View Full Version : A raccoon we can all learn from

09-06-2012, 12:28 AM
I came across this video and I thought it was pretty funny


Another thing that made me decide to post it was the top rated comment:

"The Opossum is like the trolls on youtube. They hiss, swat,
and bite to get your attention. If you act like the raccoon
and mind your own business, the troll(s) will go away."

I think quite a few of you can learn from this raccoon. Instead of dealing with
a possom he didn't even have to acknowledge, he just went on and ignored it
and the possum no longer had any power over him.

I've noticed a LOT of Facebook stalking going on and it's honestly getting really
old really fast. Why is it everyone seems to be watching status updates from all
the people they don't trust? Why are you guys following pages you don't even like?
If you don't like someone, you can block them and their feed will never appear on
your page. As for fanpages, just don't like or visit them. Everyone seems to be
lurking around just waiting for the opossum to come out and give them any little
smidget of a reason so they can start an all out flame war.

As for the rare(maybe even more often than I think) cases in which the person goes
out of their way to contact YOU, well, how insulting do you think it is when you don't
even reply to them? When you don't take their bait?
Rather than giving them what they're looking for, you can really beat them in the sense
that you're too good for them and their nonsense.

So maybe you all can take a lesson from this raccoon, whether you're involved in
all this drama or not. Trolls, bullies, people you dislike, just IGNORE them. It
makes the world a better place and you can get around to doing things that
make you happy.

Morticia Mermaid
09-06-2012, 01:13 AM
Well said Kanti. My abusive ex was a lot like the opossum. He would stalk peoples pages and profiles, looking for something to start drama over. I just ignored him because I wanted no part of the drama, I still don't. And I fully believe that every story has 3 sides. Your side, their side, and the truth. Please don't misunderstand, I am in no way saying anyone is lying about anything. But everyone, I even admit myself, is guilty of exaggerating even just a tiny bit in a squall.

When it comes to Facebook, I like a lot of pages. Mermaids pages, Tail-makers pages, Inspirational pages, and quite a few humor pages. Sometimes I notice a post that doesn't sit well with me, but instead of saying so I just ignore it and move along. It's good to vent frustration about things, yes. But, sometimes people take things a little further than is necessary.

Not meaning to stir anything, or hurt any feelings. Just putting out an opinion that happens to be mine.

09-06-2012, 10:51 AM
that video was pretty adrobz

09-06-2012, 06:06 PM
@ Lexia - I agree, I don't think you're implying that anyone is lying when you say the "three sides"
to each story thing. I think it's true not in the sense that they're being sneaky, but more in the sense
that they tell you what their thought process was at the time, so often even when you hear a true story
from both sides of the argument, it's hard to choose when both had good intentions.
You shouldn't be scared to say your opinion, I didn't think you were pinning any sort of blame on anyone
and even if you were I don't care. There's a lot of this going on right now and it's getting very out of hand.

@ Raina - lol yea the raccoon was a total boss. I also like the possom.. I find them cute for some reason.