View Full Version : Mermaid recipes

09-03-2012, 02:41 PM
I did not search for another thread but thought it might be interesting to start a resource of mermaid recipes...

First up catch yourself a mermaid, and let her sing to you whilst preparing the BBQ in a large drum (only joking).

Fish Pie as amended from a Jamie Oliver.
Since I stopped drinking milk (and lost 3kg) this recipe is done with coconut milk instead of cream.
Prepare 2-3 types of fillet fish, ideally a red, white, and smoked flavours. Cut into small pieces and place into a large glass or ceramic baking dish.
Seperately cut and dice 1-2 small red onions and lightly fry on low heat with either butter or olive oil.
Grate 2-3 carrots into the onion and continue to lightly fry
Slice and dice some auborgine and or corgette (zucchini) into the mixture
Add 40dl or so of coconut milk (or cream)
Add some curry spice (or mustard and dash of lemon if using cream)
Boil up sliced potatoes (about 4-5 medium sized) until soft. Mash with a little coconut milk (or butter or milk).
Once water evaporated from vegetable mix and sauce is creamy, slowly spread over the fish layer. Try to even it out.
Option to add some spinach over the vegetables
Layer the mashed potatoes on top and grate some hard cheese (tasty cheddar or greyure) over the top and bake in oven for 30 minutes until golden on top.
Make sure you have left overs to put in the fridge for the next day. It will taste even better.

09-03-2012, 02:58 PM
Well crap. I'm hungry now for some reason.

This makes me think of a few articles I've been reading lately about sea-weed as a staple vegetable; living in New England, we have about a bajillion types of edible sea-weed and it's supposedly extremely high in nutrition and highly sustainable. I'd like to find more info about that, it would be fun to incorporate into cooking!

09-03-2012, 03:06 PM
Try some seaweed recipes from here
Not tried it myself yet but the Rhatigan family play a mean tale of the Gael (music)

09-04-2012, 01:28 PM
Reading other threads I see that there are a lot of vegetarians and merfolk on here who might object to the inclusion of fish. Im sorry if it offends. Although I am now mostly meat and milk free, it is sometimes nice and healthy to supplement diet. And non-Disney mermaids probably do enjoy a nice bit of fish and mollouscs from time to time. I totally respect those who want to completely avoid.

I prefer the native American Hopi approach and give thanks for to the spirit who provided, and will always finish a meal without stuffing yourself. Eat healthy, eat well, but never over eat.