View Full Version : how do you go about starting a pod near you?
So it seems there are a number of people from the nj/pa/ny area. i would love to have a pod that would be official for us. how do we go about making that happen? or is there like a mini-pod or something that can be started?
Winged Mermaid
07-27-2012, 03:09 AM
The official pods are already divided up for that area. We only create new pods for areas that haven't had one declared (there are a few blank spaces on the map (, and in other parts of the world). As it is, we don't create mini pods- otherwise there'd be minipods (and forum subsections) for every group of mer friends in the US. Don't let lines on a map keep you from having a meet up though! People travel from one pod area to another to have meetups and it's no big deal :)
Nixen Nicole
07-31-2012, 09:08 PM
What about the Kentucky and Tennessee areas? I am in West Virginia and so technically in the Great Lakes pod...however my location in West Virginia is 45 minutes from Kentucky, 1.5 hours from Tennessee? If you created a pod for that small region would the lines redefine? why is there no pod in that area?
Winged Mermaid
07-31-2012, 09:33 PM
Cool! What part of WV? I was born and raised in Putnam County (about 30 minutes from Huntington and Charelston).
I guess there's no pod for that area because at the time we didn't have any members from that area. However I think including WV, Kentucky, and Tennessee for a pod called the Appalachian Pod would be great! I'll have to talk to Malinghi about that. I'm not sure he'd be keen on redefining any pod lines.
08-07-2012, 12:25 PM
We're located in Lexington, KY.
Mermaid Melanie
12-14-2012, 11:53 PM
Is there a pod for South East Asia ?
11-07-2013, 02:12 AM
I would really like to get in touch with anyone in South Africa, seems like I'm the only mer around these parts. which I find ironic, since we are surrounded by ocean on three sides. Could It be possible to announce a pod for SA? seems like I'm pioneering mermaiding here. Feels good though :3
11-07-2013, 02:31 AM
I'd consider me...but um...I don't live there. I've been twice though! I have family out in Green Point and in in the Durban area :) ek weet nie of jy Afrikaans kan praat, maar ek hoop jy kan enige Mers in jou gebied kan kry! Write me at some point :)
11-07-2013, 03:42 AM
Hahaha seeing someone write to me in Afrikaans IS a little awkward, and yes I do speak it lol. Yeah seems like Im the first to grace these shores, I have looked for others, but to no avail. I'll just keep putting the word out there and maybe i'll hook myself a mer-friend out here, excuse the pun :P Good to know there are still others here that I can share my interests and passions with nonetheless.
11-07-2013, 09:39 AM
Look at it this way, you'll have the market cornered on mermaid gigs!
:mermaid kiss:
11-07-2013, 01:04 PM
Trust me, I have thought on it ALOT! Pretty flipping excited to start putting my name out there, but thats probably a discussion for another thread. Would love to start doing kids parties first, just to get my fins wet. :3 besides, kids are awesome and always positive.
11-07-2013, 01:49 PM
If you don't already have it, you should consider picking up Raina's book. LOTS of excellent information!
11-07-2013, 02:24 PM
I've seen her V-blog thingies on youtube Bout it, sounds like a great read! Haven't seen it in any local bookstores, ill look for it online somewhere or refer back to the vid on youtube or get the e-book if there is one
11-07-2013, 03:28 PM
Here's a link:!untitled/cee5
11-07-2013, 03:37 PM
Hahaha seeing someone write to me in Afrikaans IS a little awkward, and yes I do speak it lol. Yeah seems like Im the first to grace these shores, I have looked for others, but to no avail. I'll just keep putting the word out there and maybe i'll hook myself a mer-friend out here, excuse the pun :P Good to know there are still others here that I can share my interests and passions with nonetheless.
lol I used to speak Afrikaans a bit better at one time, but I still got something left =) There should be others in South Africa...I don't see how you could be the only one....
11-08-2013, 01:46 AM
Thanks PearlieMae ! I've honestly looked, even searched for mers that could possibly be doing underwater shoots..nothing, it's all mundane stuf, but i'll keep trying. But South Africans don't really seem to know what mermaiding is yet :/ i've only seen entertainers in non-swimable fins, and only during 'very special' occasions lol. A bit lonely over here :(
11-08-2013, 09:01 AM
Well, I didn't find any other mers in South Africa, but I found an underwater photographer on Flickr located in Cape Town:
Maybe contact him about a shoot where you two trade your skills! You model as a mermaid, and in exchange he gives you copies of his photos of you. Once the both of you make the photos public, others might start contacting you both, and presto! A pod is born!
11-09-2013, 04:41 AM
Yup, I know about that dude, but he's a bit far...I've thought of that, of kinda sparking people's interest in the art, or getting exposure as a mer attracting others to myself. Hope the plan works , and if there aren't any others, then at-least I would have started something...dun dun dun....."So it begins" :D
11-09-2013, 05:05 PM
Yup, I know about that dude, but he's a bit far...I've thought of that, of kinda sparking people's interest in the art, or getting exposure as a mer attracting others to myself. Hope the plan works , and if there aren't any others, then at-least I would have started something...dun dun dun....."So it begins" :D
It shouldn't be too difficult to spark interest in others. Mermaiding may be seen by some as an odd this to do, but others like us find it freeing...(if that makes sense) it's something that is starting to grow at a rapid pace world wide. I am sure you will be able to start a pod up in no time :)
11-11-2013, 05:23 AM
It shouldn't be too difficult to spark interest in others. Mermaiding may be seen by some as an odd this to do, but others like us find it freeing...(if that makes sense) it's something that is starting to grow at a rapid pace world wide. I am sure you will be able to start a pod up in no time :)
Makes total sense, and I agree, i have a few things up my proverbial sleeve to use to promote mermaiding here, and i wont rest untill it happens , and there is a sustainable increase in mermaiding activity
The Harlem Mermaid
02-21-2016, 08:59 AM
Hi Jinx i belong to new England pod i just recently made a grouppage on fb for NYC mermaids for meetups and events i live in NY if you like message me and i give u the link its Called NYC MERMAIDS MERMAN hope its ok to post this here .
The Harlem Mermaid
02-21-2016, 09:30 PM
Hi Jinx ( I too am from the Pod of New England and i just started a separate group page on FB for all mermaids/mermen from the immediate nyc and near by area's so that anyone wanting to create a meetup or attend one can find it easier from our local area, most of the time its hard to travel far or no $ to do so, you can join the group if you like we're both from the same pod, but this is not a new pod group just nyc mer's wanted to connect here is the link Just putting it out here not stepping on anyone fins, from what i read anyone can create a group apart from their pod and or meetup, if i understood correctly from Winged Mermaid ( post here
Mermaid Cataleya
02-26-2016, 12:53 PM
So it seems there are a number of people from the nj/pa/ny area. i would love to have a pod that would be official for us. how do we go about making that happen? or is there like a mini-pod or something that can be started?
Honestly you just start one. I have one In pa already its on facebook, I have noticed that people move in and out of the area so much that its hard to go by the map. the pods that are up arent near pa in general so most just do side pods By themselves through fb and stating on the forms area that they are making one. That is what I did
The Harlem Mermaid
02-26-2016, 11:17 PM
PaWaterFish ( I have yet to start my own pod in ny but i do have a group page setup for mermaids from nyc/nj/pa/philly to join for upcoming events and meetup in our area our first one is June18th at Coney Island you should come :)
Mermaid Tami
02-27-2016, 09:54 PM
I'm in Ohio ( between Cleveland and Columbus) just wondering if there is a pod in my area or if I need to start one?!? Thanks in advance!
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Kunoichi Ribeiro
03-08-2016, 09:22 PM
Hi merfolks! Mermaid Kunoichi here and i would like to ask if exist a Brazilian Pod or South American pod? If not, what i need to do to open one? I think is time to open one if don't exist one already. Mermaiding is really growing in our country and i had talk a lot with the newbies about the forum, but i try to find a pod in here but i dont find one!
Thanks for the attention,
M Kuno
11-28-2016, 11:22 AM
Hi Fellow Mermaids =)
Just signed up and can't find a pod in Southeast Asia. I created a thread for mermaids from the Philippines, but hopefully I wish we can have a pod too and meet up.
We have a mermaid school in the Philippines but it's a plane ride away from me and I am Youtube tutored for now =)
I'm sure there are many of us out there and I hope to meet some mermaids in the future too. =)
If you know any Asian mermaids or pods please point me in the right direction!
01-31-2018, 12:03 PM
Cool! What part of WV? I was born and raised in Putnam County (about 30 minutes from Huntington and Charelston).
I guess there's no pod for that area because at the time we didn't have any members from that area. However I think including WV, Kentucky, and Tennessee for a pod called the Appalachian Pod would be great! I'll have to talk to Malinghi about that. I'm not sure he'd be keen on redefining any pod lines.
I know this is an old message, but I haven't found a pod for the Tennessee area and your idea of Appalachian Pod is a good idea! Is there anyway I can start that pod?
01-31-2018, 02:56 PM
Hi merfolks! Mermaid Kunoichi here and i would like to ask if exist a Brazilian Pod or South American pod? If not, what i need to do to open one? I think is time to open one if don't exist one already. Mermaiding is really growing in our country and i had talk a lot with the newbies about the forum, but i try to find a pod in here but i dont find one!
Thanks for the attention,
M Kuno
I'm from Vinhedo-SP, but I'm new mermaid.. just got my tail yesterday.. but Hey at least we are From Brazil!!
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