View Full Version : Wetsuit dilemmas

07-13-2012, 07:55 PM
So I am making my mermaid tail out of old wetsuits given to me by my father from his past few 'Iron-mans.' I'm doing a test on how to sew it and put scales on it. I' going to kind of use this tutorial http://missfit1023.deviantart.com/art/my-tail-tutorial-209421264 but probs changing it a bit. But I don't know if the Latex is going to cover the seams well...
Can anyone give me some suggestions?

07-13-2012, 09:40 PM
The only advice I have to give is to not cover the tail in latex until you have stuffed it to your body shape, or to cover it in latex before you sew the two sides together.

07-13-2012, 10:33 PM
I'm sewing a tail out of old wetsuits, too! Except that I could only find on wetsuit, so I'm using every scrap of it to fit over the fluke!
I don't have a good sewing machine, so I made up my own cross-stitch by hand. It uses up a lot of string in a small area, but it seems like it won't ever come apart. I don't know yet if I'm going to cover it in latex or in sequins. I've never worked with latex before, and my wetsuit tail is going to have a lot of seams, especially on the fluke. I'm not sure how latex will do over that. Anyway, I'd love to hear how your process is going because it sounds like we're pretty much in the same boat! Good luck!

07-14-2012, 10:02 AM
If you are going to cover them in latex make moulds for your scales and fluke, not paint on the latex directly. When the rubber is solid then you can fuse them to your neoprene base, that way you will completely cover your seams.