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View Full Version : Ask me anything about being a pro

08-19-2012, 08:12 PM
OKay, I see so many threads about this so I thought it would be great to just start a thread.

Ask me anything about being pro and I'll try to answer. I also invite any other pro mermaids to jump in and answer. Don't blame me if I link you to somewhere else where I have answered it in detail ;) some things if I feel they're too personal I wont answer :p I dont mind giving info but Im not going to give you a play by play of exactly what I do ;) I can give you ideas but it's up to you to develop the type of professional you want to be!

sooooo ask away

Mermaid Lorelei
08-19-2012, 08:18 PM
I have a question! ;P But seriously, what do you use as a measure for deciding how much an event costs the client? I understand things such as distance, group size, dry/wet events, length of event, and things, but I was curious if you had other factors?

08-19-2012, 08:31 PM
Hmm I'll have to poke Mermaid Sirena, she sent me a really cool calculator where you put in all your expenses, and how much profit you wanna make etc and it calculates an hourly rate. I used that plus I looked at what performers in my city charge. I don't have anyone to compare to, and as the first mermaid I set the bar in my city for the ladies coming after me. While we arent professionally affiliated Mermaid Mimi and I keep mostly the same rates- it helps because we toss gigs back and forth when we're over booked.

Basically, charge for gas. Charge for time. Charge for materials. Charge for the upkeep of your tail (if needed). Charge for your assistant. Charge for photos and editing. Charge different amounts for wet or dry events, but have different rates for non profit or charity if you can. Don't do everything for free :p

For me, in our city, I was only recently able to put my rates up to what I thought was fair after getting a LOT of publicity. People just didnt get what I do, or how qualified I am to begin with when it comes to working with kids. Now that I'm well known in my city I have no trouble charging what I think is fair. Id like to go up a tiny bit higher because photography services at our quality alone sell for much more, and we're combining that with a party.

I just want people to know, if you're in an area WITHOUT other mermaids dont expect to get paid what you want right away. You may have to work up for it until people really understand what you do. If you do work around other mermaids check out their websites and try to offer around the same rate. Dont undercut people if you can help it/.

08-19-2012, 10:33 PM
I noticed on your website that you do different types of parties, one the traditional type of parties and one as a meet and greet. With the difference, which one is more work. Is it easier to set up games/try to get kids involed that way or is it more difficult to be in character with unbelieving children. Also, does the difference base what you charge?

08-19-2012, 10:46 PM
parties and meet and greets are different. Meet and greets are just exactly that- hire a mermaid to come meet your kids, meet your family, or meet the class etc. For meet and greets I just play with kids and chat. It has to be a small number of kids (under 5). Parties are either wet or dry, generally contain photography, treasures that I bring, presentations, games, swimming if applicable, and natural objects to explore. Meet and greets dont have any of that. Meet and greets are usually always in a pool

Mermaid Lorelei
08-19-2012, 11:13 PM
Thank you. :>

08-19-2012, 11:50 PM
Ahhh, that makes sense. I'd certainly be interested in Sirena's calculator :D

Ayla of Duluth
08-20-2012, 12:07 AM
same here. i was gonna charge 80 for the first hour and 50 for every hour after that based on another entertainer in the cities, but that seems so cheap compared to what other people are charging...

08-20-2012, 02:40 AM
ooh, I have a bunch more questions but I just need to remember them..

1. How do you integrate the presentation/stories in with meeting children/playing with them?
2. Do you have a set list of things you do at every event? Are there problems with doubling up if you've got children who have gone to other parties?
3. How to you adapt to a group that really doesn't want to follow any structures?

08-20-2012, 12:18 PM
1. I usually arrange to do these first so the kids will pay attention, I run it very similar to "circle time" at a daycare.
2. I usually do have a list yes, and I always over plan in case something goes too quickly. I havent had it happen yet that the same kids have been at parties, but they have been at a party, then a meet and greet, then a festival etc. Since I do different things for each one it hasnt been a problem.
3. I try and go with the flow, and make sure the parents/owners agree. I let them know when Im going to try something, I only had this issue once and I was hell bent on getting them to sit and listen and enjoy themselves- and eventually they did :p

Mermaid Sirena
08-22-2012, 09:24 PM
I only just saw this thread! I'll go hunting for the calculator & I'm thinking I might include it in an article for Tail Flip regarding this subject for those who have such questions.

08-28-2012, 10:49 AM
How did you start out with this idea of being a professional mermaider and doing parties?
Are there any mermaids that work at aquariums that are on this forum that can give some information about how they got into it?

Mermaid Kassandra
08-28-2012, 12:23 PM
Hi Mermaid Raina, I have some different questions for you :) :

1) talking about the insurance what kind of insurance should I take and what should I ensure? (I mean only the tail or there is something more?)

2) for the tricks underwater I saw a photo of you doing a bubble ring kiss how did you do it? And how should I behave if during a performance in a tank I miss to do something? (for example: I want to do a bubble kiss but when I do it you can only see few bubbles what to do nex? I go on like nothing went wrong or I try to do it againg in the correct way?)

3) how can I decide the prices for all the different events I offer?

Thank you very much for dedicate your time to my questions :)

08-28-2012, 12:52 PM
How did you start out with this idea of being a professional mermaider and doing parties?
Are there any mermaids that work at aquariums that are on this forum that can give some information about how they got into it?

Ive already published a lot of threads in this forum section on bookings gigs, like- a lot. So check those out I put a lot of work into them :) As far as aquariums, not that I know of here. http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?2756-Professional-Mermaid-Gigs-(index-amp-ideas-from-Raina)

mermaid Merlia
there's actually a whole thread where we talk about insurance as well as other important points http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?422-Things-I-have-learned-being-a-professional-mermaid and http://issuu.com/t_obrecht/docs/tail_flip_issue_2

About tricks: http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?297-The-Official-Underwater-Tricks-Thread!

I already answered about price above.

08-28-2012, 03:26 PM
This might be a more personal question but, I'll ask it anyways since you said "anything" in the title xD But don't feel like you have to answer it if bothers you <3

Do you feel like you make enough as a professional mermaid? Or is it more of a "hobby" than a job. Would you ever quit your teaching job for it?

08-28-2012, 05:47 PM
I make much more and get much more business than I ever expected. I am expanding to hire more mermaids. I think it's an untapped market where I am. If I did not have student loans and monthly payments that are outside of regular rent & bills I could totally afford to do it. However, mermaiding isnt going to give me a pension, or benifits, or sick days etc. I did spend a whole summer last year only doing mermaiding and I was able to live for 5 months on it. This year, had I not incurred debt, I would have been able to pay my bills from March- present. But because I incurred debt from January-march the money I made mermaiding either went to that or to my current health expenses.

I said this in the magazine but I think I'll bring it up again NONE of the professional mermaids ONLY do mermaiding. They all do something else, and sometimes multiple things, to supplement income :)

Mermaid Celissa
08-28-2012, 05:49 PM
What's the hardest challenge and/or client you've come across?

08-28-2012, 06:15 PM
Just events that dont follow through with your contract like the one I vented about in June where it was poorly organized and I got hurt because of it. I do tend to get ear infections as well- so I've been putting silicone in my ears since none of my gigs require me to swim TOO deep.

I recently was scoped out for a very specific event. I was under the impression from my contact it was an "in the bag" thing, but 1 person wasn't on board fully. So I was asked to come in for a business meeting. The person I met with was so arrogant, and I have never been so angry in my life. He thought the whole mermaid thing was weird despite it being perfect for the event and had his mind madeup before I even met him. His arguments he made, I had perfect replies for. He didnt even know his department gave me an award for the very thing he thought I wouldnt be capable of a few years ago (ignorant much?). That sucked. Just having someone think you're not educated, dont know politics or science etc when clearly they haven't spent any time to learn what you do DO. As far as that event goes, as I understand it th eorganizers are still trying to go over this person's head. I'd love to be a part of it, especially because I KNOW I could really show them. But only time will tell.

Mermaid Celissa
08-28-2012, 06:51 PM
Oh wow, you definitely could put that guy in his place. How dare he call YOU, of ALL PEOPLE weird? You could just wow him.

09-26-2012, 07:57 AM
I'm sorry I'm late to the tread! XD
I was wondering how you go about getting in and out of your tail at gigs? Like, at children's parties do you get carried into the room/pool, as to not ruin the magic? I guess it must be different depending on the gig, but children's parties make me wonder the most, because often all the kids are already there and there's no way to wiggle into a tail without them seeing you arrive 'tail-less'. ^_^

09-26-2012, 10:08 AM
I'm sorry I'm late to the tread! XD
I was wondering how you go about getting in and out of your tail at gigs? Like, at children's parties do you get carried into the room/pool, as to not ruin the magic? I guess it must be different depending on the gig, but children's parties make me wonder the most, because often all the kids are already there and there's no way to wiggle into a tail without them seeing you arrive 'tail-less'. ^_^

I've often wondered how other mers do this too, Mizuko. I've been known to tail up in the car (with someone else driving of course) and get carried in, which is great for a bit of a grand entrance, it's hard when we're parked far away though. The other day at Bondi we had no choice but to tail up in front of EVERYONE. It probably looked pretty silly and was definitely conspicuous, but it was out of our hands. We explain this away by comparing ourselves to selkies who can take their seal-skin on and off. We've even thought about a wheelbarrow!!! I'm sure other mers have great ideas though.

So pretty much, I second this question :)

Mermaid Fenicia
09-26-2012, 12:06 PM
At children's parties I asked a parent to keep the kids out/away of the room/pool until I'm ready. At fairs a get in my tail between the cars (just look before I dress up if there are no kids nearby) then get into my wheelchair to go over a fair like that. ;)

Mermaid Lei Loni
09-26-2012, 12:46 PM
The last event that I did I dressed in a tent, and had people carry me out to where I was supposed to sit. Nothing is more traumatizing than being dropped (which I was! Eep!).

I have found what works well for when I don't have the option not to change in front of people is to have someone put a large blanket or sheet over me, I change under it, and come out. I also have used "human shields" if there are enough adults to help. At one point I told all the kids that they couldn't see my transformation because it was too gory. But I told them I needed magical help and they needed to go do a special "spell" to help my legs grow back. I had them run far away (no looking back or the spell won't work!) spin in a circle, talk to a vendor, go down the slide on the playground, blow bubbles, jump up and down, (or whatever I could make up at the time) and say something like "I believe in mermaids". They then had to carefully walk backward to me, and I would magically either have legs or a tail. Kids LOVED trying to help me, and it didn't ruin the magic, and they had a fun activity to do while I changed. :)

09-26-2012, 01:03 PM
I was dropped once- but my mertender went down with me and managed to land somewhat gracefully and get up pretty quick. Those are great ideas Lei!

Mermaid Lei Loni
09-26-2012, 01:15 PM
Aww thanks Raina! Since I'm a plus sized mer, having guys carry me isn't always an option. lol So I've had to be pretty creative.

In all fairness, the guy did the best he could to catch me and let me land on him, but it was still scary. lol