View Full Version : Tattoo Tail

07-31-2011, 05:08 PM
So I came accros this and I thought this was some serious dedication!!! Its really pretty!!!


Winged Mermaid
07-31-2011, 06:36 PM
That is AWESOME! I can't imagine how long or how much $ that took but it looks incredible!

I always knew I wanted a tattoo to do with mermaids, but getting an actual mermaid didn't seem right..

Then I saw the tattoo that FreshwaterMermaid got and knew mermaid scales is what I wanted!

(Image Source (http://freshwatermermaid.deviantart.com/#/d2xpky2))

I also saw this one:

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/251614_2292993444860_1249741779_32846435_3155878_n .jpg
(Original source unknown)

and this one:

(Image source (http://colamonstrosity.tumblr.com/post/575332879/the-women-in-my-family-have-always-loved-the))

I have yet to work up the guts to get it (highly sensitive to pain, needle pain especially), but I'm thinking few small patches of scales on my calf :)

07-31-2011, 06:52 PM
I actually think Mermaid Melissa's foot tattoo is super smart. It's a puzzle piece moved away and underneath are scales! Im too chicken for a tat

New York Mermaid
07-31-2011, 07:55 PM
Wow those tats some serous dedication and probably alot of numbing cream (I wouldnt have the guts to do a full body tat.) But I'm due to get one soon, of a special orca on my lower back, something small.

My husband has a Blue Fire tattoo on right his arm representing his Fire sign (Leo) and My Water sign (Scorpio)

found this: - source- http://sarah-mascara.deviantart.com/art/Fish-scales-cherry-blossoms-13270873

Taylor is a Mermaid
07-31-2011, 08:03 PM
*dies* If I wanted a tattoo, I think I'd want these. They just slay me with their awesomeness.

07-31-2011, 09:41 PM
I love that 3rd one!!!!!
Tattoos aren't as bad as they seem, but then people don't always take pain the same as others...
I have a large koi on my back that needs to be finished... but I think all of these are cool!!!

That is AWESOME! I can't imagine how long or how much $ that took but it looks incredible!

I always knew I wanted a tattoo to do with mermaids, but getting an actual mermaid didn't seem right..

Then I saw the tattoo that FreshwaterMermaid got and knew mermaid scales is what I wanted!

(Image Source (http://freshwatermermaid.deviantart.com/#/d2xpky2))

I also saw this one:

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/251614_2292993444860_1249741779_32846435_3155878_n .jpg
(Original source unknown)

and this one:

(Image source (http://colamonstrosity.tumblr.com/post/575332879/the-women-in-my-family-have-always-loved-the))

I have yet to work up the guts to get it (highly sensitive to pain, needle pain especially), but I'm thinking few small patches of scales on my calf :)

08-01-2011, 04:51 AM
i was just telling my best friend that i wanted scales somewhere because she wanted cheetah prints,,,my twin wants leopard prints to...so yeah i had to go with scales!!!

08-03-2011, 09:56 PM
here's some mermaid style tattoos from DA:
from: http://fc07.deviantart.net/images/f/2011/080/3/4/341d00fb19fe5acaddeb398cb3334a63-d2dfz3.jpg
from: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs18/i/2008/065/3/f/Mermaid_Tattoo_by_Gothic_Moonlight.jpg

from here: http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/284/4/d/mermaid_tattoo_by_tattooqac-d30jsg3.jpg

from here http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/021/3/b/betty_page_mermaid_by_his_highness_high-d37oy8u.jpg

08-04-2011, 03:09 AM
I plan on getting a mermaid poem on my ribs with scales similar to those below it going down my hip. I'm gonna have to draw it up and show you guys! :)

06-09-2012, 07:50 AM
There is an adult performer/model that also has mermaid scales tattooed on her legs. She goes by BabeInk. I saw her on a facebook tattoo page. Just be forewarned if you google her, her photos are explicit. I found that out the hard way lol

I also found another photo of the first gal posted. So beautiful and vibrant!
3286 (http://data.whicdn.com/images/13977467/tumblr_lovdj2bqkD1qgb5xxo1_500_large.png)

06-09-2012, 07:59 AM
There is an adult performer/model that also has mermaid scales tattooed on her legs. She goes by BabeInk. I saw her on a facebook tattoo page. Just be forewarned if you google her, her photos are explicit. I found that out the hard way lol

You weren't kidding about the explicit thing, lol! And, man, those scales aren't just tattooed on her legs!! I have a couple of tattoos, but I don't believe I would get them, well, there...yowch! But the scales are really pretty :)

Ayla of Duluth
06-09-2012, 09:27 AM
I actually think Mermaid Melissa's foot tattoo is super smart. It's a puzzle piece moved away and underneath are scales!
that was the picture I posted on a previous thread, wasn't it? I had no idea it belonged to mermaid Melissa though, I was just googling tattoos and came across it and decided I wanted to get one like it. :P

06-11-2012, 07:24 PM
I want to get one like the puzzle piece. I want one of the ones where it looks loke the skin is tearing or ripping away with scales underneath. I was thinking of it on my hip.

06-16-2012, 07:30 AM
@WavyMermaidy - Oh yes! I agree! I think her mermaid scale tattoos are very pretty, but I could never have the dedication to make it such a "complete" piece lol. A photo of hers popped up on a facebook page and I liked the scales on her legs so I googled her not realizing they weren't just on her legs :$ I thought I would share a more tame photo here because the scales really are cute and nicely done :P

11-18-2012, 07:22 PM
Im too chicken for a tat

It's not that bad. I have four little ones, and after a while you don't notice that they're doing it. It's just a case of where you get them as to how much discomfort you feel.
I love FreshWaterMermaid's, it's simple but elegant :)