View Full Version : Mountain biking

06-17-2012, 03:52 PM
So I have always been and always will be a mermaid. But recently I discovered I am a mountain biker too. I bought an inexpensive bike to ride occasionally, with my hubby just for fun last summer, but never really went riding.... Then this summer I started going with him more regularly. I seriously wanted to hang myself mid-ride a couple times... I was so exhausted and in so much pain; the uphill part seemed endlessness and I almost quit SO many times, but, not wanting to cheat mike out of a good ride, I forced myself on until we finally crested the hill and started down... And I loved it so much it made me want to go again. And I learned somethIng very valuable in the Process- I can get up any hill so long as I don't give up. It's ok to stop and rest, it's ok to fall, it's ok to pick another route, and it's ok to feel shitty along the way because eventually you reach the top, and the ride back home is even more rewarding because you earned it. I'm now an addict and thank god for that- its already pulled me thru some hard stuff.