View Full Version : My Own Tail??

09-27-2012, 03:31 AM
So i am planning on trying to make my own tail. It will be my first one ever. Swimming in one, making one, designing one, etc. etc. Im thinking about making a cast of my legs then putting fabric around it THEN making the molds and such and such for latex.

Idk how i would do all this the right way. Like If i made Latex scales how would i layer it onto my fabric and make it stay?? or should i not use the layer of fabric?? and how would i piece my tail together. I saw a video of how to make the latex tails but they were constantly stopping the recording to finish the step they were on and i couldnt really get the whole picture?? IDK if im approaching this the right way, i REALLY wanna make my own....i dont have the money for a tail like MerTailor.com.


i wanted to make a silicone one but nobody seems to have any answers on how to make it.....like i mean full video tutorial from beginning to finish.....im a VERY visual learner....not so good at ready pages upon pages of instructions.......please help a NewComing MerMan??

09-27-2012, 03:50 AM
There is a wealth of info on tail making here. Look for 'Tail Making' in the forum, we have a whole section dedicated to it, including latex and silicone. Welcome to Mernetwork!

Winged Mermaid
09-27-2012, 04:56 AM
There are many threads on here where people logged their progress, often with pictures and videos, each step of their process. You can find all of that in the Tailmaking Reference Thread: http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?2633 .

Read through the material FIRST before you ask questions. Right now what you see is what you get. There are no full video tutorials at this moment. The information on how to make most tails are still very new. Not even 5 years ago even how to make a basic fabric tail was unknown and a "trade secret". Most people found out how to make molded tails by online self education on casting and molding, and a lot of trial and error at their own expense. Really it's all because of the wonderful people who have put their money, time, effort, and energy on the line to provide all of us with the resources that they have that we even have this knowledge at all.
So my best advice to you right now: Get reading!

If you find you would not want to learn how to make you own but purchase it instead, there are several other tail makers who make silicone tails, most for less than the Mertailor. Check out the "Buying Tails" page on the navigation bar for a list of tail makers! I know Fish Butts offers silicone tails for $1,500, Mermaid Creations for $900-$1,750, and Merbellas Studios for $1,000-$3,000. Always read research the tail maker and read reviews on their products before purchasing (we have review sections here for that as well).

09-27-2012, 08:55 AM
Thank you Both for the Advice. Also thank you Silver Siren for the Welcome!!!