View Full Version : Finis Foil vs. Finis Wave?

06-24-2012, 10:56 PM
I'm making my first tail(latex), and I'm around to one of the first choices in it: the monofin. The finis wave and the finis foil both are very affordable and good looking options. I've read up on both but I can't quite decide. Any good comparison of one to the other? Advice? :)

Tiffany J Michie
06-24-2012, 11:29 PM
Hi Chelsea, I am making my first tail too and due to budget restrictions I chose the Finis Foil Monofin. It is fantastic for speed and easy for beginners to use. The only issue I have with it is the shape. I would personally prefer the shape of the Finis Wave or Finis Rapid but it still gets the job done. I plan on saving up to get a Finis rapid monofin soon for my next tail. I would suggest starting with the Foil monofin then moving up to a Wave or Rapid if you want.
Also, here is a tip if its your first time using a monofin; Tape up your toes and wear socks with the fin otherwise you will get some horrible blisters!
Happy Swimming!!

06-25-2012, 12:24 PM
Thank you! Yeah I'm kinda a barefoot kinda girl so I predict lots of blister D: so hopefully that'll help me out! And I think I can afford to buy the finis foil or wave, so you think the foil is better for a beginner? I mean if you think the wave shape is better I think I could probably adapt to swimming with it almost as easily?

Thanks bunches for the advise :)

06-25-2012, 02:31 PM
My tail was made with the Churchill Makapuu swim fins (fused together). Even with my fins being slightly small on my left foot -- my big toe gets squooshed pretty bad -- I haven't had any problems with blisters. :) You may not, either.

07-04-2012, 06:53 PM
WAVE! I have to say that I like the shape of the Wave MUCH more than the shape of the Foil. ;)