View Full Version : Mermaid YouTube Series?
So, me being young and in love with YouTube, ive come across many girls who make mini series about being mermaids(most are like H20) on it. Some really good ones ive seen are Secret Life of a Mermaid, The3Tails, Mystic Tails and a couple others. I was just wondering if anyone else enjoys watching these? Maybe there is a good one you like that you can post below? Me and a friend were thinking of making one ourselves, but still thinking on it... :) So, yeah! I just like stuff like this :3
09-30-2012, 06:32 PM
I LOVE Secret Life of a Mermaid! I tried to watch The3Tails, but something about it I just didn't like. Haven't heard of Mystic Tails... I also really loved The Scales by Merymaja, but her account got hacked and all of her videos were deleted. You should definitely try to start a series, I have wanted to make one for a long time but none of my friends are interested in mermaids :(
Same with the no mermaid interest. A year ago, a friend and i made one episode, but her other friends talked her out of it (she's been having peer pressure issues lately). I have one other friend who is a true mer named Isis, and weve been wanting to make one for a while, just never got around to doing it. And how many episodes of The3tails have you seen? I admit, the first ones werent the best, but i think they got really good once they got more experience. I wonder if any of those girls (including SLM) have accounts on here? That would be kinda cool! And The Scales got hacked? nooooo! I really liked them and i LOVED the tail, even though i had no idea what they were saying lol! Nom offense, i know they were from a different country :) And look up The Mystic Tails. They are super good actors, and their swimming locations are so beautiful! Its filmed in Hawaii so they swim in the crystal clear ocean. Lucky girls lol!
09-30-2012, 06:58 PM
Secret Life of a Mermaid is the only one I really watch. Didn't like the others all that much.
09-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Hmm.. well good luck with the mermaid show. Hopefully it will still work out.
I haven't seen many episodes of The3Tails. I might give it another shot when I can find the time.
The girl from The Scales said she is selling her tail. She posted a video about it on her youtube channel. I guess she is going to try and make one last episode before she sells it.... not really clear on the details though.
09-30-2012, 07:31 PM
I haven't seen the Secret life of a Mermaid. But I have seen The3Tails. It's kinda cheesey/doesn't make sense sometimes/ and a basid H2O spin off, BUT I think for what these girls do at their age is FANTASTIC. I'm subscribed to them because I think they do a fan-damn-tastic job.
Yeah, all of the shows ive seen have completely copied H20, but my show is gonna change that for sure! Completely original is what im going for! (hope no one takes that idea lol!)
Mermaid Narina
10-01-2012, 06:49 PM
My cousin and i are going to make one really soon! I hate the idea of turning when you touch water (come on, EVERYONE uses it), so we are going for a more unique approach. We are a little older than most of the girls in youtube series, at 15 and 18, so we are going to try and make it as realistic as possible! :P
if you check on my channel every now and then you will see when we start posting!!
Mermaid Petronella
10-01-2012, 06:59 PM
Hey, I am Natasha's cousin! We hope to make a YouTube video :) We've started filming small bits but we aren't starting proper filming till November. My YouTube channel has video's on how I made my tail, and by December Our series will start being published :) I say go for it if you want to make one! :)
I cant wait for your videos you two! I just hope we dont have the same way of transforming lol! :) Ill be a viewer for sure! And i almost forgot: Our very own Mermaid Caitlin has a show called Spellbound which i think is pretty good too. And to Caitlin if ur reading it: i understand the circumstances, but my friend and i LOVE your show and are hoping that you can maybe somehow do more episodes? You can always incorporate the move to Canada into it! <3 :thumbs-up:
Mermaid Caidence
10-03-2012, 03:34 PM
Thank you so much Kalani! :D Yes I do have a show Spellbound, but since my recent move to Canada I've lost all my friends to do the show with. I really want to continue, in fact I've written up a new episode already, but I don't know if I can continue it. I've been doing some experimental editing and thinking on new idea, so If i do continue it it wil be better than ever with my new tail, scale makeup, and new editing effects. I am definietly older seeing as I'm going to turn 15, but I really don't care. Maybe I'll drag my brother into it. The good news is that I live near the ocean, not really a swimmable one, but still there are starfish and stuff. :)
10-03-2012, 04:02 PM
Yeah, it would be nice to get a breath of fresh air in the mermaid miniseries.
I have looked at a few of the miniseries up, and they are all the same, all copies of H20. No offense to these little merlings, of course. But with the imagination children have I would expect... more. Gosh, that sounded harsh, but there's no other way I can think to put it right now.
If you think up an original plot with absolutely no relation to H20, you have a viewer in me. :)
Awesome koral! Hopefully i can find a bit more motivation and start it up, but i want to have my FishButt first ;) and Caitlin, im sure youll find a couple of other mers in your area, or introduce new friends to mermaiding! anyways, i hope you'll find someone who you can share this passion with up there <3
10-04-2012, 12:47 AM
Caitlin!! My best friend is actually in Canada. Depending how close you two are, maybe she could join you. ;)
Mermaid Saphira
10-04-2012, 11:36 AM
Bubbles, a few other friends and I are planning on making a few youtube miniseries. One of them includes a mermaid series, but I doubt any of you will like it, it is going to be alot like h2o; however we are going to add our own ideas. We are currently working out how to make our own moon pool and making tails. We also plan to make a few other shows/movies in the future including Onyx...a story about a black witch (still not clear on this idea), Storm's Path...another horse story, and a scary movie about a siren on a killing rampage. More to come :D
10-04-2012, 11:48 AM
Coral! I think you should make it! My friend and I have already started shooting our series! It's our own ORIGINAL idea. :)
Mermaid Caidence
10-04-2012, 02:44 PM
Caitlin!! My best friend is actually in Canada. Depending how close you two are, maybe she could join you. ;)
Cool. Where does she live?
Mermaid Narina
10-04-2012, 04:37 PM
I have looked at a few of the miniseries up, and they are all the same, all copies of H20. No offense to these little merlings, of course. But with the imagination children have I would expect... more.
Yeah! Thats what we want to get rid of. No more moon pool, no more of the h2O powers, not changing from just touching water.
What would people want to SEE in a mermaid series? Someone said a cause, like protecting the ocean... anything else? :)
Ima checkout Spellbound right now!!! :D
Mermaid Caidence
10-04-2012, 06:02 PM
I've only got a couple of episodes up, since I had to move, but we had some great new idea coming up. I won't say them seeing as I still might use them, but some of them were pretty original. I hope to continue.
@ Natasha: Nooo! just kidding :3 my series will be about mermaids on a duty to save the ocean too lol! just know that if it ever somehow does go up on YouTube, im not copying :)
10-07-2012, 03:24 PM
Wow, it sounds like I have several new mermaid shows to be looking forward to :) To everyone who is making a new series, be sure to keep us updated here on mernetwork!
Kalani: I checked out the first episode of Mystic Tails. It was AWESOME. By far the best youtube show I have seen. I have been super busy lately and still need to find time to watch more, but I really loved the first episode.
I know right? They are such good actors and the places they film are to die for! Even though its another H20 copy-off (no offense), they are one of my very favorites!
Mermaid Momo
10-07-2012, 07:28 PM
i'v etried watching all of the ones you guys listed (besides mystic tails) but i couldn't really get past that they're all almost exact copies of H2O. I usually watch them just for the swimming scenes because i love seeing tails in the water.
Yeah... i know what ur talking about and we do need something new! I found some friends who are actually mers and were gonna start one up that is original and isnt like h20!! So yeah. :yay:
Mermaid Narina
10-08-2012, 08:03 AM
@ Natasha: Nooo! just kidding :3 my series will be about mermaids on a duty to save the ocean too lol! just know that if it ever somehow does go up on YouTube, im not copying :)
thats cool, i think every mermaid should do it ;)
Im still super siked i found a couple of mermaids in my area who want to do a show!
Mermaid Momo
10-10-2012, 04:24 PM
make sure that when you make your show it has a catchy opening sequence thingy, i can usually tell what a show's about just from the opening. XD
Mermaid Bella
10-10-2012, 04:41 PM
is anyone else feeling super old when someone refers to themselves as older now. almost 15? I'm 26..... and I wanna make a YouTube show tooooooo XD
Mermaid Caidence
10-10-2012, 06:54 PM
Lol I'm almost 15 and I feel like I wasted my time in not starting a show when I was 12. I always wanted to, I just never had the friends.
Mermaid Narina
10-10-2012, 07:42 PM
kaitlyn, do what i did and talk to your cousins (or brothers/sisters) etc, or find someone you know that already likes fantasy etc to do it with you!! or look for drama students at your school (they will be good actors!)
Hey Bella and Caitlyn, i wanna say that you shouldnt feel too old to make your own show! I think the older you are, the more experience you might have when filming, lighting and editing. You all should watch Mystic Tails! They are all 15 or 16 and their show is flawless! Ive been watching Teenie989's show called Secret Life of a Mermaid since a year ago, and looking at her first eppys they werent too amazing, but now that the girls are all 14 or something the show is so awesome! Just putting it out there cause I think that shows with teens rather than little kids :)
Mermaid Caidence
10-10-2012, 10:40 PM
I already have a show, I just hope I will be able to continue it. I think I would want my friends to do it rather then just some people from drama. I think it would be more fun. And guys you both spelled my name wrong. :p
Mermaid Bella
10-12-2012, 03:50 PM
ha ha ha. no I don't feel too old to make a show, I've been a stage actor, short film actor, short film director, editor, sound director, lighting technician, voice actor, circus performer and many many more.. ohhh puppiteer, so no, not to old for a YouTube vid, just a little confused by people referring to themselves to old when they're 15. seriously! you're babies still :D i(in a very very good way) so go out and do what you want :D age is only important if you're cheese.
10-18-2012, 12:27 AM
Yea! Thanks for all of the youtube suggestions. I've been sitting here most of the night knitting a sock and watching videos. It's easier than reading threads, because I don't have to stop knitting every few seconds to scroll down. :S
I saw the four episodes you had up Caitlin (same spelling as my sister's name! :D) and they were really good! And I am in disagreement with your fourth vlog where you said that you weren't funny. I thought your character on the show was funny! I saw her as a brainy know-it-all who was trying to reason something totally un-reasonable: turning into a mermaid! And, girl, did it end with a cliff-hanger!
My biggest complaint with any video (non-mer videos included) is screeching. Ugh. I realize that at one point in my life, I, too, was a young girl, who more times than I can count probably laughed at jokes with friends, and we probably sounded some what like a pack of hyenas decending upon their prey. But that sound, I just can.not. handle. it. anymore. I'm willing to give a fair viewing to most mer-vids, but if there is more than a few episodes in which characters feel the need to scream (sometimes for no reason), then I am more likely than not to unsubscribe and forget their channel address.
10-18-2012, 04:54 AM
ScreEeching girlies. Ugh. Weve all been there; done it but it is so artificial it hurts. We should all be mature cheddars with waxy skin. ;-)
Mermaid Narina
10-27-2012, 04:26 PM
Im gonna check out mystic tails! I agree that if your an adult its likely youll be a better actor and swimmer and produce videos of much higher quality!
Id love to see everyones series, drop me a link!
hopefully you can continue filing <3
Mermaid Petronella
11-13-2012, 10:45 PM
Yes, I don't want to copy other series, I want something fresh and new. So I'm not going to start filming for the sake of 'getting it up there' I'll wait till I have a great concept and idea. I've spent days with Natasha researching Mermaid facts and have come across some amazing legends from several different countries. I'm looking forward to watching all your series when you make them :) Have fun!
not technically a mermaid series, but I found these guys by accident. I love the flowyness in the fluke!
12-12-2012, 12:51 AM
I LOVE Secret Life of a Mermaid! I tried to watch The3Tails, but something about it I just didn't like. Haven't heard of Mystic Tails... I also really loved The Scales by Merymaja, but her account got hacked and all of her videos were deleted. You should definitely try to start a series, I have wanted to make one for a long time but none of my friends are interested in mermaids :(
OMG I would love to do a series!
New York Mermaid
12-12-2012, 01:11 AM
LOL My friend and I are planning a "How To Train Your Mermaid", video.. Just for giggles, may-june- 2013 around there. Her idea, But hey ill be getting a bucket of swedish fish as a reward haha
Mermaid Saphira
12-12-2012, 08:45 AM
LOL My friend and I are planning a "How To Train Your Mermaid", video.. Just for giggles, may-june- 2013 around there. Her idea, But hey ill be getting a bucket of swedish fish as a reward haha
Lol! I will be looking out for this ;)
Believe me, I do not have a problem w/ swedish fish :drools:
Mermaid Saphira
12-12-2012, 09:05 AM
Like you asked, I wanted to update all of you on the mermaid show my friends and i are making...
I finished the script of episode 1, for the 6th time in the past 2 months :doh: lol
I have written every summary for season one, but i am still moving them around and trashing a few.
We have started making plans for our hand crafted moon pool and the designs for the tails are done...
8113 8114
All looks good so far, never the less. I'm really excited about it, but also kind of worried that none of
you will be interested in it because it's going to be a lot like h2o. In fact, it is based off of the next generation of mermaids. :(
the only sneak peak i can give you now are the credits and a piece of the summary.. so here goes :p
Ana as Paisley
Brook as Katie
Emma as Cassidee
I am in charge of all of the editing, directing, writing, etc ;)
Three teenage girls drift out to sea, only to find themselves on a mysterious, uninhabited island.
While on the island, the girls discover a cave that has appeared to have been left untouched for years.
What they don't know is that this cave will transform them and change their lives forever.
The next day, they each discover they can transform into mermaids. They have even gained powers.
A friend of theirs immediately takes interest in their strange behavior, but when he discovers the truth, will he be able to handle it?
Through out the season/series, the girls and their friend strive to find out what has happened to them all while
trying to keep their secret safe from the outside world and master their powers. Lots of action and drama, etc...
PS: the girls find out that they are the next generation of h2o mermaids. what do you mers think so far? I know it's alot like h2o, but would you still be interested in watching it? :$
Mermaid Allie
12-16-2012, 08:29 PM
DEFINATELY. DO IT. NOW. Me and my friends are making a show called aquatails! I'm in that process of script writing now and the entire first season will be filmed this summer. So first episode September 2013!! Here's the first episode synopsis: it's the last day of school, finally! Three best friends plan a huge sleepover party! They decide to go for a bike ride in the park by the ocean. However, they lose track of time and get lost among the forest. They come across a pond as it becomes dark, and the moon is rising over the pool. Just as they're ready to go, they see something glowing inside the pond. Britney immediately feels drawn towards it. She dives in the pool, followed by her two friends, to find that the source is three aqua blue glowing lockets!! They each pick one up, and when the moon shifts, the lockets stop glowing. They return home and enjoy their sleepover as usual. However, when they wake up and return to their houses, they're in for a big surprise. Tails!
Ali as britney
hannah as hannah
miranda as Miranda
Mermaid Narina
12-17-2012, 04:19 AM
And guys you both spelled my name wrong. :p
Oh sorry! that how my friends kaitlyns name is spelt :P
Mermaid Saphira
12-17-2012, 06:25 PM
little update video too, wish I could show more T_T
Mermaid Saphira
12-17-2012, 06:26 PM
DEFINATELY. DO IT. NOW. Me and my friends are making a show called aquatails! I'm in that process of script writing now and the entire first season will be filmed this summer. So first episode September 2013!! Here's the first episode synopsis: it's the last day of school, finally! Three best friends plan a huge sleepover party! They decide to go for a bike ride in the park by the ocean. However, they lose track of time and get lost among the forest. They come across a pond as it becomes dark, and the moon is rising over the pool. Just as they're ready to go, they see something glowing inside the pond. Britney immediately feels drawn towards it. She dives in the pool, followed by her two friends, to find that the source is three aqua blue glowing lockets!! They each pick one up, and when the moon shifts, the lockets stop glowing. They return home and enjoy their sleepover as usual. However, when they wake up and return to their houses, they're in for a big surprise. Tails!
Ali as britney
hannah as hannah
miranda as Miranda
That sounds like a super cute idea :3
Funny, Ali appears to be the only one who changed her name lol
Mermaid Saphira
12-17-2012, 06:28 PM
Like you asked, I wanted to update all of you on the mermaid show my friends and i are making...
I finished the script of episode 1, for the 6th time in the past 2 months :doh: lol
I have written every summary for season one, but i am still moving them around and trashing a few.
We have started making plans for our hand crafted moon pool and the designs for the tails are done...
8113 8114
All looks good so far, never the less. I'm really excited about it, but also kind of worried that none of
you will be interested in it because it's going to be a lot like h2o. In fact, it is based off of the next generation of mermaids. :(
the only sneak peak i can give you now are the credits and a piece of the summary.. so here goes :p
Ana as Paisley
Brook as Katie
Emma as Cassidee
I am in charge of all of the editing, directing, writing, etc ;)
Three teenage girls drift out to sea, only to find themselves on a mysterious, uninhabited island.
While on the island, the girls discover a cave that has appeared to have been left untouched for years.
What they don't know is that this cave will transform them and change their lives forever.
The next day, they each discover they can transform into mermaids. They have even gained powers.
A friend of theirs immediately takes interest in their strange behavior, but when he discovers the truth, will he be able to handle it?
Through out the season/series, the girls and their friend strive to find out what has happened to them all while
trying to keep their secret safe from the outside world and master their powers. Lots of action and drama, etc...
what do you mers think so far? I know it's alot like h2o, but would you still be interested in watching it? :$
No feeback on this yet? Oh boy, this is what I was afraid of O_O
Maybe a sneak peak of the script will help?? (may be deleted in a few hours!)
Katie: (frightened) You aren’t gonna leave me up here, alone….are you?
Cassidee: Why should you care? (elbows Katie in the side playfully) You aren’t scared, are you?
Katie: (shocked) What?! No way. (turns her back to Cassidee) (peers at Cassidee over her shoulder) Oh, just go already! (turns back)
Cassidee: (shrugs) (jumps down hole) (screams)
Scene changes to the inside of a cave. Lighting is blue and mysterious magical music is playing.
Cassidee: (kneels beside Paisley) (pulls first aid kit out of her bag) This might help. (cleans Paisley’s wounds) (puts away kit) Can you walk on it? (gets up) (helps Paisley up)
Paisley: I think so, (gets up) Thank you, Cassidee.
Cassidee: (walks around) No problem. (pause) Now, let’s see if we can find a way out -
Camera is taken back to Katie who is left in the same position Cassidee left her in.
Katie: (hears a fox cry off in the distance) (eyes pop open) (scrambles down hole) (screams)
Camera is taken back inside the cave where Cassidee is looking for a way out.
Cassidee: (whips around to see Katie) (angry) What are you doing down here, Katie?!
Katie: (sarcasm) I ah- (gets up) (dusts off) wanted to help you guys find a way out. (weak smile)
Mermaid Saphira
12-17-2012, 08:10 PM
Almost forgot...
Mermaid Celissa
12-17-2012, 08:20 PM
Love the script and interview video, Saph!
Mermaid Kalliope
12-18-2012, 12:15 AM
I'm older, 23, and I'd love to do a mermaid mini-series. I'm actually into acting and would love to pursue it as a career. I'm currently located in Southern California, but if anyone is down here and would like to do something, I'd be more than happy to meet up and brainstorm! I have a friend with a camera who would love to film. I'm actually working on a script for a mermaid film. :-D I'm hoping it will be original and different than what you usually see.
For me, I'd like to see less cliché scenarios; aka Little Mermaid-esque love stories, H2O powers/situations, etc... A cause is good, some powers might be okay, but what about natural born mers?
Any remember The Thirteenth Year by Disney? Or am I just too old? XP
Mermaid Allie
12-18-2012, 12:38 AM
That was great saphira! Super well done!
Mermaid Celissa
12-25-2012, 12:24 PM
So I've come up with one! Not going to give away most of the plot, but I can tell you that it is very far from H2O.
Here's the trailer:
Mermaid Momo
12-25-2012, 02:01 PM
I'm still trying to convince my friends to help me make a web series XD
Mermaid Saphira
12-25-2012, 02:07 PM
I'm older, 23, and I'd love to do a mermaid mini-series. I'm actually into acting and would love to pursue it as a career. I'm currently located in Southern California, but if anyone is down here and would like to do something, I'd be more than happy to meet up and brainstorm! I have a friend with a camera who would love to film. I'm actually working on a script for a mermaid film. :-D I'm hoping it will be original and different than what you usually see.
For me, I'd like to see less cliché scenarios; aka Little Mermaid-esque love stories, H2O powers/situations, etc... A cause is good, some powers might be okay, but what about natural born mers?
Any remember The Thirteenth Year by Disney? Or am I just too old? XP. U r never too old to do a show! And I plan on creating a few, less cliché, mermaid shows in the future but I figured I hold start off with something more familiar to my age group. Good luck if u decided to make ur wn show :)
Mermaid Saphira
12-25-2012, 02:08 PM
That was great saphira! Super well done!
ThanQ sweetie :3 I hope u will stick around to view it!
Mermaid Saphira
12-25-2012, 02:09 PM
Love the script and interview video, Saph!
Lol thanq dear : 3
Mermaid Momo
12-25-2012, 03:25 PM
If anyone whose making a show needs any help with anything such as props, lighting, and staging feel free to ask, I'm up for helping get a new series on its feet :) I'm really good at building props and scenery like rocks and fakeing being in open water (I guess that's what years of being on the scene crew of plays and in the digital media club gets you LOL)
Mermaid Saphira
12-25-2012, 03:30 PM
If anyone whose making a show needs any help with anything such as props, lighting, and staging feel free to ask, I'm up for helping get a new series on its feet :) I'm really good at building props and scenery like rocks and fakeing being in open water (I guess that's what years of being on the scene crew of plays and in the digital media club gets you LOL)
I am intrigued by your offer...^o^
Mermaid Momo
12-26-2012, 03:44 PM
I am intrigued by your offer...^o^
:3 i know some videos that show how to get DIY professional quality sound, video, and effects for cheap and i know a video showing how to make a cheap underwater camera rig. does anyone want that one BTW?
Mermaid Saphira
12-26-2012, 03:53 PM
:3 i know some videos that show how to get DIY professional quality sound, video, and effects for cheap and i know a video showing how to make a cheap underwater camera rig. does anyone want that one BTW? totally! *swims in circles like a crazed maniac* lol
Mermaid Celissa
12-26-2012, 04:11 PM
I do! Please
Mermaid Momo
12-26-2012, 11:06 PM 1CyuZ1q8
sorry if it doesn't show up, I'm on my phone.
Mermaid Photine
12-26-2012, 11:11 PM 1CyuZ1q8
sorry if it doesn't show up, I'm on my phone.
Here it is for non- phones:
Mermaid Celissa
12-26-2012, 11:12 PM
Thank you drag! I have an underwater camera though, so I wouldn't need a rig. But do you have any other filming/effect technique videos?
Mermaid Momo
12-26-2012, 11:46 PM
What would you like? I can try and find almost anything LOL
Mermaid Celissa
12-26-2012, 11:54 PM
:3 i know some videos that show how to get DIY professional quality sound, video, and effects for cheap and i know a video showing how to make a cheap underwater camera rig. does anyone want that one BTW?
I just thought you knew some because of the first half
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 12:04 AM
Oh! Yeah I know a butt load I meant like what you're looking for (like sliding camera rigs [what they use to move cameras smoothly] lighting, microphones, lighting effects, etc)
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 12:36 PM
here are some basic stuff:
$10 light stand
shoulder mount (to keep camera steady) 2
lighting tips
camera slider
boom pole (for microphone)
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 12:52 PM
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 01:07 PM
Wonderful, Draggersprez!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you -five minutes later- thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! :yay:
Mermaid Celissa
12-27-2012, 02:27 PM
Thanks! I've been watching a lot of Indy Mogul lately.
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 02:27 PM
no problem :) anything else you guys would like?
Mermaid Celissa
12-27-2012, 02:29 PM
If you know how to make any DIY special effects, that would be nice. Also, I have a video to share:
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 02:36 PM
If you know how to make any DIY special effects, that would be nice.
like what kind? (sorry if so many questions XP i'm just thinking that you probably won't need to know how to make a knife go through someone's head for a mer show XD and i need something more specific for what you're looking for)
Mermaid Celissa
12-27-2012, 02:39 PM
Oh gosh, no knives xD I mean like...I don't know how to put it. Typical mermaid water-related effects, or something like that.
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 02:44 PM
oh! like transformations, making it rain without actually using water, bubbles, floating water,etc?
Mermaid Celissa
12-27-2012, 02:48 PM
Yes! Exactly :D
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 02:49 PM
oh! like transformations, making it rain without actually using water, bubbles, floating water,etc?
Mermaid Momo
12-27-2012, 02:50 PM
sorry that posted twice, but i'll get on that :)
Mermaid Celissa
12-27-2012, 02:52 PM
Mermaid Petronella
01-08-2013, 03:40 PM
Natasha and I made a short film the other day, (Nothing to do with our series but just because we wanted to get an important message about.) The video description describes it if you don't get it:
02-16-2013, 01:18 PM
We're looking for what you want to see in a show because we're making our own. I'm afraid we do turn into mermaids everytime we touch water, but we have some new powers along with the H2o ones. Please check out the sneek peek of your show that we've posted on YouTube (it only has clips of Fiona), and tell us what you think and what you want to sea.
Mermaid Momo
04-09-2013, 12:42 PM
anyone know of any good free programs for making my own music? I don't think i'll actually be putting in singing unless i can get my sister to sing for me, so basically making a tune/background music i guess.
04-09-2013, 04:30 PM
I'd recommend looking for free-to-use music online. Royalty free. I don't know of any programs though, but there's a LOT of great royalty free music out there.
04-10-2013, 05:58 PM
My friends and I have a mermaid show called "A Splasy Tale." My friend accidentally had her camera on "near sight" when we were filming most of the episodes... Also they are kind of short, I promise you that the next two season's shows will be longer, have better stories (like, really great ones!), more characters, and clearer filming!
04-10-2013, 06:03 PM
You guys have very nice tails :'D
Mermaid Momo
04-14-2013, 07:08 PM
Summer's here! (well where i am ) And that means shooting mermaid videos! are any of you starting to shoot your series this summer? or releasing episodes already?
oh! and i forgot to answer one of the effects question about transformations and powers, the answer to that is find a free Adobe after effects demo and you can make those kind of effects in that. :)
04-14-2013, 08:02 PM
Oh my gosh, I love them! Me and my friend are going to make one too! Ours is going to be called "Of the Ocean" (Please don't copy) We aren't sure if we want to use the touching water-turn into a mermaid thing; but I can't think of any other way to turn into one other then the barbie mermaid thing (She holds her necklace and says "I wish to become a mermaid") So if anyone has any ideas we should start spreading some(:
04-14-2013, 08:45 PM
I've always liked the idea of changing when you're thirsty, lol.
04-14-2013, 10:11 PM
I actually am doing a series with my bff. It isn't posted yet, but it will be called "A Mermaid Sorcery Tale". (please don't copy) When it is posted, will you check it out? She is a wizard, I am the mermaid. We are doing the whole touch water and change.
I like the youtube series 'Mermaid Miracles'. I don't watch mermaid youtube series, but I saw this one, and I really took a liking to it.
Mermaid Julianne
04-15-2013, 12:56 AM
Yes! I have been looking for a thread like this. I have a plan to make a mershow based off a dream I had in December, but my problem is that I want it to be extremely professional. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things like this. I need locations, actors/actress who are willing to act in the show, some special effects/makeup artists, and a whole bunch of other junk. So at this moment, I think I'm going to just plan and plan and plan. But I can't wait to see everyone elses! (I may film the show in the likes of Chronicle, Cloverfield, and Project X, but that would be if it were a movie. Knowing me, it could turn into one)
As for some of the shows I've seen, I like Mermaid Miracles as well. The pilot is here:
The show seems pretty professional, and I really like how many people they've been able to get involved. It takes on a completely new plot line as well, showing mermaids from blood, not from being turned. They still have the touch water and get a tail thing though, but it seems that everyone has that. (But not for long...)
Also, there is this mer on youtube, AimzDreamer, who is planning on making a webseries, and her other videos she's put up are really cool, so I'm hoping her series will be just as great.
She also has an amazing merberry review, something many people have been looking for.
If there's any other shows you guys know about (I've already seen Mystic Tails and Secret Life) please let me know. Even though I'm on vacation, It's still not swimming weather in New England and I really enjoy watching these while desperate for swimming. That sounds weird, but hopefully you get what I mean.
04-15-2013, 12:05 PM
Mermaid Miracles is pretty cute. Seems like a hobby...but if you're going to do something do it right. Most of the effects on that show can be done with iMovie with very little know how.
Mermaid Momo
04-15-2013, 05:58 PM
I actually watched mermaid miracles just last week! It is really good quality
Mermaid Miracles? I've seen it, but had kinda given up on watching these because they are mostly the same. I'll have to check it out soon!
05-26-2013, 01:16 PM
Hey! I'm new to this site and for some reason I can't figure out how to put on a photo. :headwall: But anyway, I REALLY want to make a Youtube series and it's going to be totally original. It's going to have more creatures than just mermaids, including demons, cyborgs, vampires, angels, fairies, and werewolves. I found a do-it-yourself super realistic werewolf costume how-to, but I'm probably going to buy the mermaids tail(s). The main characters are going to be seven girls who, by fate, all meet each other and then find out they all have the same birthday. On their 16th birthday party they begin to change and each one is different. Here are my characters I put together:
Alissa-Responsible, confident, and kind-Curly caramel hair-Blue eyes-Mermaid :mermaid kiss:
Danielle-Very stubborn, and rebellious-Straight red hair-Brown eyes-Demon
Maddie-Smart, nerdy, and clumsy-Curly brown hair-Green eyes-Cyborg
Silvia-Outgoing, funny, and optimistic-Straight black hair-Blue eyes-Vampire
Jacqueline-Naive, graceful, and shy-Curly blond hair-Blue eyes-Angel
Chloe-Spunky, bright (as in colors), and artistic-Straight blond hair-Green eyes-Fairy
Hanna-Perfect, picky, and vain-Wavy orange hair-Brown eyes-Werewolf
I'm going to call it The Seven Secrets but please no one steal the name.
Here is a sneak peak of the first episode:
Everyone sitting in Chloe's room. Chloe is in a spinning chair. Danielle is sprawled out on the bed texting. Maddie has a pencil in her hair and is doing homework, sitting criss-cross on the floor. Hanna is looking in the mirror trying to fix her hair. Alissa is on the computer. Silvia is on the floor with popcorn. Jacqueline is sitting on the bed.
Isn't it so amazing?-Alissa
Yeah, I know? What are the chances of six girls all having the same exact birthday?- Danielle
And then they all move to the same town.-Jacqueline
At the same time.-Maddie
And actually meet each other.-Chloe
I know, and I'm so excited about our party!-Hanna
Yeah, only three more days!-Alissa
I wonder what our parents are going to do. I hope it's not too childish.-Danielle
I hope they get me a new sketch book. I've pretty much filled this one up.-Chloe says, picking her notebook up off the desk and sliding off the chair onto the floor.
I really want a new curling iron. One with all those cool designs. I'm hoping for the hot pink one. -Hanna
Psht, I wish. No curling iron will ever get my hair to curl.-Silvia
My hair's the complete opposite. I can never get it to stay straight. It's totally uncontrollable. -Alissa
Hey, does anyone know where my other homework page is. I had it here a minute ago.-Maddie
Hanna tries to stop a laugh.
Hanna! Come on, give it back! I've got to get it done tonight.-Maddie
Geez, alright, I was just joking.-Hanna hands the page back to her.-All you ever do is study!
Well, my grades are really important to me.-Maddie
Yeah, just like your make-up is to you.-Silvia
Why, I outta... -Hanna
A phone rings, Jacqueline mouths sorry, and answers.
Oh, hi mom… yeah, I know… Oh my gosh, I forgot… -sighs- …yeah, okay… I'll be right over. Okay... bye.
I hoped you like it and I'm going to introduce a few more characters along the way. The only problem is I can't find anyone who would want to be in it so all I have are ideas and scripts but no actors. I live in Maine so it's really hard to find people my age (14) that are into mermaids and stuff. Maybe when I'm older I'll make it into a real TV show. I've always wanted to be a movie director so it would be pretty fun. I just wish I could do it sooner. Tell me what you think! Thanks. :hug:
05-26-2013, 03:23 PM
That sounds really good! If you make it tell me because I'll definitely watch it! I want to be a movie director to! (:
05-26-2013, 04:16 PM
Thanks! :) I really hope I get to do it. I'm also thinking of going to this school called Barbizon Acting school and I might meet people interested in it but I'll de-fin-atly (haha, pun intended) post it on here if I do.
05-26-2013, 10:15 PM
Question-Where did you find how to make a homemade werewolf costume? (I want to be a werewolf for Halloween)
05-29-2013, 11:02 AM
Question-Where did you find how to make a homemade werewolf costume? (I want to be a werewolf for Halloween)
Sorry I haven't been on until now but here it is:
:thumbs up:Good luck!
Mermaid Allie
06-16-2013, 02:02 PM
Might possibly make one this summer if I can get 2 of my friends in on it. I've already written a script for the first 5 episodes! I think it might be called iMermaid (Please don't take). Its gonna be really good! Even if it doesn't happen, I'll make lots of swimming videos!
Mermaid Petronella
06-20-2013, 07:37 PM
I just put up a little Teaser Trailer for the Mermaid Series Mermaid Narina and I will be making :)
Mermaid Julianne
06-20-2013, 08:04 PM
Looks exciting! Can't wait to watch it!
Mermaid Pangea
06-21-2013, 01:18 AM
Hey Kalani!
I'll be in ur show ;)
08-10-2013, 04:26 AM
Just a suggestion for you guys out there planning to make series (bearing in mind this is just my opinion)
I think another thing a lot of series get wrong (especially when starting out, a lot will fix this up as they go along) but they make their openings way too long. Ideally an opening title should be between 30-45 seconds long (at least when it's directed at a western audience), and show the name of the series as well as the main characters (respectively named). It should also consist of enough attention grabbing clips to keep the audience interested. What happens a lot of the time is people will find a song they like, and just not edit it quite right, leaving it too long because they liked the chorus. (which generally starts 1:00 into a song and finished 1:30) This means the opening titles generally go between 1:00-1:30, which might be okay for one episode or two but not when it's the entire series but especially not when the episode may only go for 5 minutes or so.
Mermaid Momo
08-10-2013, 06:04 PM
Just a suggestion for you guys out there planning to make series (bearing in mind this is just my opinion)
I think another thing a lot of series get wrong (especially when starting out, a lot will fix this up as they go along) but they make their openings way too long. Ideally an opening title should be between 30-45 seconds long (at least when it's directed at a western audience), and show the name of the series as well as the main characters (respectively named). It should also consist of enough attention grabbing clips to keep the audience interested. What happens a lot of the time is people will find a song they like, and just not edit it quite right, leaving it too long because they liked the chorus. (which generally starts 1:00 into a song and finished 1:30) This means the opening titles generally go between 1:00-1:30, which might be okay for one episode or two but not when it's the entire series but especially not when the episode may only go for 5 minutes or so.
Yeah, I get what you're saying about the opening, but I like watching long openings (that catch my attention though) but I can still get tired of it and fed up it it's a really bad opening. The best long openings have cool camera frames and transitions while the ones that bore me are just..blah. So as Mer-Crazy said, the tittle should catch my attention. I've clicked away from a lot of series in the first few minutes because of the opening.
Kumori Kitsune
08-16-2013, 09:42 PM
I am on my 7th ep f my youtube series just need girl actress
Hey Kalani!
I'll be in ur show ;)
Eeeeee! that would be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Ok, I'm going to PM you since someone has a bad habit of not answering their phone :lol:;) Anyways, I found another mer!
08-17-2013, 08:51 AM
I had an idea a while ago, it kind of derived from watching another Mer's youtube series, watching it it felt like it was filmed like movies like Chronicle or Paranormal Activity where the character had the camera and they were aware it was there, like they were documenting their lives. I thought it could prove to be a cool concept for a series, a kind of blog but as if it were real. And since I have too much time on my hands I was wondering if people would want to see something like that? It wouldn't follow a H2o theme where my character was a normal teen and found a magic pool and magically developed a tail, I was thinking more a kind of 'coming of age' biologically inherited thing. What would people like to see in something like that? And what things should I stick away from?
12-29-2013, 03:10 PM check out my mermaid show
Mermaid Adriel
12-29-2013, 08:22 PM check out my mermaid show
never heard of it.
however, it looks funny xD
12-31-2013, 07:37 PM
That's probs because my show is new
07-17-2016, 01:42 AM
Joining a little late here, but this one is pretty cute! The episodes are short but it looks really nice! (And the other mermaid content on the channel is cool too;))
Mermaid Hunter
08-12-2016, 12:34 PM
Something that I think would be a fun mermaid show concept is a reality TV-style rescue series, like Animal Cops. You'd have a specialized team of people, probably both humans and mers, who rescue supernatural creatures in trouble, like a mermaid who might have gotten tangled in a fishing net or injured by boat propellers. Plus it'd be a natural way to include the environmental themes a lot of mer shows like to reference, since they'd need to deal with things like pollutant spills or eroded reefs.
08-14-2016, 05:21 PM
Something that I think would be a fun mermaid show concept is a reality TV-style rescue series, like Animal Cops. You'd have a specialized team of people, probably both humans and mers, who rescue supernatural creatures in trouble, like a mermaid who might have gotten tangled in a fishing net or injured by boat propellers. Plus it'd be a natural way to include the environmental themes a lot of mer shows like to reference, since they'd need to deal with things like pollutant spills or eroded reefs.
I love it!
01-13-2017, 01:49 PM
I have a mermaid series coming up but it is just trailers right now until I can afford some more mermaid stuff I think my YouTube link is on my profile
Mermaid Hunter
01-16-2017, 08:57 AM
Cameron, your link doesn't go to your channel, it goes to "my videos" which means anyone who clicks on it gets redirected to their own channel.
04-18-2017, 02:34 PM
Something that I think would be a fun mermaid show concept is a reality TV-style rescue series, like Animal Cops. You'd have a specialized team of people, probably both humans and mers, who rescue supernatural creatures in trouble, like a mermaid who might have gotten tangled in a fishing net or injured by boat propellers. Plus it'd be a natural way to include the environmental themes a lot of mer shows like to reference, since they'd need to deal with things like pollutant spills or eroded reefs.
Have you checked out Rescue Sirens? It's not this concept exactly, but it is about mermaids under cover as lifeguards, searching for a mermaid in trouble. It's a self-published novel by Jessica Steele-Sanders & Chris Sanders (The director of Lilo & Stitch). I absolutely loved it.
04-21-2017, 02:32 PM
I have really wanted to do a mermaid series for a long time, and I have a good amount of ideas for one. The problem is that I'm a junior in high school, and while I have time to do it, most of my peers are pretty busy or wouldn't be interested. I was wondering if you guys have any ideas on how I could get people interested and willing to help with it (Be in it, or do camera and things like that). Unfortunately, my brain came up with something that has a good amount of parts, so it is pretty important that I can get other people involved. I can't write, direct, film, edit, and be all the parts. Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
Agent Dragon
04-21-2017, 04:56 PM
I have really wanted to do a mermaid series for a long time, and I have a good amount of ideas for one. The problem is that I'm a junior in high school, and while I have time to do it, most of my peers are pretty busy or wouldn't be interested. I was wondering if you guys have any ideas on how I could get people interested and willing to help with it (Be in it, or do camera and things like that). Unfortunately, my brain came up with something that has a good amount of parts, so it is pretty important that I can get other people involved. I can't write, direct, film, edit, and be all the parts. Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
Do any of the mers on here live in your area? That would be a good place to start.
I'd be willing to help write and/or edit, if you like. I was in a communications arts magnet program in middle school so I know a few things about editing.
Also, if there's a filmmaking club or something similar at your school, you could join that and make some friends there.
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Khaleesi Daenerys
04-21-2017, 10:40 PM
I would love to make a mermaid YouTube series I had thought about it a few times before but there aren't enough people here interested. :/ I started writing a book instead. But I would love to see a YouTube mermaid series. :)
04-22-2017, 03:38 AM
Same here, I'd love to do a series and have a bunch of ideas but no one to do it with :/
04-22-2017, 11:53 AM
Do any of the mers on here live in your area? That would be a good place to start.
I'd be willing to help write and/or edit, if you like. I was in a communications arts magnet program in middle school so I know a few things about editing.
Also, if there's a filmmaking club or something similar at your school, you could join that and make some friends there.
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Well, I don't know if there are any mers from here around me. But I was a part of a film club at my local tv station a few years back, I still keep in touch. The problem is that the group is small, and most of the new members don't know me. They would be useful for camera, but aside from the two or three I know personally, I don't think I could convince them. And if I did, most of the kids are younger than me by a good margin, so they wouldn't be able to act in it. I tried to pull something together 1 or 2 years ago, but I could only get 1 of them to help.
Agent Dragon
04-22-2017, 11:57 AM
Well, I don't know if there are any mers from here around me. But I was a part of a film club at my local tv station a few years back, I still keep in touch. The problem is that the group is small, and most of the new members don't know me. They would be useful for camera, but aside from the two or three I know personally, I don't think I could convince them. And if I did, most of the kids are younger than me by a good margin, so they wouldn't be able to act in it. I tried to pull something together 1 or 2 years ago, but I could only get 1 of them to help.
Hmm... have you considered joining a drama club? Or a school play? You might meet some willing actors that way. I wish there was more I could do to help personally!
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04-22-2017, 12:04 PM
Hmm... have you considered joining a drama club? Or a school play? You might meet some willing actors that way. I wish there was more I could do to help personally!
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That's okay, I wasn't expecting to come on here and have one of you magically solve my problems XD, but I am going to keep trying. One thing I have thought of is possibly getting people in because it would help them fulfill a requirement for school. It's an IB Program (I'm not sure if any of you have heard of it) thing called CAS, where you need to do a bunch of extra circulars that involve Creativity, Activity, or Service and work towards goals like taking on new challenges, and some other stuff. Do you guys think that could be a good plan, or will I just get a bunch of lazy people who are only there cause they need an activity?
Agent Dragon
04-22-2017, 12:12 PM
That's okay, I wasn't expecting to come on here and have one of you magically solve my problems XD, but I am going to keep trying. One thing I have thought of is possibly getting people in because it would help them fulfill a requirement for school. It's an IB Program (I'm not sure if any of you have heard of it) thing called CAS, where you need to do a bunch of extra circulars that involve Creativity, Activity, or Service and work towards goals like taking on new challenges, and some other stuff. Do you guys think that could be a good plan, or will I just get a bunch of lazy people who are only there cause they need an activity?
Sounds like a good plan to me! And as for attracting slackers, well, you won't know unless you try, right? Good luck, and let us know when you've got something to show for it!
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05-22-2017, 12:32 PM
All of us "Want-to-Make-a-Mermaid-Show-but-Can't-Find-Anyone-to-Do-it-With" people should find some way to make our own thing together! The only problem would be figuring out how to do it when we all live so far away.... :confused: Any ideas?
Though I have nothing to offer or intention to be a part of the main work, I'll try to think of a solution on how all of you can communicate and share ideas in one spot. It may take a couple days but I'm usually pretty good and getting an idea so silly that it works.
05-22-2017, 02:51 PM
Though I have nothing to offer or intention to be a part of the main work, I'll try to think of a solution on how all of you can communicate and share ideas in one spot. It may take a couple days but I'm usually pretty good and getting an idea so silly that it works.
Really? That's awesome, thanks for thinking about it!
I feel like the best way to keep in touch despite living far away from each other would be for each person to have a certain role in the film-making, and each person would complete their role and then pass the unfinished work to the next person. For example, someone would write the script, and they would send it to the actors who would film it, who would send it to the editor, etc. So then the question is where we'd be able to share the work....? (I was thinking emailing, but many people aren't comfortable with sharing their email address online.)
05-22-2017, 03:04 PM
Really? That's awesome, thanks for thinking about it!
I feel like the best way to keep in touch despite living far away from each other would be for each person to have a certain role in the film-making, and each person would complete their role and then pass the unfinished work to the next person. For example, someone would write the script, and they would send it to the actors who would film it, who would send it to the editor, etc. So then the question is where we'd be able to share the work....? (I was thinking emailing, but many people aren't comfortable with sharing their email address online.)
You could always share it through a messanging app that has no limit on video time.
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Agent Dragon
05-22-2017, 03:29 PM
If anyone's interested in putting music in a YouTube series, hit me up. I'm an okay songwriter and a really good singer... at least, that's what my friends say.
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Agent Dragon
05-22-2017, 03:32 PM
Oyeah and I can play a bit of guitar and my family is full of pianists.
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05-22-2017, 04:40 PM
If anyone's interested in putting music in a YouTube series, hit me up. I'm an okay songwriter and a really good singer... at least, that's what my friends say.
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Good to know. Thanks!
05-22-2017, 04:40 PM
You could always share it through a messanging app that has no limit on video time.
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I'm not familiar with messaging apps. :confused: How do they work? Are they free?
05-22-2017, 04:43 PM
I'm not familiar with messaging apps. :confused: How do they work? Are they free?
I have things like Line and Kik. They are free, but you could also share email addresses through private messages here in the MerNetwork.
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05-22-2017, 04:57 PM
Omg! Ive always wanted to have people to do a series with, if you want to like seriously message me for more info!!
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05-22-2017, 04:57 PM
If anyone's interested in putting music in a YouTube series, hit me up. I'm an okay songwriter and a really good singer... at least, that's what my friends say.
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I am!! Please pm me!
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05-28-2017, 03:07 PM
Hey guys! I'm one of the editors for Life as a Mermaid on YouTube. Sometimes we use music from the YouTube Audio Library and it works really well! Check it out:
You can hear it all in the new short we just released called Mermaid Origins! Check it out!
Mermaid Hunter
05-31-2017, 12:06 PM
One idea I've had for a while as a way for people to collaborate long-distance would be an anthology series, where each episode is its own story with its own cast and characters. Different groups of people can act out the episodes and the rest of the work can be shared online.
05-31-2017, 09:34 PM
One idea I've had for a while as a way for people to collaborate long-distance would be an anthology series, where each episode is its own story with its own cast and characters. Different groups of people can act out the episodes and the rest of the work can be shared online.
That's a cool idea!
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05-31-2017, 10:03 PM
Yeah, that could be a possibility, but we would all still need a few people near us that we could act with. I also figured that I would venture that I enjoy creative writing a lot, and have written a bunch of things myself. I could maybe help people with script writing when my school is done for the summer if I have time.
05-31-2017, 11:26 PM
Yeah, that could be a possibility, but we would all still need a few people near us that we could act with. I also figured that I would venture that I enjoy creative writing a lot, and have written a bunch of things myself. I could maybe help people with script writing when my school is done for the summer if I have time.
I think I could also. I love to write. And maybe someone could do a solo performance. It would be more challenging with less dialog and more physical acting, but interesting to see!
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02-27-2018, 09:39 PM
Question, does anyone have an idea for a name for the mermaid equivalent of a Squib? Squib would have been perfect, since it sounds kinda like squid, but alas the wizards own it.
02-27-2018, 10:06 PM
Question, does anyone have an idea for a name for the mermaid equivalent of a Squib? Squib would have been perfect, since it sounds kinda like squid, but alas the wizards own it.A squib is a small explosive device for precision use; or a bullet whose propellant fails to ignite sufficiently to push it out of the barrel. You don't need to be a wizard to have one.
Why would mers not -- oh. I just learnt it also means people who carry the wizarding gene but don't express it, in Harry Potter.
Similarly, those people are related to merfolk but must live their lives on land, fully human, if I've interpreted your question right.
I'd say there could be some theme of 'drying out', say calling them the Dried, the Parched, etc. More polite terms could include Surfs (for surface).
Hope it helps, Midnight :)
02-27-2018, 11:22 PM
Thanks! I will definitely consider some of those.
02-28-2018, 11:57 AM
Welcome, Midnight! How's progress on your series?
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