08-28-2012, 09:53 AM
I am just curious how you [professional mermaids] actually got into being a professional mermaid....

Did you just go to an audition?
Did you proposition an aquarium to watch you/hire you?

This is just as a community asking a question that some of us really want to know (especially me). I think it is wonderful what you pros do. You keep the idea alive for children (and adults) that something might be real and realistically can be real. I am not looking for a job, I am just curious how you yourself have found your niche in this profession.

Mermaid Tory

08-28-2012, 09:58 AM
I mean, there are other professional mermaids who don't just swim in aquariums, but for the aquarium job you'll have to audition for it (so they know you are capable). Most of the professional mers here are hired entertainment, for parties and stuff. If you're interested in the aquarium thing but your local aquarium doesn't have a mermaid show you can pitch it to them as a professional business idea, if you're up for it. But you really need to know your research and you have to be prepared when they ask about things like insurance and qualifications.

08-28-2012, 10:04 AM
I guess I should have clarified in my question. My only known knowledge of Pros are aquariums or hired talent. I just figured that if I started this thread that all pros would put in how they started just not if they work in aquariums or not.

My appologies for the confusion

08-28-2012, 10:12 AM
Oh. Well in that case there are several threads that you can look up. I don't have the links right away, but if you use the search bar you can look up threads that Raina, Sirena, and Odette have started to talk about their progress. There's also an incomplete one by Ondine about her auditions for being a dive bar mermaid and several "AMA" threads where you can ask some of the pros questions.

08-28-2012, 10:18 AM
Thank you Spindrift!