View Full Version : Coming out as a mermaid to your family.

07-13-2012, 12:33 AM
Today, was an important day for me as a mermaid.

As many of you know from my old threads and rants, I didn't have very mer-enthusiast parents. When I was younger they threw away my fabric tails. And my mother has always been a bit of a penny pitcher, where if you had money it had to go to school, food, gas, or bills.

I bought my tail with my graduation money. I had no intentions of telling my family I did. But since our cards are all linked in the bank, I knew that my order could be viewed by who ever wanted to see it. But alas, after a month, no one had seen that I bought a tail or that $200 was missing from my account.

But that was until today. My mom came home and after a few minutes of chatting, she brought it up. "So, what did you buy that was $200 about a month ago, and didn't tell me?" Sh*t. That's all I could think. How was I going to tell about mermaiding? I had made many speeches on it before for her, but I could never tell her them. I knew she would be mad and I knew she wouldn't support it. "You're going to think it's stupid..." I said. She laughed and said "I know it has to do with Mermaids." That was half the battle. "I just wanted to let you know, this is something I have really wanted for years and years. I put lots of thought into it and it was a graduation present to me." And so on I explained to her how it was a fully functional, mermaiding costume. "Are you going to even use it?" Ouch. No, not as much as I would want to. Just because I'm so shy. But I didn't want to tell her that. That would make it worse. "I will when I can but I just don't want to swim in it alone..." This actually made her feel better that I took into consideration my safety in the costume.

And then there was the dreaded, "Then why didn't you tell me you bought it?" And then I let it all out. I explained to her how much mermaiding meant to me. I told her about the network, Hannah Fraser, Rainia, Stevi, everyone how we bond on this. I told that if I decided later I didn't want the tail or I needed the money there were people willing to buy it. I told her how I thought she would be disappointed in me and think I was silly and a child for doing such.

And then there was something I would of never expected. She pulled me into a tight embrace. She told me that if it was something I wanted, it wasn't stupid. And she supported it.

Now, I went from a mother who threw my old tails in the garbage, to someone who accepts me as a mermaid. I cannot tell you how amazing that feels to know that I don't have to hide it anymore or try to explain why I bought mermaid things.

It might not be in all cases, but it goes to show you, most parents will love you no matter what.

How did you come out to your family about being a mermaid? How did they take it?

07-13-2012, 12:41 AM
wow... that's a beautiful story. It's interesting cause I had to go through that as a gay man with my family.
But now I have 2 more closets: I haven't told them that I'm a pagan (so what... as a witch, I'm in the "broom closet"?) nor have I told them of my interest in merfolk. I would assume they get it to some degree... they know I've loved mermaids my whole life. THat I asked for mermaid dolls as a 2 yr old boy. That Splash is my favorite movie. That I drew them incessantly. But I wonder what they'd say about me saying: I wanna wear a tail.
They'd prolly say: um.. Okayyyyyyy?
They already know how strange and silly I can be. They've seen me play many characters in theatre. They also know I do a lot with costuming and have an interest in Special FX. So I think they'd think it silly, but would be like: yup. That's my boy alright

07-13-2012, 01:12 AM
wow... that's a beautiful story. It's interesting cause I had to go through that as a gay man with my family.
But now I have 2 more closets: I haven't told them that I'm a pagan (so what... as a witch, I'm in the "broom closet"?) nor have I told them of my interest in merfolk. I would assume they get it to some degree... they know I've loved mermaids my whole life. THat I asked for mermaid dolls as a 2 yr old boy. That Splash is my favorite movie. That I drew them incessantly. But I wonder what they'd say about me saying: I wanna wear a tail.
They'd prolly say: um.. Okayyyyyyy?
They already know how strange and silly I can be. They've seen me play many characters in theatre. They also know I do a lot with costuming and have an interest in Special FX. So I think they'd think it silly, but would be like: yup. That's my boy alright

Wow, I seriously respect you on that.

I never realized how hard it is to come out to parents with anything. After that I had a huge respect for gays. It's hard to confess to people who you love that you're different and not the normal. You don't want them to love you any less and you just want acceptance. In ways I think you could pull off coming out as a mer better since you're into costumes and what not. It's a normal way for mermaiding to spark your interest I think. But good luck to you as you build your confidence!

New York Mermaid
07-13-2012, 02:14 AM
I told my dad and my mom, Mom's actually okay with it and i explained and showed her the tail, then again she always wanted me to be a weeki wachee mermaid, my dad is good with it, he told me, "go be unique and shine in your own way" He's my dad and supports me in all i do,

my hubby is great and ironically pretty excited about seeing me in my new tail.. and i somehow think i've created a mermaid loving monster..lol I guess it all depends on how opened and accepting your family is to things. Gay or Mer or other, if they love you for who you are, despite what you do in life or want to be, it shouldnt change their views of you at all.

07-13-2012, 06:54 AM
When I told my parents I presented it as a business pitch, if I'm remembering correctly. Haha.
My parents are both fully supportive. I mean, they let me meet up with latexmans in Thailand. >.>
My dad has asked me on occasion if I'm interested in getting to SPFX and if I'd like to go to school for it.
My mother thinks it's cool and she's glad I found a medium to express my artistic skills, and she encourages me to be an entrepreneur. I guess I'm lucky.
I pay for everything myself though, and my parents are aware of how emotionally invested I am in the hobby. :)
I also have the added advantage of having really good grades and (as of now) graduating with my master's degree at the age of 21, so my parents are satisfied that I'll be alright with anything I choose to do.

I've only really gotten made fun of by extended family members, or people who have never heard of it before - which I don't really care much about.

My partner mermaid's family laughed when she told them, but think it's a cool hobby.

07-13-2012, 07:13 AM
so proud of you!!! big hugs. Happy it went so well.
I think for me, my folks are sometimes embarrassed. But, they're also used to me doing crazy things because when I was a teen I had piercings, blue hair, was in a punk rock band etc. When I first started my dad would look at me funny and say "you know mermaids arent real, right?"

Once I started getting publicity, and he saw the way other people responded, and then the way the REST of my family responded, he started becoming supportive. I think he just didnt get it, I think he still doesnt get it. But after seeing how hard I worked at my degrees and how there is no teacher work he's really happy I went and made a job myself.

Ayla of Duluth
07-13-2012, 08:12 AM
I don't think I had to open up to my parents about it. I got into mermaiding from the clorox commercial. I was there for the music, I stayed for the mermaids. They just swam so gracefully. I stumbled across mernetwork and browsed it every day, and eventually my parents caught on. So it was no suprise to them when I said I wanted a mermaid tail. The price of a realistic tail was though. To this day, my parents still doubt I'll be able to make it as a professional mer in Duluth, but they fully support me and want me to be happy.

Mermaid Saphira
07-13-2012, 10:22 AM
The way you wrote your story was like something straight out of book! I am so happy you finally got your mothers support <3

Bubbles and I have always had a passion for mers. About the time we were 9, 10 we really started getting into them (have no clue why LOL). We started searching for tutorials to make tails and thats when we found Sasha's video...and then LittleOrca's! While the first tails were a huge mistake, our second tails were (not good but,) better! Our parents just went along with it, they were so amazed. Eventually we started telling our close friends, then they wanted tails :D! There is only one friend that disapproves for our mermaidy-ness, but we don't let her stop us! Heck, we even plan to walk through the hallway with out tails in hand at the end of the school year and head to the beach ;). We are just doing whatever makes us happy!

07-13-2012, 05:08 PM
I just got my monofin a few days ago and when I showed it to my parents they liked it and thought it was cool. Now my mom has nicknamed me mermaid. I guess it's alright in my household! :D

07-13-2012, 07:48 PM
so proud of you!!! big hugs. Happy it went so well.
I think for me, my folks are sometimes embarrassed. But, they're also used to me doing crazy things because when I was a teen I had piercings, blue hair, was in a punk rock band etc. When I first started my dad would look at me funny and say "you know mermaids arent real, right?"

Once I started getting publicity, and he saw the way other people responded, and then the way the REST of my family responded, he started becoming supportive. I think he just didnt get it, I think he still doesnt get it. But after seeing how hard I worked at my degrees and how there is no teacher work he's really happy I went and made a job myself.

Thank you Rainia :) It's big mers like yourself who helped pull off the convincing. When I told her that Hannah Fraser actually makes a living off of being a Mermaid, she was surprised. I said it's like being a performer, an aquatics performer. It's not really as strange as most people think. I believe that's just status quo to think that it's strange. I wish that people would just step back from that and see it as a hobby and not a weird obsession.

I don't think I had to open up to my parents about it. I got into mermaiding from the clorox commercial. I was there for the music, I stayed for the mermaids. They just swam so gracefully. I stumbled across mernetwork and browsed it every day, and eventually my parents caught on. So it was no suprise to them when I said I wanted a mermaid tail. The price of a realistic tail was though. To this day, my parents still doubt I'll be able to make it as a professional mer in Duluth, but they fully support me and want me to be happy.

I think it's hard for parents to believe that you can make a living off of it. Maybe it was because our parents are from a generation where you needed a "real" job and had to be serious about it. Now, you can pretty much make a living off of whatever you do well. I have hopes for you! Once they see you in Raven's tail in the future I think their minds will change.

Thank you everyone :) I really have used you guys as support in the conversation. With out the Network, I don't know how well the conversation would have gone...

Ayla of Duluth
07-13-2012, 08:18 PM
I think it's hard for parents to believe that you can make a living off of it. Maybe it was because our parents are from a generation where you needed a "real" job and had to be serious about it. Now, you can pretty much make a living off of whatever you do well. I have hopes for you! Once they see you in Raven's tail in the future I think their minds will change.[QUOTE]
You have no idea. Know how I drive carriages for work? It's not a real job to them because its seasonal, and I only have one boss. A real job to them is something with a coorporate chain of managers and a bi-weekly pay stub. So even though I'm raking in more money than most the other kids my age here and I love what I do, its still not a real job. =,,=

07-13-2012, 08:42 PM
I'm so happy for you!
It's good to have support in your family no matter what.

In my case, my mom actually likes the idea.
She loves all fantasy things and the fact that this has made me a little bit girly-er in her eyes. (I used to be so tomboyish that people thought I was a guy)
Mean while my dad just rolls his eyes XD.

Merman Ray
07-13-2012, 11:40 PM
I will not come out to anyone that is not already into this themselves.

07-14-2012, 12:24 AM
Yeah, it's easy if ur female to come out of the mermaid closet. But if ur male it's a whole other story. I have pretty much hid this my whole life, because anyone that has ever gotten wind of it thinks different of me or that I'm weird. Thats what makes this forum so great, a place to share for Mer-fanatics.

It's funny tho, I have learned from the male perspective, your girlfriend or wife will accept this about you if they are really in love with you. When I finally got the courage to share it with my girl, we explored some amazing mermaid fantasies ;)

07-14-2012, 02:06 PM
yeah, I've found the same thing as blenny. girlfriends are pretty supportive, probably because you have more in common with the people in your life that you choose to be close with versus the people that you don't. Not that I don't love my family, but being open about this with them is a headache I don't need.

Mermaid Annariea
07-14-2012, 02:44 PM
wow... that's a beautiful story. It's interesting cause I had to go through that as a gay man with my family.
But now I have 2 more closets: I haven't told them that I'm a pagan (so what... as a witch, I'm in the "broom closet"?) nor have I told them of my interest in merfolk. I would assume they get it to some degree... they know I've loved mermaids my whole life. THat I asked for mermaid dolls as a 2 yr old boy. That Splash is my favorite movie. That I drew them incessantly. But I wonder what they'd say about me saying: I wanna wear a tail.
They'd prolly say: um.. Okayyyyyyy?
They already know how strange and silly I can be. They've seen me play many characters in theatre. They also know I do a lot with costuming and have an interest in Special FX. So I think they'd think it silly, but would be like: yup. That's my boy alright

i feel you on the broom closet. i finally came out of my... clamshell? mer-closet? whatever we call it... and my family thought for a long time that i was joking, or that it was just a phase, but after a few years, they were like "oh wait, shes serious." at first, they kept saying that getting a tail right now was silly, and they guilted me into not getting one for a while, but finally my grandmom called my parents and was like "she really wants this. let her do it, maybe she can make something out of it. and if not, at least shell be happy". so im currently waiting on my tail to be made by mermaid parties :3

as for the broom closet... im very loosely pagan, just having begun to get into it in the past year or so. a large reason as to why i havent told anyone is because im still forming my beliefs really. BUT, i come from a very christian family. once, i was talking about how my boyfriend (pagan) wants a pentacle tattoo on his back with a phoenix, and she got upset and kept saying how "pentacles are satans symbols". i kept trying to explain to her what they actually are, but she wouldnt listen, and kept telling me to "shhhh" because we were in public and she doesnt like me talking about how im close with "nonchristians". she knows im not christian, and hates it, but i wish she would actually look into things before just... ugh. i was so upset, especially because my mom is usually one of the best listeners i know.

but back to the mermaid thing. my boyfriend is definitely my biggest supporter. he brags to all of his friends about how im such an awesome mermaid. he got even more brag-prone when he found out i learned to blow bubble rings xD im very lucky to have him, he really makes it all easier.

Mermaid Sirena
07-16-2012, 11:22 AM
That is wonderful! I'm so happy it worked out for you :) It's always a delight to hear stories like this.

I am blessed in that my family has supported me from the start. They new the moment I discovered there were people with tails and were aware of every step I took towards my dream. They supported me completely & never once did it occurred to me that this should be something to be ashamed of that I couldn't talk to them about. My mother and father have given me advice in progressing my career while bragging about me to friend/family/patients/co-workers alike, my sister is my permeant backup mertender, my grandmother bought me a beautiful tail and my uncle is always more then happy to sit down and listen to my latest adventures. I realize I am lucky beyond belief when it comes to my family and their support.

07-16-2012, 11:53 AM
Your story is so beautifull ^^

My parents aren't open minded so when I talk about my mermaid obsession, they keep talking as if I didn't mention that.

My strong in that is I live alone now and I can make my own tail if I want.

The only thing is to have money for that.

Time isn't the problem. I will can sew my shell looking the TV (when I'll learn how to do it) but I think I'll never tell to my parents the price that I will spend on it because they won't understand (I think).

Mermaid Dottie
07-16-2012, 12:32 PM
That is so Wonderful! Don't you just love when people surprise you like that? I've been lucky enough to have really proud, supportive parents all my life, and to have found a husband who is just as willing to support my crazy fandom as I am willing to support his.

My mom loves that I'm so creative, and after I made my tail, she began telling people about it like she used to talk about my good grades, or about my art skills(which aren't as fabulous as she makes them sound, but there you go).

There is one person.... I have a 15-year-old niece. She's very pretty, kinda popular, super sweet, but really into the superficial. It makes me laugh because we live in the same neighborhood, and when I go swimming at the local pool, all her friends see me and will take pictures and stuff, and she gets SO embarrassed. LOL! I find it hilarious that she feels that way.

07-16-2012, 02:16 PM
My uncle and aunt saw me in my mermaid tail (I was sitting in the floor wearing it showing it to my cousin who LOVED it) and they literally stepped over me and stuck their noses in the air. They're rich and stuff and never really liked me cause I've always been weird. My mom thought it was awesome, though.

My grandmother saw me put it on in the pool and claim I couldn't swim in it... I swam from the shallow end to the other side of the pool to the deep end and the look on her face was great. She said she was proud of me and stuff.

My boyfriend thought he was embarrassed at first until he saw me swim in it and he was amazed, especially when the little kids in the public pool were like, "Oh! A mermaid!" And came up to me wanting me to swim with them and all.

I really want to make a sort of business or job out of this to prove to my uncle and aunt that weird interests like my mermaid one isn't something only a deadbeat would do and all.

07-16-2012, 02:51 PM
My mom first found out about my mer-passion when I got a monofin in the mail. She called me and dad in for a talk, asking why I was going off the "deep end." I've had this talk before when I got into Lolita fashion, as my family is very conservative and anything out of the ordinary is considered crazy or attention-seeking. I explained that I wanted to do this at kid's parties, but she wanted to know why I thought I could make money doing this in a desert where nobody would want to hire a mermaid. She also worried that any potential boyfriends/employers would be scared away.

Now she's more tolerant of me going swimming every week and even lets my little sister come with me to the pool so long as I never, EVER let her try my fin on. She also said she won't let me perform for family members and that my sister won't go to the pool with me anymore once I have my tail. But at least I don't have to sneak out of the house with my fin anymore, right? XP I really love my mom and she's fantastic in some ways, but she's not great at what she doesn't understand.

My brothers are taking it in stride as "she's weird," one sister is being very supportive as long as I'm sure it's what I want to do, and my baby sister loves it! She's so exited for me to get my tail! ;-)

Mermaid Cascada
07-16-2012, 03:36 PM
When I told my family I wanted to be a mermaid they didn't really think I was serious. Until I started bying supplies to make my latex tail. My mom supported me and was curious how I would make it. My sisters were excited but weren't sure if I'd make a good mermaid :p My dad... I think my dad thinks I have lost it (as in going crazy)

Merman Dan
07-16-2012, 04:16 PM
My dad... I think my dad thinks I have lost it (as in going crazy)

Has your dad seen this site? ;) You are in good company.

07-25-2012, 11:07 AM
My dad just said "oh", my mom said "that's an odd hobby so it suits you". They are used to my 'different' hobbies and interests by now ;)
I did have a small 'problem' explaining it to my boyfriend though! When I told him I ordered a tail, he said "oh?! WHY?" not in an angry way, but in a shocked way. Not shocked about the swimming-like-a-mermaid part, but the fact I had spend over 100 euro to get something that in his eyes is useless (useless as in I won't get to use a tail a whole awful lot). Nevertheless he is supportive, and that's what counts ;)

07-25-2012, 11:45 AM
Since I do fantasy art and have 5 dogs, no one will think it's weird,they already think I'm weird..I all I might hear is "aren't you a little old for that?"....I'm 48....

07-25-2012, 01:15 PM
LOL I know that I am weird as well I'm 43. I will be 44 in september.

07-25-2012, 04:01 PM
I'm 55 and I still haven't told my mom that I wrote a novel about mermaids! :lol:

07-25-2012, 09:33 PM
I'm 55 and I still haven't told my mom that I wrote a novel about mermaids! :lol:

Really? Whyever not? Don't moms usually like finding out that their kids have written books? And it's not like The Accidental Mermaid is erotica or something.

In my case, though my dad and mom really didn't want me getting into girl's toys after a certain age, I made sure to get as many mermaids, unicorns, fairies, and even dragons from the girls section as I could. Girls toys always seemed cooler. I also was a merman one year for halloween as a kid, with a gold spraypainted trident (formerly a demon's pitchfork) and crown (formerly from Burger King) as well as a walking tail that my mom made from fabric I picked out myself because it was sort of iridescent and scaly-looking (albeit paisley) to my childhood mind. I continued to write, draw, and talk about merfolk growing up and through high school, though I added other interests (X-men and other superheroes, notably). My parents have been aware of my interest in the mernetwork since I logged on, and I've been telling my friends about it as well (even trying to convince some of them to join). Last weekend I went to my cousin's house, swam with their kids, and everyone at the party referred to me as a merman or half-merman throughout the evening because of the time I spent in the water, my swimming style, and my speed and ability to hold my breath. So I might not be a merman yet, but I'm certainly OUT as one.

07-25-2012, 11:25 PM
iblondie, I'm so surprised that you'd be shy about it, from your profile you seem like an awesome mermaid but I understand too.

I haven't done any mermaiding activities because I'm too shy, and not comfortable enough with my body.

I have so much respect for all of you that choose to be open about your mermaiding. It's not an easy thing to admit~! You are a huge encouragement to all of us (that haven't yet). Maybe, in a way you're making a path for the future where the more timid of us won't feel so shy about admitting our affection for merfolk.

It makes my heart happy to see there are so many people that feel the way I do about the ocean and mermaids. What did we do before the internet? That must have been a lonely life for mers before us :(

But at least we can talk to each other and share here. But then I look at sites like PostSecret, and I think that people aren't so different. The things we think make us so strange or unlovable, other people feel like that too. Maybe that tolerance will spread across humanity, and some of us won't be so afraid to show our tails someday. Maybe a lot of others won't be either.

Thank you all!

07-26-2012, 03:28 PM
She would be happy that I wrote a book, but upset that the topic was frivolous and it has some sex in it. My late dad, my brother and I, and now our wives and kids know that with (Gran)Mom, ignorance is usually bliss. She's not hateful but very emotional and dramatic.

Merman Dan
07-26-2012, 05:07 PM
...with (Gran)Mom, ignorance is usually bliss. She's not hateful but very emotional and dramatic.
Call the next novel "Merman" and tell her it's a biography about Ethel Merman. ;)

07-27-2012, 12:54 AM
iblondie, I'm so surprised that you'd be shy about it, from your profile you seem like an awesome mermaid but I understand too.

I haven't done any mermaiding activities because I'm too shy, and not comfortable enough with my body.

I have so much respect for all of you that choose to be open about your mermaiding. It's not an easy thing to admit~! You are a huge encouragement to all of us (that haven't yet). Maybe, in a way you're making a path for the future where the more timid of us won't feel so shy about admitting our affection for merfolk.

It makes my heart happy to see there are so many people that feel the way I do about the ocean and mermaids. What did we do before the internet? That must have been a lonely life for mers before us :(

But at least we can talk to each other and share here. But then I look at sites like PostSecret, and I think that people aren't so different. The things we think make us so strange or unlovable, other people feel like that too. Maybe that tolerance will spread across humanity, and some of us won't be so afraid to show our tails someday. Maybe a lot of others won't be either.

Thank you all!

Thank you Azaiya!

And I totally agree with you. I would be lost lost LOST with out the Network. For yeeeaaars I thought I was alone besides a few other mers I knew on YouTube. But after I moved and my tails were trashed, I sort of just forced myself to move on from being a mer. I just told myself "It's time to grow up." And which I did have success in. I forgot about mermaids and mermaiding for about a year or so. I focused myself in school and other activities. But then one night I felt like lurking back into it. I started looking at the Mertailor's tails again and there I was... Back to square one. And I continued to lurk and try to find more information about how to make latex tails. Eventually I was on Deviantart and saw Missfit's tutorial for a latex tail. And I saw in the description there was a site called Mer Yuku. So from there I searched for that site, which was down when I got to it. Then that linked me to the Mernetwork. And I remember skipping school on a rainy day and spending my whole day on this site. I just read and read. I couldn't believe that there were others out there as passionate as I was about mermaiding. I was honestly like seeing the light after wandering in a dark tunnel for years.

And you're absolutely right! Everyone has their different interests. It's what makes us all unique. And I told myself, as long as mermaiding didn't become an obsession, there's technically nothing wrong with it. When I finally accepted myself as a mermaid enthusiast, I became so much more confident as a normal person. In school I spoke up more, I was much more out going. I felt like I really had found who I was and I wasn't wandering lost in a crowd anymore.

It's hard for people to understand because it just seems so...Different. But who was it to decide what's different and what's normal? Society molds people the wrong way I believe...

07-27-2012, 12:43 PM
iblondie: Growing up is the worst mistake most of us make with our lives.

Aeolius: I'm working on a sequel, The Girl With the Sea-Green Eyes. I could tell her it's a murder mystery, she likes those. :cool:

07-27-2012, 06:11 PM
And you're absolutely right! Everyone has their different interests. It's what makes us all unique. And I told myself, as long as mermaiding didn't become an obsession, there's technically nothing wrong with it. When I finally accepted myself as a mermaid enthusiast, I became so much more confident as a normal person. In school I spoke up more, I was much more out going. I felt like I really had found who I was and I wasn't wandering lost in a crowd anymore.

It's hard for people to understand because it just seems so...Different. But who was it to decide what's different and what's normal? Society molds people the wrong way I believe...

All very well put, iblondie :) And a fabulous initial post too. It's so great that something like this can help someone feel more confident, more connected, more passionate, more enthusiastic, more peaceful, etc...we certainly need more of that in this world for sure!!

Thankfully my parents and husband are very supportive of my mermaiding. In fact, my mom usually ends up finding news about mer stuff before I do and gets excited about it (she's the one who told me about Mer-palooza). I guess it's just another in a long line of interesting things that I've told my parents over my 31 years, including coming out to them as a Pagan (so I can definitely empathize with Mermaid Brianna and merboy78xy). When I finally told them that one, it was when I was getting involved in a group who celebrated the Pagan holidays together...and while there was some initial trepidation, they eventually were just impressed that I was getting involved with a group and meeting new people (as I normally am not a big group person).

iblondie: Growing up is the worst mistake most of us make with our lives.

Gotta agree with that...it's where all the magic gets lost and the biases and opinions and stigmas and prejudices and depression set in.

Mermaid Miel
07-28-2012, 11:16 AM
I have been open, honest and excited about my tail-making with my family right from the start.
My family hasn't been as supportive of it though.

My mum is wonderful in that she will go to the pool with me to swim her laps... but not so in that she wondered when I am going to put "such childish things aside." I pointed out to her that she wnted me to get off the computer, stop collecting dolls and spend more time outside being active and now that I was, she was complaining. She laughed and that was the end of that complaint.

My Sisters agree that swimming with me would be too embarrassing and why would I want to do something so weird in public anyway.

My brother will take my side, but is too bogan too swim with me.

My Dad is supportive as always,not understanding and not a swimmer, but supportive.

My Boyfriend loves it... until the kids see me and I pay attention to them. (or talk to a lifeguard, or a kid's parent.) He has problems with sharing my attention, we are working on that as I am not changing my mer-behaivour to cater to jealousy.

I agree with iblondie, Alveric and Wavy... something about humanity tends to harden and set as we grow up, the acceptance and wonder of childhood is all too easily lost for rigid views of normal vs weird.
Personally, I'd prefer to be Weird... Normal is just another way of saying Boring.

Mermaid Cascada
07-28-2012, 11:54 AM
Has your dad seen this site? ;) You are in good company.

Yes he has :p

07-29-2012, 09:34 PM
My uncle and aunt saw me in my mermaid tail (I was sitting in the floor wearing it showing it to my cousin who LOVED it) and they literally stepped over me and stuck their noses in the air. They're rich and stuff and never really liked me cause I've always been weird. My mom thought it was awesome, though.

My grandmother saw me put it on in the pool and claim I couldn't swim in it... I swam from the shallow end to the other side of the pool to the deep end and the look on her face was great. She said she was proud of me and stuff.

My boyfriend thought he was embarrassed at first until he saw me swim in it and he was amazed, especially when the little kids in the public pool were like, "Oh! A mermaid!" And came up to me wanting me to swim with them and all.

I really want to make a sort of business or job out of this to prove to my uncle and aunt that weird interests like my mermaid one isn't something only a deadbeat would do and all.

wow..!funny but lovely story..funny because your uncle and aunt think that your weird..hahaa..but lovely because your mom,your grandmother and your boyfriend was amazed on you..I loved it!even though they said that its' weirdness of us but this things made of us happy!ryt?

08-23-2012, 05:29 AM
Mom is supportive of my wanting to be a mermaid, and even helped me look for the right kind of tail when I was a kid. (I could only fit in the pillowcase for so long!) However, tonight she expressed disapproval of my wanting to order a second tail, saying that it's more than I've spent on anything else. She's got a point, and I'll probably save up for my next tail instead of buying it all in one go, but her opinion isn't going to stop me from getting a second tail.

08-23-2012, 09:13 AM
I totally agree. Growing up sucks. I am a teacher by trade and I absolutely love how children can just imagine, without judgement or self-consciousness. They create these amazing worlds, they're not afraid that they might look stupid or childish or not be taken seriously. They're just kids. It makes me so happy, I really wish being a kid wasn't so frowned upon after a certain age. I mean sure, I have to work and be the adult and have responsibility and stuff, but it's so lovely to wriggle into a tail and forget all that for a while.

After coming out as both bisexual and wiccan to my parents over the years, I really didn't want to have the sit-down "hey, I'm a mermaid" chat and do it all over again. Instead I just slowly re-developed an interest in swimming, made a tail to model for my friend's photography project and gradually did it more and more... By the time my parents realised I was legit swimming around in a mermaid tail it was something I'd already been doing for a while and not a big deal :P I think they found it pretty weird at first, although now that I get paid for it I don't think they mind so much!

08-28-2012, 10:17 AM
My mom called me her "water-baby" when I was 18 months old (i was already swimming by then and playing in any water i could find). So when I bought my monofin and received it in the mail, I went straight to her house. I explained to her that I love the water, I have always loved mermaids and that this was one step closer to a new-found passion of mine. She thought it was great. But of course we had the lecture/talk about how I can't use the monofin alone until I get used to it and if I do get a tail, I can't use it alone till....ya. I totally agree with that. Luckily my boyfriend went with me. He thought it was silly that I bought the monofin and what I wanted to do with it. Then we were out in the river and he wouldn't let me use it until he tried it first (his reasoning was that he wanted to make sure that it worked correctly and wouldn't drown me/ my thinking is that the monofin pulled him in and he wanted to try it because it was cool lol).

But then my grandpa and step grandma heard about it when they visited my boyfriends and my house. He went off on the deep end saying that this mermaid-ing thing has gone too far. That I am obsessed with something that doesn't even exist and that I needed to stop. That I was going to kill myself by using it and all that jazz. His wife even gave her opinion that I was wasting money, time, and emotions on something will come of nothing. That I couldn't be a professional even if I wanted to because no one likes that stuff. I tried to explain about this site and she wouldn't hear any of it.

Needless to say, after that, my mother was full bore into helping me sew my tail (she's a seamstress). My dad thinks its funny. He wants me to go to the big boating events here in Michigan and swim around the boats and freak people out. lol.
Anyways, my parents were accepting, but my grandpa and his wife (i dont like associating her as my gma) were still stuck in the 1950's and disapproving of anything that was new/different/unconventional.

09-25-2012, 11:07 AM
I love your dad's reaction, ahaha. xD

09-26-2012, 11:40 AM
I said to my mother that I want to buy a tail for my sister and me. But I will begin to buy one for me. When I told her that, she does as it was silly but I know that she will support me when she will see it. She support me with my fairies and my pagan beliefs so...

09-26-2012, 11:46 AM
I said to my mother that I want to buy a tail for my sister and me. But I will begin to buy one for me. When I told her that, she does as it was silly but I know that she will support me when she will see it. She support me with my fairies and my pagan beliefs so...

Mermaid Lei Loni
09-26-2012, 11:56 AM
I'm so lucky that my mom supports me. Just this morning, she asked me how her "little mermaid" was doing. I think she likes the fact that I use it as a confidence booster and that I use it to volunteer a lot. At first she was a little wary because of how expensive tails are (and she's a bit of a penny pincher), but once she saw how happy and healthy they made me (I hated exercise till I found this) she was all on board. She even takes me swimming once in awhile.

My kid brother and hubby love it. Hubby hates the fact that sometimes he has to mertend, but he's mostly gotten over it. My other siblings do think I'm crazy, but my sister loves the fact that her kids are so into it. My niece will say, "that's my aunt Loni. She's a mermaid." rather matter-of-factly at the pool. She's only 5. And my nephews tend to think I'm some kind of pool toy LOL!

That being said...I haven't "come out" to her on the fact that I bought a silicone tail. I told her I was having a "special FX" one made, but dodged the question about the price. I know that she won't like the idea I spent that much (but she's not stupid, so I'm sure she's investigated).

09-26-2012, 09:55 PM
Congratulations! I have a feeling your mom always knew you really wanted to be a mermaid but now finally realizes her daughter has a good head on her shoulders and is also grown up.You are definitely someone she can be proud of. Facing someone we love who we don't thinks accepts us or our choices is hard so high fins to you on that and on not letting go of your dream to be a mermaid!!! (side-note) Sometimes I think our parents are so busy worrying about whats best for us they forget to stop and see what means the most to us. Sometimes parents have some learning to do just like their kids! :-)

09-27-2012, 12:36 AM
Congratulations! I have a feeling your mom always knew you really wanted to be a mermaid but now finally realizes her daughter has a good head on her shoulders and is also grown up.You are definitely someone she can be proud of. Facing someone we love who we don't thinks accepts us or our choices is hard so high fins to you on that and on not letting go of your dream to be a mermaid!!! (side-note) Sometimes I think our parents are so busy worrying about whats best for us they forget to stop and see what means the most to us. Sometimes parents have some learning to do just like their kids! :-)

I couldn't of said it better. It's pretty much exactly what happened. I even asked my mom to go to a meet up I planned earlier this September and I thought FOR SURE she would say no. She's been nervous about talking to people on the internet. And she was a little afraid it was a set up. I assured her there was no way that was possible because we were all coming from different ends of Florida (and Georgia) to a public location. And she was totally for it! She even was so excited to see all the pictures and videos of us. It was so nice to have someone I can talk to about mermaiding in real life.

09-27-2012, 03:26 AM
My dad is cool with it. He loves mythical and magical things and critters like I do. My mom on the other hand is a down to earth person along with a good majority of my other family members. But they all know how weird and awkward I can be so they don't get very surprised when I do something strange and new. I think me wearing wolf ears and tails for about a year or two kind of numbed them of my uniqueness. XD
I have only told my close friends and close family about it. My grandpa was a bit skeptical about it at first but when my monofin came today he got excited watching me swim. He has been going around saying a mermaid lives in his pool now and was helping me with names.
The rest of my family will think I have lost it, Im already the black sheep but this will take the cake, especially for my cousins my age. I don't expect them to stay in contact with me after they see me in it. They are not a very imaginative group and don't like things like this. I also expect to lose a few friends but those who matter wont mind and those who mind don't matter.