 PM
I have a very heavy flow, but I am still good if I use a tampon. It, just can't be for more than like 3 hours.

06-11-2012, 07:20 PM
Damn, I hate tampons, but they're are a necessity. I just bought a moon cup, I'm excited to try in next time the prince is visiting.

Mermaid Saphira
06-11-2012, 07:59 PM
No tampons! Bad experience for her! Moon cups sound just as bad... O.o

Just sitting in water seems to work, she said she is fine doing that. You think we are safe??

06-11-2012, 08:25 PM
I just use a tampon :) Never had any problems and I lifeguard regularly.

06-11-2012, 10:14 PM
she may have used the wrong tampon, getting slims that have a plastic applicator may be easier, even using a little lube

06-11-2012, 10:23 PM
It should be fine to not wear a tampon if she isn't bleeding to heavy. The water will wash away all your worries :P I know, kinda gross if you think about it.... so don't. But really, it should be fine. Do NOT wear a pad in the water. It will be a disaster. It will just soak up the water instantly and become a soggy mess.

If she is bleeding really heavy than suggest using a tampon. I know you said she had a bad experience with one but they really are the best option. I use Playtex Sport tampons. I am on swim team and I can't just take a week off each month because of my period.

Whatever you do don't let your period stop you from doing anything. Or in this case her period. You know what I mean, just pass along the advice. :)

06-12-2012, 01:34 AM
I can't stress enough how nice a menstrual cup is. I have a Ladycup, and I love it. Let me say, before this I was strictly a pad girl. I would NOT put in tampons. They were so uncomfortable (read: painful) going in, coming out, and in between (lol sorry if this is TMI). My Ladycup took me a bit to get used to putting it in, but I found a few tips on it that made inserting easier and once it's in it feels nonexistent. It also can stay in for much longer than a tampon. SO. For future reference, I'd advise a menstrual cup. For the next bit...I don't know. A pad would fall apart...if she's light, I wouldn't worry.

06-12-2012, 01:57 AM
I'm way to scared to use tampons.
Use operation: Splish Splash Bath Time

06-12-2012, 01:57 AM
I have had issues with tampons as well. It used to be a nightmare for me to use them. Kotex U is a really good brand. The applicator is smaller than all I have seen but they still are really good at absorbing everything(and they are sooo colorful!!). I have an extremely heavy flow. As for the water stopping the flow it works for me. I still use a tampon though just in case but there is no blood on it when I change it.

Mermaid Rillia
06-12-2012, 02:10 AM
I usually just put a tampon in before-hand. it does the trink. However swimming in the water does lower tour body temp or something and reduce, if not temporarily stop the bleeding/ leakage. And Kanti, Thats a nicely named operation lol

06-12-2012, 09:35 AM
A tampon is really your best bet. Sure the pressure from the water will stop it for a short time, but all the blood will build up in the canal and as soon as that pressure from the water is gone it will all come out. Also if you are moving around a lot (and especially if you are using your abdomen muscles, which swimming in a tail will) it can counteract the pressure and you will flow normally. I would really recommend just using a tampon.

06-12-2012, 10:14 AM
yeah I agree with Sephina, encourage your friend to try a different type, slims are made for women who find them tricky. A plastic applicator goes in easier than a cardboard one, and if she puts a bit of water or lubrication on it first it'll go in a lot easier. I have pelvic floor spasiming due to the bladder illness I have. But even I can get them in so long as I use the right type!

Mermaid Sirena
06-12-2012, 11:55 AM
Personally I never found swimming to cause a pause in my flow, though it did delay it by several years :P

I also had bad experiences with Tampons with horrible pain and bad cramps, however due to swimming competitively I had to swim even during the flow. I found that tampax pearl (which have plastic applicators) are actually really comfortable (especially the small and normal) and that I can wear them for swimming and not even notice, I've actually had to for a couple mer jobs.

Please if she is on her flow and will not wear a tampon or a moon cup don't go in the water. For one if your flow shows up say in the pool around it is horribly embarrassing (happened to a girl on my swim team, she had started & didn't know until the water changed color), also it will stain her swimsuit. For another you have to think about it this way all the other patrons would be swimming around in menstrual blood. I'm sorry if this comes off rude but after my experiences with pools, water and other peoples lack of preparation or ability to control bodily fluids... lets just say its best to wear a tampon/moon-cup or just not go in.

Mermaid Saphira
06-13-2012, 09:17 AM
^ ThanQ for your help! We didn't get to go anyway, but we will most certainly keep this in mind ;)

06-14-2012, 09:08 PM
For another you have to think about it this way all the other patrons would be swimming around in menstrual blood. I'm sorry if this comes off rude but after my experiences with pools, water and other peoples lack of preparation or ability to control bodily fluids... lets just say its best to wear a tampon/moon-cup or just not go in.

Agreed. It is not fair to any other patron in the pool to be swimming in it while on your period without adequate protection. They do not want to swim in someone's menstrual blood.

06-14-2012, 11:46 PM
Agreed. It is not fair to any other patron in the pool to be swimming in it while on your period without adequate protection. They do not want to swim in someone's menstrual blood.

I think the same argument should be said for pee: http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?2188-If-all-of-a-sudden-nature-calls

Mermaid Dottie
06-15-2012, 12:29 AM
I just use a tampon :) Never had any problems and I lifeguard regularly.
I love your gif. Love it.

Mermaid Sirena
06-15-2012, 11:49 AM
I think the same argument should be said for pee: http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?2188-If-all-of-a-sudden-nature-calls

Yep it does :)

Mermaid Bella
06-16-2012, 10:26 AM
i have never heard of a period stopping due to water, be it from the temp or the pressure, if that were the case, the tampon would come out clean. i have to agree, when it comes to pools either protect or dont go in, i was at a pool once and someone... releived themselves, i nearly threw up on them... i was still in the water.. wouldnt have been nice.

maybe try the beach, on a very very light flow, its the ocean so not gross and... unless there are sharks.... yeah im not going to finish that thought...

Mermaid Aurora
07-01-2012, 12:54 PM
tampons are god's gift to swimmers, ladies! if theyre in right, you dont even feel them. i havent used any other 'hygiene' products since i was 11 and i'm never lookin back! i have a really heavy, long Shark Week and i don't need more than one tampon when swimming for up to 3 hours. fantaaaastic.

07-01-2012, 01:24 PM
Maybe next time this problem comes up she could use a Softcup? Since you said tampons are a no-no for her (I hate them too, OW!) I saw them in the grocery store the other day and they looked like a great alternative to tampons - basically the same idea as the Mooncup or Divacup, but they're a quick fix if she doesn't have either of those. Though I'd suggest she try it a couple of times to make sure she knows how to fit it in.

12-20-2012, 04:01 AM
So to the professional mers- what do you do about cramps? I want to be able to just do things like parties in the future, but I get the cramps from hell. The ones that have you in bed, crying. And I'm not a cryer lol but like I know Raina has her schedule all filled up in advance and stuff. What happens if one day you just don't even wanna eat because a walk to the kitchen would be equivalent to death?

And just on the topic of cramps in general- how do you deal with them with your day job? I'm afraid of what the future holds in store for me. It's not like I can call in sick two days in a row every month, right? Right now I'm a college student mooching off her parents. I'm trying to find a job, but I don't wanna get fired for not being available for all scheduled times! So do you just pop the ibuprofen and go on with your day?

12-20-2012, 06:45 AM
So to the professional mers- what do you do about cramps? I want to be able to just do things like parties in the future, but I get the cramps from hell. The ones that have you in bed, crying. And I'm not a cryer lol but like I know Raina has her schedule all filled up in advance and stuff. What happens if one day you just don't even wanna eat because a walk to the kitchen would be equivalent to death?

And just on the topic of cramps in general- how do you deal with them with your day job? I'm afraid of what the future holds in store for me. It's not like I can call in sick two days in a row every month, right? Right now I'm a college student mooching off her parents. I'm trying to find a job, but I don't wanna get fired for not being available for all scheduled times! So do you just pop the ibuprofen and go on with your day?

I had the implanon in my arm for 2 years and that took away my pain. My sister is on the pill, as she had pain that left her in bed for a couple of day previously. but now she's fine. Sometimes it works other times it doesn't. you'll just have to find out what works for you

SeaGlass Siren
12-20-2012, 08:03 AM
Swimming on my period, I don't do. Bad experience with it.

Cramping, I pop some pills prescribed by my doc.

Mermaid Wesley
12-22-2012, 03:58 AM
A THING I KNOW: water doesnt stop your period. at all. it just dilutes and you cant see it. 3 yrs of swim team and tampons are really the only way to go. (menstrual cups too though i am afraid of blood and will not use them). Most people cannot even feel a tampon when it is inserted correctly. If you use one that is too big, there can be discomfort or pain (i speak from experience) but the light ones or slim are very comfortable.

12-22-2012, 10:34 PM
Glad to see there's other people who don't like tampons... I thought I was the only one x_x for me it's not a physical thing though, it's mental, so when I get my period when I want to be swimming I just can't :(

But yes... being in water shouldn't stop it, even if the temperature is different it is probably not that far off from normal temperatures anyway (if the pool you're going to is less than 60º or something, well, I applaud your bravery D: )

01-02-2013, 02:00 PM
I use the mooncup and I love it but unfortunately I can't swim the first two or three days because if I do I am very very sick and my bleeding lasts longer than usual.

Mermaid Enhydrina
01-04-2013, 04:54 PM
Glad to see there's other people who don't like tampons... I thought I was the only one x_x for me it's not a physical thing though, it's mental, so when I get my period when I want to be swimming I just can't :(

Totally know what you mean!

01-09-2013, 08:29 PM
I normally use pads. I watched a friend of mine who used tampons like they were candy, in high school get sick with TSS (toxic shock syndrom) from a tampon. First thing first, no she didn't leave it in too long. she had it in for an hour due to heavy flow. Then she got sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. So I am strickly pads. But as far as swimming.

Yes, I wear tampons when I have the urge to go swimming during my TOM. I use the Pearls. When I was younger I would always use the Playtex gentle glides (not sold anymore) or the sport version just because they were plastic applicator and they were smaller. But then I had a coupon for the Pearls and used those. I can wear one for 3 hrs now, take it out and wear a pad and have a clean pad for an hour to two hours just because my flow is lighter but because the tampon soaks it up (sorry for the tmi).

I went on birth control when I was 17. The doctor told me to take and try the pill first. She explained that the pill will help lighten up and fix my period(irregular period....one period for 3 days, next would be a week and half) and defuse my cramps. (I too had the lying in bed like a deformed crab and crying). My period was still heavy and still irregular and it didn't do squat for my cramps. She put me on a different type of pill. Helped the cramps not the period. Finally I am on Ortho-Evra (the patch) on for a week, stays on while swimming. BOOM. no cramps, 3 1/2 day period, and light light light. ( now mind you this is an actual birth control --to protect against pregnancy--not just to help with my period.

just a little too much info kinda got off track, but i felt that it was some what relevent

Mermaid Narina
01-09-2013, 11:20 PM
yeah, if you want to use a pad, think again! Put it in a sink full of water and see what happens..... :O
And i personally couldnt trust the whole "water will stop it".
In my mind, all i can imagine would be the period building up while you are in the water, then you get out of the water and it all gushes out. O.O I think that would have to be one of my greatest fears...

01-14-2013, 07:30 PM
As for dealing with cramps, if you're not up for using a hormonal contraceptive as a long term fix, I recommend some strong painkillers. I had the same deal with cramps from hell, and anything with codeine in it works wonders. Keep in mind it is an opiate though, and it can leave you a bit dopey if you're not used to it. Also risk of addiction, but if you're not the kind of person who falls for things easily, you'll be fine.

SeaGlass Siren
01-14-2013, 07:38 PM
DARK CHOCOLATE. eat plenty of it.

01-14-2013, 08:20 PM
about cramps,

I deal with insane cramps as part of my illness. Nothing stops them. We've tried all manner of pain killers, a variety of different birth control pills, and I've tried every all natural suggestion thrown at me. Nothing works. The good thing for me is despite my terrible terrible cramps, I have a very light and short cycle (3 days). But even when it's done, the cramps will hang around. I usually drink a lot of fluids before I go for a gig in the water, and I make sure to take magnesium all during my period, just before, and just after. I've never had cramps or my period keep me from doing a gig, but it's always a fear in the back of my mind because of the few times I've been hospitalized from the pain. I think because I'm in the water which I usually find soothing to cramps anyway, I'm happy and moving a lot which triggers endorphins... I'm usually really good. I can usually get through a gig with no issue, but then I am mega pain after. And my poor little tummy bloats like you wouldn't believe- which is part of the reason my tail comes up too high.

I have encountered several times now something, that is kinda gross but since this is a thread about periods etc and how we cope as mers, I might as well share... mer swimming def makes the tampons move around more. I think it's the way the monofin moves your body. I never noticed it when I swam once in a while, but now that I'm doing regular gigs and I've done several on my period, all the swimming has moved the tampons further down the "canal". It doesn't cause any issues but it WILL absorb water. Which- once you start moving, will make you think you're leaking. I once did a gig where I ended up in tears after because I was afraid when we took my tail off there was going to be ickyness everywhere. My boyfriend had to help me, I was embarrassed, and mortified. I could swear I was leaking because of the sensation, and I made him promise he'd close his eyes once we pulled the tail down. Mermaid Ama was with me, and she was keeping an eye out for anyone that might try and come into the room we were using. Thankfully, when we got the tail off I was fine. It was JUST WATER. All the movement had lowered the tampon so it absorbed too much water, so when I got out that's what I could feel dripping. I had never been so relieved. but I figured I'd tell you all so if you ever find yourself in the situation you know what's happening, and don't feel as terrible as I did.

I do find swimming practically stops my flow, but once I stop moving or get out of the water it goes again. I feel very lucky that my tail is made the way it is. If I ever had a leak, or got my period unexpectedly, nothing would come out of the tail, and it would be very easy to clean after, just mortifying lol.

01-14-2013, 08:24 PM
It's one of the big reasons why my tail comes up so high. I just don't feel comfortable. When I'm on my period, it triggers my bladder illness, so EVERYTHING is inflamed, which means I get serious swelling and bloating. Here's a photo comparison I took.

Second day of my period, with my bladder inflamed, after a mer gig:

Two days later when everything stopped and felt better

Phoenix Mermaid
01-14-2013, 09:01 PM
This is something that I've been wondering about. I have some health problems and at times I am on my periods for weeks on end. My last period lastest 9 weeks. I have a hard time using tampons as most of the brand are too big for me to use, so I'll use a smaller brand. But half of the time the flow is never consistent. Sometimes I can wear a tampons, sometimes I can't get the damn thing to go at all! I usually have to wait a few hours before trying one (so the flow starts again) It drives me crazy. I have the hardest time with my period, and am always having accident. This is something that concerns me because i never know when it'd coming and how long it's going to last. I've only ever swam once or twice while on my period while using a tampon. I agree Raina, when in the water it seems to move. And it's uncomfortable, I can't tell if it's full or just full of water.
Im so sorry Raina. I understand tummy problems all to well. It looks so painful though :(

Phoenix Mermaid
01-14-2013, 09:03 PM
Sorry for my grammar mistakes everybody. My mental health has been degrading and I can't remember how to spell some of the simplest words anymore.

01-14-2013, 09:44 PM
Oh geez, that must stink, Raina. Is there a lot of weight gain/loss with it, too? By the way, I think you have a very cute tummy! I know that sounds weird Haha I think stomachs make me think of little kids. Idk :P

Reed, have you asked a doctor about it? I remember years and years ago hearing my sister tell someone that my mom's period lasted for a long time. But I think she got it fixed somehow.

You're lucky yours is short and light, though, Raina. I had a moment of feeling embarrassed once when a girl asked if I had a tampon, so I gave her one. Her reaction: "Whoa, this is really big!" I felt like a freak. Anyone know what causes the differences in flows?
The summer after my freshman year of high school, I was at the beach with friends, one of which was on her period. She said she was using the biggest size tampon, but she was still leaking. She is a whitey mcwhite pants, and I'm half whitey mcwhite pants, so I just assumed it had something to do with ancestry. Like, we're both at least part German, and Germans have large bone structures, right? So I thought maybe that had something to do with it. I have no idea though lol

01-14-2013, 10:15 PM
Oh geez, that must stink, Raina. Is there a lot of weight gain/loss with it, too? By the way, I think you have a very cute tummy! I know that sounds weird Haha I think stomachs make me think of little kids. Idk :P

I usually go up 2lbs and down 2lbs.

I think your cycle changes throughout your life. I used to be really heavy, then I got super sick for a few years and now it's light. but I used to be able to control cramps with meds and feel fine. now nothing works. Having kids can also change things, birth control, all kinds of stuff.

Phoenix Mermaid
01-14-2013, 10:29 PM
Its not the first time its lasted that long. But yes I've seen a few doctors about it. They all say everything is fine and normal. And all the tests have been normal. But there are also times when I go months without a period. Last year I went 6 months in between periods(this is what I'm hoping for when swim season comes around)

Mermaid Melanie
01-15-2013, 12:10 AM
I find the the pill works great for knowing exactly when its going to come so you can be prepared - if you stick to it you can have control over when it comes. Also ive used Tampons since the beginning pretty much swimming or not - just feels so much cleaner as for cramps- i find being in water helps !

01-15-2013, 08:23 PM
I personally wish I could get tubal ligation (getting yer tubes tied), but there's no surgeon anywhere ever who's going to approve the procedure for someone like me (young, healthy, and not had kids). Especially that last part. Why else would I want to get it done? I don't understand all the fuss. It's a reversible procedure (the fallopian tubes get clamped, not 'tied'), and they un-flatten after a while.

01-17-2013, 02:57 PM
Rat-Soup, I have a friend who's early to mid thirties and perfectly healthy that has no kids and doesn't want kids that's had her tubes tied. I don't know what age she had it done. As long as you're legally old enough to have the procedure and your body is done growing, if you ask around I'm sure you'll find someone open minded enough who will do it.

I've considered having it done, and while I'm 80% sure I don't want kids, that's not quite a high enough percentage for me personally to do it. Plus I'm sure my insurance would consider it an "elective" procedure, so I'd have to pay out of pocket.

Tasha Mermaid
01-17-2013, 09:39 PM
Im german (on both sides) and aboriginal ancestry...and my flow is REALLY heavy as is my mums, so you could be right about the ancestry thing

Tasha Mermaid
01-17-2013, 09:42 PM
i would check to see if you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), that is very common sign of PCOS, i have had and went and found out that i have it, and all the girls i know who have PCOS have periods like that.

Its not the first time its lasted that long. But yes I've seen a few doctors about it. They all say everything is fine and normal. And all the tests have been normal. But there are also times when I go months without a period. Last year I went 6 months in between periods(this is what I'm hoping for when swim season comes around)

01-21-2013, 09:27 PM
Rat-Soup, I have a friend who's early to mid thirties and perfectly healthy that has no kids and doesn't want kids that's had her tubes tied. I don't know what age she had it done. As long as you're legally old enough to have the procedure and your body is done growing, if you ask around I'm sure you'll find someone open minded enough who will do it.

I've considered having it done, and while I'm 80% sure I don't want kids, that's not quite a high enough percentage for me personally to do it. Plus I'm sure my insurance would consider it an "elective" procedure, so I'd have to pay out of pocket.

Yeah, I'm only 23. I've asked a couple of GPs about my chances of getting it done, and they've all looked at me like I'd just dribbled on my shirt. Once I've got the funds saved up, I'm going to harass every surgeon in my state until someone gives in.

01-29-2013, 02:57 AM
All you have to do is pop a tampon in there it's super easy.

01-29-2013, 09:41 AM
I lock myself in my room and pretend I'm dead.

02-05-2013, 06:36 PM
Drucilla I know that feeling :)

So I am freaking out right now because I had to take the morning after pill last Monday, my period then started yesterday (7 days after) but it is really really heavy like worse than I have ever had it before. I looked at the leaflet and it said if you have heavy periods you could be pregnant, so im really worried that the pill has acted like an abortion. This really upsets me and I cant talk to my mum about it cos she thinks contraception is abortion :( I spoke to a nurse about it today and she said that its probably just normal but it could be foetal tissue. Im really scared and so upset about this and I don't know what to do.....

04-30-2013, 12:34 AM
speaking of... my cycle just shows up. cramps or not I'm going to swim in my tail!
especially since I just got her back today!

SeaGlass Siren
04-30-2013, 12:22 PM
I applaud the lot of you who swim during her time of the month

Mermaid Pickles
04-30-2013, 02:34 PM
I see I'm not the only one who just CAN'T bring myself to swim during my period. Reallya wkward though, because the first time I ever had my period, I was 12 years old and camping at a lake with my dad's familyand was swimming all the time. =.= It's a wonder nobody ever knew....because my mom had never talked to me about it, and I was scared to ask my sisters, my aunts, or my grandma. =.= I probably should have, though. I didn't. Oh, and for cramps, I use Aleve. I'm allergic to codeine, and advil(ibuprofen) and tylenol do not work at ALL on me. Strangely, I feel better when I drink any kind of liquid. =.= Hrm.

05-07-2013, 02:49 PM
I have a Diva Cup that I've had for years now and it's awesome. Far less wasteful than using tampons or pads all the time (and saves you a ton of money as well). I know most of us mers are pretty conscious about saving the environment and not creating excess trash!

Also, I got my tubes tied when I was 23. I'm healthy and I've never had kids, nor have I wanted them. I was lucky enough to find an understanding doctor who didn't treat me as subhuman due to my not wanting to have children, and she performed the tubal ligation on me with no trouble at all. It was awesome. Keep in mind, surgical sterilization IS a permanent procedure. They don't just flatten the tubes, they do actually cut and cauterize them. Also, this does nothing whatsoever to alter your hormones or your period. All it does is block the fallopian tubes so the ovum can't reach the uterus. HOWEVER, at the same time I had this done, I also had a procedure called endometrial ablation, in which they essentially remove the inner lining of your uterus, which is what is shed during your periods. TADAAA, no more period for me!!! Freaking awesome. For anyone who is confident that they don't want children and doesn't mind having permanent birth control, I highly recommend this procedure.

SeaGlass Siren
05-07-2013, 09:55 PM
Drucilla I know that feeling :)

So I am freaking out right now because I had to take the morning after pill last Monday, my period then started yesterday (7 days after) but it is really really heavy like worse than I have ever had it before. I looked at the leaflet and it said if you have heavy periods you could be pregnant, so im really worried that the pill has acted like an abortion. This really upsets me and I cant talk to my mum about it cos she thinks contraception is abortion :( I spoke to a nurse about it today and she said that its probably just normal but it could be foetal tissue. Im really scared and so upset about this and I don't know what to do.....
Oh my god just saw this now. Are you gonna be ok? ARE you ok?
I had a scare like that once.. Was just horrible.. :hugs:

Mermaid Varshana
05-07-2013, 11:57 PM
Everywhere I've read has said that any suggestion that the morning after pill causes abortion is malarkey. They're actually thinking of removing that warning because there's no evidence supporting it. Also, a miscarriage at a few days pregnant would be fewer cells than the brain of a fly. There'd be next to nothing.

05-08-2013, 01:09 AM
I realized i knew nothing about the morning after pill, so I did some reading. keep in mind that I'm looking into this at a late hour so i may be incorrect on info I found...
it looks like most are saying it simply delays ovulation so there is no fertilization, but it looks to me that they don't really understand it as thoroughly as they like you to think. part of the reason for that warning is because they didn't understand all of why it worked originally.
It looks as if the morning after pill doesn't do anything about stopping fertilization, so it could potentially do nothing for you if you take it too late.
The concern is whether it also prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. Depending on who you talk to you get a no, because nothing suggests that it does, or a we don't really know either way answer.
I don't like when people state something as truth simply because they haven't found a definite answer yet. What If they're wrong? I guess it's frustrating try to form an educated opinion when they all seem to have an agenda to push and it's hard to sift through facts.

There is a drug that is designed to abort, but it's supposed to be different (though there is a similar chemical at a much lower dose.) I doubt that's what you took.

I'm surprised that the nurse didn't tell you all that, Lois. I'm so sorry it caused you that much distress, and I'm sorry your mom can't comfort you in times like this. I'm also sorry we seemed to miss your post. I feel terrible that we didn't get to you sooner.

I also wanted to put out there that I'm one of those people who believe it's a baby at that point, even though it's only a few cells... I'd be very upset too if i thought that had happened to me. I'd just like to ask that this doesn't get belittled because it would not have time to develop much.

05-08-2013, 02:27 AM
As far as I knew, the 'morning after pill' is a mix of chemicals which forces the uteral lining to fall off- like your normal period- as to avoid the fertilized egg from embedding in the uterus (if there is a fertilized egg it is flushed out with the lining). Its like a forced period, but the chemicals can cause issues. Its not very easy to get morning-after-pills here in Australia, as there can be numberous medical complications from taking them. They really are not to be taken likely- they are most certainly a last resort. I hope that everyone here knows that! X3 My mother is a sexual educator and natural family planner, btw.

05-08-2013, 02:48 AM
I'm a bit lazy to read all the posts but I want to recommend something. Softcups. ;) They are absolutely amazing.

And be careful with the morning after pills ladies. Just get on "the pill" or other forms of birth control, OR be responsible (because most males wont be) and use a condom okay? :)
You can even take "the pill" that only gives you a period every 3 months, or shots etc that keep your per. at bay for longer. I personally don't like to use those, as I personally feel better letting my body run its natural course as Mother Nature intended.

Mermaid Varshana
05-08-2013, 08:19 AM
I also wanted to put out there that I'm one of those people who believe it's a baby at that point, even though it's only a few cells... I'd be very upset too if i thought that had happened to me. I'd just like to ask that this doesn't get belittled because it would not have time to develop much.

I guess I put it pretty harshly - but the fact is this. Foetal tissue takes more than a few days after implantation to develop. Implantation occurs 7-10 days after fertilization. Fertilization can take anywhere from 30min to 5 days. Plan B is effective 3-5 days after sex. She got the "possible foetal tissue" period flow...7 days after sex (also when there simply wouldnt be enough, if anything there TO resemble foetal tissue to the naked eye, because it's not a fetus, it's a zygote at that point...we're talking tiny, tiny size scales here folks). If something about those numbers seem off, it's probably because there is. Also, you typically ovulate 12-14 days before your period starts if you have a regular cycle, so chances are you had no egg waiting in the wings to be fertilized. I think your nurse should have told you how long fertilization and implantation actually take.

05-21-2013, 03:27 PM
When I'm swimming at my T.O.M I use the diva-cup it's Great for swimming, You only have to change once every six hours so its great for days at the beach or travel. Plus its a Eco friendly too, You only need to replace it once every five years..

05-23-2013, 12:54 PM
I used tampax pearl and that seems to work for me just fine when in the water. Though your period does stop completely in the water anyway, I typically still noticeably bleed for the first minute or so, so getting in a swimming pool without a tampon with that in mind isn't desirable lol. Also based on my experience you start bleeding again almost immediately after exiting the water so that can be a bit of a mess too. I stopped pads because they leaked (A LOT, and I tried many brands) and I had to miss out on too many pool parties because I was too afraid at the time to try tampons. Swimming in pads I'd imagine would just be a mess rather than helpful.

As for birth control, I have a morning after pill in my cupboard but I've luckily never needed to use it so I have no experience on that. HOWEVER. I do recommend birth control, especially the kind I use. It's a shot, you take it once every 3 months, and I think its called Depo. After a month you can start having unprotected sex and after a year your periods stop completely. I've been on it for 3 years now, no problems, no weird side effects, and never been happier! Though it may cause your periods to get irregular and wonky until that first year is up, but to avoid getting pregnant and to stop those pesky periods and painful cramps (Mine were HORRIBLE), it was worth it.