View Full Version : Rank and Style, Nobility or Not?
08-22-2012, 07:10 PM
Most mers seem to make mersonas that are simply merfolk, seeming to go with the idea that merfolk are amazing in and of themselves (which they are). Others seem to have titles, most often Princess (though there is at least one Prince here). After reading through an old copy of Changeling: The Dreaming, I thought the idea of mer titles and ranks might be an interesting one to explore, even if it isn't taken seriously.
I never have been terribly impressed by princes and princesses... the media craziness seems to indicate that reaching such heights comes with way too much responsibility and baggage to make it worth it. On the other hand, it might be cool to call oneself the Dauphin or Dolphins.
I have, however, always thought that "Your Grace" would be a nice spoken title, so a Duke might be cool (especially since ducal titles are usually right below those of monarchy in power), and after learning the Venice was traditionally ruled by a Duke (the Doge), I thought it might be an appropriate rank for my future mersona, if I was going to go with a noble mersona (and again, doing so seems like it might be going too far sometimes).
What about you guys? Does your mersona hold a title (even if it's not in the name)? Do we have any knights/dames (also a cool, less responsibility-laden position), Counts or Countesses, Barons, Baronesses, or Baronets? Marquesses/Margraves/Margravines/Marchionesses? Caliphs, Beys, Emirs, Khans, Sultans/Sultanas, Ranis, Bais, Haras, Rajas, Ard Ri's, Shahs, Maliks, Padishahs, Anaxes, Pharaohs, Empresses, Hierophants, High Priestesses, Basileus, Csars/Csarinas, Kaisers, Chiefs, Kahuna, Ali'i and the like? Or is the magic of being a mermaid or merman outside noble titles? Does a title add a bit more magic and imagination and culture to the mersona, or does it detract from non-noble mers? Keep in mind that different titles, even at the same ranks, have different meanings... a Margrave (and related "Mar-" names) is the ruler of a territory on the borders of a country or civilization, which implies lesser presence at central courts, but greater military forces (and therefore nominally higher rank) than the otherwise equivalent lord or lady. Electors had the ability to vote for the rulers of countries. Counts and Countesses and Comtes and Comtessas rule over counties (much like our modern counties) and have sheriffs working for them. Kahuna, Caliphs, and the like also have religious roles to play as well as temporal ones.
Almost all noble titles also require at least a token attempt at being willing to have children, of course, and carry on the title and leadership.
I can see both points of view. On the one hand, there is something empowering and magical about a title, particularly one such as Princess. On the other hand, the power of the people and modern democracy are really important parts of our lives, and the presence of nobility and aristocracy also implies the presence of bourgeoisie, commoners, peasants, serfs, and slaves, and is it really worth having the latter in order to be the former? The idea of being born to a role or having a noble bloodline does grant a sense of power and importance... but it also led to the theories of eugenics and the beliefs of people like the Nazis. Also, noble titles do grant what some would term intrigue, and what others would call drama, and that's not necessarily something anyone wants (or admits to wanting).
Here's a wikipedia page on various ranks, for some ideas:
What do you all think?
Princess Kae-Leah
08-22-2012, 07:17 PM
Yes, I am a Princess! I view all sea creatures as my subjects, and I want to protect them in any way any kind. Also, purple is the color of royalty.
The Sea Nymph world in my series is a very royalist one, with merfolk born with titles, and it's a very formal society where respect of royalty is an important part of the culture. It's a benevolent monarchy, and the royals certainly have their responsibilities, I guess you could honestly see it coming off as a benevolent dictatorship since it is an absolute monarchy where commoners hold little political power.
Prince Calypso
08-22-2012, 08:19 PM
last prince in a long and acient line but when you live on your won far from corcal palces, in a mangrove cave a title like prince really doesnt mean that much. i'm a traveler now.The Gypsy mermaid
nope...i'm just a regular ol' mermaid....
08-22-2012, 09:00 PM
I think at one point I wanted to be a warrior mermaid, even though I hate fighting. I also think that 'duke' sounds really cool, even though I'm a girl.
08-22-2012, 09:05 PM
Lyna, it seems like the very idea of combining "regular ol'" in the same sentence with "mermaid" should be wrong.
On the other hand, the Little Mermaid was a princess, and many other named merpeople (Triton, for instance) have been descended from the families of the gods (a trait shared with the claims of most nobility, such as the Japanese royal family, Caesar and other roman emperors, and anyone else who claims to rule by "Divine Right"). To paraphrase a line from the Incredibles, though, if all merpeople are nobility, then is there any real value in being nobility?
08-22-2012, 09:18 PM
I think at one point I wanted to be a warrior mermaid, even though I hate fighting. I also think that 'duke' sounds really cool, even though I'm a girl.
That's ok, Spindrift, you can be a Duchess... they also get referred to as Your Grace, since Duchess is the equivalent title (there are also Archdukes and Grand Dukes). In other languages, the same rank is called ducissa, duchesse, duchessa, duqesa, herzogin, hertogin, hertuginde, doux, etc (as you can see on the wikipedia page).
Warriors have a number of titles as well, and some of the titles for knights/dames might give you ideas, as well as the words for "warrior" in different languages.
Merman Dan
08-22-2012, 10:48 PM
So, how does this compare, to purchasing one's royal title ( from Sealand ( ;)
08-22-2012, 11:23 PM
1. No monetary transactions involved, Aeolius. Noble titles and rank are established by personal choice.
2. Broader range. Sealand's base of operations is notably limited.
3. More kinds of titles. Ostensibly, one could pick a title from any culture or make one up.
4. The chance to define the title yourself. Princess Kae-Leah has given one definition of a princess, while I gave another, for instance, and Prince Calypso added his own take on the title of Prince.
08-22-2012, 11:39 PM
That's ok, Spindrift, you can be a Duchess... they also get referred to as Your Grace, since Duchess is the equivalent title (there are also Archdukes and Grand Dukes). In other languages, the same rank is called ducissa, duchesse, duchessa, duqesa, herzogin, hertogin, hertuginde, doux, etc (as you can see on the wikipedia page).
Warriors have a number of titles as well, and some of the titles for knights/dames might give you ideas, as well as the words for "warrior" in different languages.
Yeah but the word "duke" sounds cooler than "duchess" to me. :P
New York Mermaid
08-23-2012, 01:57 AM
Im a Princess, but I say "Former" princess
Princess of a kingdom which is ruled in the ways of old waters/ atlantean times, old rules and arranged marriages when daughters of kings were to be only seen, not heard. which is why this princess left on the day of her arranged wedding (to the arctic prince), Arranged marriages are common in royalty. With being the eldest of three, it was time to take on a new rule, find myself, Princess or not. To befriend and help sick and injured whales and marine life along the way, with purpose is to help the oceans, but not use the "Princess" title to get her way. A graceful mermaid, knows the ways of the merpeople both in royalty and other. Which is what I do..
Mermaid Fenicia
08-23-2012, 02:52 AM
Most of the time I'm a regular mermaid unless I cosplay Ariel, Athena or Coco (Mermaid Melody Pichy Pichy Pitch). ;)
Azurin Luna
08-23-2012, 04:08 AM
I don't have a title, but if I had to choose one it would be scout since I like exploring and take notes from places I've been.
01-16-2015, 03:52 AM
Yeah but the word "duke" sounds cooler than "duchess" to me. :P
Spindrift, I just found out that Queen Elizabeth II is titled the Duke of Normandy (in the islands near it) and Duke of Lancaster, not Duchess, so presumably you could be a duke.
I still think the coolest aspects of being a duke or duchess is being called "your grace" and the connection to Venice, Amalfi, etc, though.
01-16-2015, 04:31 AM
Aww yeah. :D
01-16-2015, 04:33 AM
I didn't even remember writing this 2 (3?) years ago and replied before looking into what I had previously written lol
SeaGlass Siren
01-16-2015, 08:03 AM
I dunno I've always loved the idea of being like Wu zetian. As far as I know she was the only woman I history to become emperor and rule successfully as one. Not empress, but emperor. Every person I've talked to always refer to her as king tho. And every other English text I've read keeps calling her empress like they can't stand the fact she ruled as emperor wtf.
She was super smart and ruthless.
I'd like to be called king since I'm pretty bossy, but I'm nowhere near as smart as she is.
Maybe warrior princess because of xena, kida, and mulan (she's technically a Disney princess so it works out).
Mermaid Sirenia
01-16-2015, 08:33 AM
Originally I wasn't sure what I wanted to be, I was just a commoner for a while [emoji14] now I like to say I'm a warrior/guardian of the ocean, and that I'm one of the Mermaids who has sunken ships by enchanting the sailors. I tell kids that I only do it to whaling ships though or people who are doing harm/evil :)
Mermaid Kelda
01-16-2015, 08:36 AM
As far as I know she was the only woman I history to become emperor and rule successfully as one. Not empress, but emperor. Every person I've talked to always refer to her as king tho. And every other English text I've read keeps calling her empress like they can't stand the fact she ruled as emperor wtf.
I'm guessing empress has a different meaning to emperor, rather than just being the feminine version of the title? I can understand why many would make the mistake. I'd rather be called "empress" and have it mean the same thing and hold the same importance as "emperor", rather than being lumped under the masculine form because that's the only form of the word that gets any respect.
Mermaid Saoirse
01-16-2015, 09:32 AM
I've been jumping between picking up the title of Empress or Queen(one of my pod members refuses to call me anything but Queen). However I'm also still considering not picking up a title at all because I have no clue when I'd even use a title. Mermaid Noelle Frost is fond of the title Ice Oracle.
SeaGlass Siren
01-16-2015, 09:49 AM
I'm guessing empress has a different meaning to emperor, rather than just being the feminine version of the title? I can understand why many would make the mistake. I'd rather be called "empress" and have it mean the same thing and hold the same importance as "emperor", rather than being lumped under the masculine form because that's the only form of the word that gets any respect.
From what I remember she was the one who took that title. She still had the same duties as empress but to prove a point she called herself king and also wore the emperors robe (yellow I think at the time?) and no one else was allowed that.
01-16-2015, 10:02 AM
I'm guessing empress has a different meaning to emperor, rather than just being the feminine version of the title? I can understand why many would make the mistake. I'd rather be called "empress" and have it mean the same thing and hold the same importance as "emperor", rather than being lumped under the masculine form because that's the only form of the word that gets any respect.
Chinese (unless, very rarely, putting "the very word "man" or "woman" in it) doesn't have genders.
The word "emperor" or "king", thus, is normally gender neutral.
"Empress" 皇后 or "Queen" 王后, however, does mean literally "Spouse of the Emperor/King", whereas the English word can be either that or a ruler.
The Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut, historically speaking the closest person to Wu Zetian, took the title "Pharao" for the same reasons, which doesn't have a female form.
Mermaid Kelda
01-16-2015, 10:08 AM
I see! That makes sense.
I suppose it was the English who translated it with a feminine "ess" on the end :P
Princess Pearl
01-16-2015, 12:39 PM
I'm a princess simply because the first piece of jewellery I got was a tiara. Also, because if am the one in charge of my company. Any people who join down the line will also have titles.
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SeaGlass Siren
01-16-2015, 06:25 PM
I think i'll become a warrior queen. A friend of mine had these frequent recurring dream plots and they're almost like star trek but 10x more amazing because i'm a mermaid queen with fabuloso outfits. I've yet to acquire the full story from her but the details she provided for my character is that i can control anyone to do my bidding and we're at war with the other states including an evil priest.
(think Regina from ONCE, but under-the-sea metropolis and post-apocalyptic. and because "humanity is just starting over" there's a bit of steam-punk in her dream world)
Mermaid Noelle Frost
03-03-2015, 01:11 PM
I've been jumping between picking up the title of Empress or Queen(one of my pod members refuses to call me anything but Queen). However I'm also still considering not picking up a title at all because I have no clue when I'd even use a title. Mermaid Noelle Frost is fond of the title Ice Oracle.
Yep because everyone I meet tends to see me as a cold person, for some odd reason. Plus I'm more in-tuned with my surrounds lol.
03-03-2015, 03:26 PM
No nobility for me, haha. My mer character is a Salvor. ( a salvor being someone who makes a living in the maritime salvage business). They dive to shipwrecks to recover valuables or personal effects, and are even sometimes paid to assist in the recovery and raising of entire ships.
I suppose they could also be seen as a warrior for their pod, as the salvors are the toughest of the lot and usually on the front lines if anything is going down.
and mulan (she's technically a Disney princess so it works out).
The character Fa Mulan, was based on a character from Chinese literature (Hua Mulan) in like the 6th century. Right? You're not just thinking she was create by the Disney company.
I'm not saying it to be mean, it's just how it reads.
Mermaid Pickles
03-03-2015, 04:37 PM
Hmmm....I feels like I'd be a protector or guard or something.
Mermaid Melusinah
03-03-2015, 06:00 PM
I am a shaman and a healer. I love my natural remedies and other things of nature. I am a provider.
A naturalist in every sense. I even REFUSE to work with silicone. ALL my creations are created with REAL seashells. Sure, that limits my sizing availability for customers some times, but we always find ways to make it work ^_^
That being said, if any one needs a NATURAL, home remedy, dont hesitate to send me a message. I'm sure there is something I can suggest that might help you out :D
You can get better hold of me on my FB mermaid page, I dont frequent MN enough....
Best Bubble Wishes! <3
SeaGlass Siren
03-03-2015, 07:26 PM
The character Fa Mulan, was based on a character from Chinese literature (Hua Mulan) in like the 6th century. Right? You're not just thinking she was create by the Disney company.
I'm not saying it to be mean, it's just how it reads.
Yep i mean the one from the 6th century. i know she wasn't created by disney (none of the princesses are except maybe princess merida, princess sofia, and that new latina princess that hasnt been released yet) i mean in terms of if i were to be like anyone i'd be mulan.
and since there's already a disney version of her if anyone were to really dress up as mulan at a princess party, it would work out.
no worries you're just asking for clarification its all good :)
03-03-2015, 11:29 PM
My name already has the title incorporated into it because of the meaning. I mean, I guess I could go full on with "Ardvi Sura Anahita" but that's pretty pretentious and I'm actually sure that's crossing the line from namesake to just being blasphemous and claiming to be the actual yazata. I could go with something a little less insane and use Shahbanoo or Shahzadeh/dokht, but that's more words for the English speaking tongue to butcher, so I'm not sure I'd get the satisfaction from it I intended to. I suppose though because my name doesn't have the rank and cultural ties apparent to non-Iranians maybe I should start using the translations of like "Lady-Emperor" or "King-born" with it.
03-05-2015, 10:08 AM
I am a shaman and a healer. I love my natural remedies and other things of nature. I am a provider.
A naturalist in every sense. I even REFUSE to work with silicone. ALL my creations are created with REAL seashells. Sure, that limits my sizing availability for customers some times, but we always find ways to make it work ^_^
That being said, if any one needs a NATURAL, home remedy, dont hesitate to send me a message. I'm sure there is something I can suggest that might help you out :D
You can get better hold of me on my FB mermaid page, I dont frequent MN enough....
Best Bubble Wishes! <3
Melu and I are of the same ilk. I was raised in a shamanic tradition. I was taught by my family natural healing methods. Later in my life, I became licensed in Massage Therapy and Reiki. I make my own natural beauty products and work with herbs and essential oils a great deal. In my personal life, I tend to be a guide - singing the song of Life back to those I come in contact with who have forgotten it.
eg - (
So, in this way on the path of serving and humility (as everyone's path is different), I will never take or claim a title unless it is bestowed upon me by. . . for lack of a better turn of phrase. . . "The People." lol
03-05-2015, 11:21 AM
Fa Mulan was not a princess. She was a civilian who became a soldier who then married a general. So, she's more of a military wife.
I lose respect for Disney on a day-by-day basis...
Mary Marine
03-05-2015, 12:33 PM
So, how does this compare, to purchasing one's royal title ( from Sealand ( ;)
Okay, I had never heard of Sealand before so I had to look it up...and it is amazing. This is one of the strangest things I've ever heard it, I love it. I am more tempted than I should be to spend $45 and have a fancy certificate saying I am a Lady.
03-05-2015, 12:48 PM
^ *cough*
I did that.
Not through Sealand, but I am /technically/ a Lady
(Yes, I am aware it has no legal meaning, but still...)
SeaGlass Siren
03-05-2015, 03:05 PM
Fa Mulan was not a princess. She was a civilian who became a soldier who then married a general. So, she's more of a military wife.
I lose respect for Disney on a day-by-day basis...
I know she was not a princess... You don't have to keep reiterating it.
I'm saying if i felt the need to cosplay as mulan i'd dress up as the Disney version because no one freaking knows what she looks like.
SeaGlass Siren
03-05-2015, 03:11 PM
We all know that none of the Disney princesses are originals
Except kida, Merida, Sofia, moana, and the other Latina princess that isn't out yet. If you don't like any of the Disney adaptations that's up to you.
I really don't understand that last comment you made and I don't know why you lose respect for Disney but I can honestly tell you that it really rubbed me the wrong way.
*throws candies and sparkles at annwyn to show no ill feelings*
Gem Stone
03-12-2015, 12:05 PM
I think I need to rethink my mersona.
As far as titles, in my own little pod (at the time when we were a pod) I was known as the Mayor because of a sash I wore with my tail. Not really a royal title, but it was still fun.
I am always told that I'd be the warrior/protector mermaid. The one who saves people, stops sinking ships, rescues injured sea life, etc. (Amusingly enough, I've actually pulled two different toddlers who can't swim from the water in my tail when they fell in. Watching their eyes as they see me swim up to get them will be something I never forget)
i used to love the idea of being a princess mermaid, but now, I just think being A mermaid is the coolest thing you can do. Who needs the title when you've got a tail?
02-16-2017, 01:37 PM
This is an older thread, so I hope it's okay to revive them!
My mersona used to go by "Chieftess," but I've since dropped the title. Instead of a leader, Meerihua is more of a traveler of all the seas.
Rebela Hunter
02-17-2017, 06:28 PM
This is a super interesting thread!
I have a mersona that is based on a swan, so at first I thought about making her a princess or queen. But that is over-used, and what would she be queen over in the first place? Not other swans because swans don't listen to anybody or anything [I'd know because they're all over where I live !]. And, since my mersona is more of a surface-skimmer, I can't really make her "rule the seas". Maybe ruler of the waves or tides, but that's not so fun sounding...
I think she'd be more of a traveler or caretaker [not in a medicinal sense]. She's a calm warrior [as in the sense that she uses no weapons to fight] who fights for love and righteousness. And also against humans hurting wildlife in general.
Who knows! :P
02-17-2017, 06:39 PM
I'm the First Officer from my ship. I'm Miss Neerai Every, I only take orders from the Captain!
I'm not from the royalty, I'm not a noble mermaid. I follow my lover!
02-22-2017, 04:27 PM
I am a leader of a tribe of headhunters, salvors and seawitches. My mersona just took it upon her as she gradually "collected" those other people around her and that's what my pod is like in real life anyway. So I guess this would make me a chief or something like that 😐
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02-23-2017, 04:00 PM
I am a leader of a tribe of headhunters, salvors and seawitches. My mersona just took it upon her as she gradually "collected" those other people around her and that's what my pod is like in real life anyway. So I guess this would make me a chief or something like that
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Wow, I like your mersona very very much!
02-23-2017, 06:00 PM
Wow, I like your mersona very very much!
Thank you [emoji85]
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Misty Lau
02-23-2017, 06:50 PM
I personally look at it like the ocean belongs to no mer, even though pods usually stake out a territory or home of sorts. In Mako Mermaids, the H2O series, Mako is the southern pod's home (<I think). There was also a chinese mermaid pod and a Northern Pod mentioned. I personally am a California Siren, my literal pod (the people I'm friends and family with outside of my mersona) are all either California mers, sirens, specific hybrids, or mermaid mutts. Only two of them are people I actually listen to. One of them is like the most annoying kind of sister to me, but she's just considered a princess or a queen because she acts entitled to things (especially people). It's more of a nick name.
For me, my mersona is as close as my regular self as I can get it because... I just like to merge the best of both worlds. XD
Mermaid Alea
02-23-2017, 11:28 PM
I am a mermaid warrior with a touch of siren blood - meaning generally I am nice but on rare occasions I can be scary. In my free time I enjoy hanging out with pirates and swimming down into sunken ships and retrieving treasures for the pirates. They let me keep the pretty necklaces but the best reward is getting to talk with humans who enjoy the sea and its mysteries.
Mermaid Jaffa
02-23-2017, 11:44 PM
Artisan. Cos I love making stuff!
Khaleesi Daenerys
04-19-2017, 02:01 AM
I'm not a Princess I'm a Khaleesi ;)
Mermaid Enora
04-19-2017, 09:40 PM
Just a common caribbean mermaid here!
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