View Full Version : yetANOTHER scammer tail maker

09-03-2012, 08:52 PM
how many times must we have people removed? http://magicmertails.moonfruit.com/

Kindly use the report button and show links to thom shouse's website for materials. Also, I recognize all the digital mermaid tails from DA. someone trying to scam people again

09-03-2012, 09:24 PM
Is that Nadia Vessey's tail at the bottom?

I'm not seeing the rest though. Where's Thom's stuff? I briefly tried to look for their channel but meh, too much digging required.

Mermaid Celissa
09-03-2012, 09:31 PM
My email to them:

Hi there! I recently found your website and I was wondering, how are your tails made, and what are they made of? Also, I recognize the tail at the bottom of your page as Nadia Vessey's. Why is this advertised on your site? Thank you!

I wonder what they'll respond x]

Ayla of Duluth
09-03-2012, 09:45 PM
i emailed them as well. asking if they had photos or videos of their tail they could send me and why they don't have pictures up on their site. asked what type of tails they offer, what kind of monofin they use, estimated production time, where they ship to, etc

Ayla of Duluth
09-03-2012, 09:49 PM
i got tired of waiting for a response and reported the site anyways

09-03-2012, 11:47 PM
If you look on the about page they say some pretty rude stuff about Mermagica and AquaTails. Quote: me and my friends started this website when we saw websites like AquaTails. their tails were so ugly with their extra fabric hanging down. and we also heard about the people getting ripped off by Mermagica. :Quote. It is not their place to be saying rude things like this when they false advertise on their website. I might just go ahead and email them myself...

09-03-2012, 11:50 PM
Copy and paste from my facebook:

"hey merman jesse i am only 9 yrs old and i already make silicone mermaid tails by myself and sell them it is at (insert scam site) "

My reply:

"Ella, yes I made this tail. Do you have any pictures of tails that you have made? Or just the ones on the home page of your website that Thom Shouse made, and the other one for that amputee in England?"

Australia, my bad!

Her reply:

"i actually havent posted any pics yet but i will be soon i probably will be as soon as i get the paint done on one of my tais and still havent published the website i wont until i i get a few more pics"

It's there on a picture of a tail that I made. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=405657976157518&set=a.192298877493430.47832.186489051407746&type=1&comment_id=1051303&ref=notif&notif_t=photo_comment&theater

Azurin Luna
09-03-2012, 11:52 PM
They said they had a video on YouTube so I looked it up, guess what. It doesn't excist either.
i guess people are desperate to get money of this hype the media created.

Angel the Little Merman
09-04-2012, 12:44 AM
I just saw their site and I really don't know what to say if they're nine years old, but I notice some pictures are now deleted. It's clear these people are indeed about the hype and want only cash for it and it's also clear they don't know how to make after all. In my eyes if you're gonna nay about other people's tails and use someone else pictures and say they're your own it's only clear they know how to make one after all. Or in this case attempt to.

Winged Mermaid
09-04-2012, 01:36 AM
If they're 9 years old, then it's illegal for them to be selling stuff at that price range anyway.

09-04-2012, 02:44 AM
Does anyone else worry that this sort of thing is a natural byproduct of how the internet operates? I think its possible that these little girls might not actually realize they're doing anything wrong or illegal. They just decided to make tails and needed images of tails on their site, so they posted some. I think some kids today don't realized that there's such a thing as image ownership, or that presenting the work of others as your own is wrong.

Then again, its possible that I'm naive for thinking they're just clueless, and they are in fact scamming people with full knowledge that what they're doing is wrong.

At any rate, I reported the site too.

09-04-2012, 08:01 AM
I dunno guys, I work with an awful lot of 9 year olds. Most of them dont even know how to use the address bar to get to their favourite websites- they search in google! That website does not look like 9 year old material to me. I think that may just be an excuse.

Ayla of Duluth
09-04-2012, 09:07 AM
Azurin, the have a web series under Ella something or other. The girl does have videos, but no, the video she claims exists, does not.

Azurin Luna
09-04-2012, 09:43 AM
Ah, I was searching on my Ipad, which is being funny at times... Cause the website showed up differently then on an pc.
Still it shows they do not know what they are doing

Angel the Little Merman
09-04-2012, 10:15 AM
Saw the youtube page.... Do we really need another one of these?!

Mermaid Celissa
09-04-2012, 07:11 PM
You know what's funny? She claims she makes silicone tails, but she used a fabric one in her video! I wonder!
