View Full Version : Show me your fish tanks!!

10-06-2012, 03:30 AM
So Im sorry if this is in the wrong place and if it does not belong please delete it. :$

One of the best parts of fish keeping is showing off your tanks and fish. Tell us about the fish you keep and all the tanks you have.

I will start with my tanks.
I have 4 tanks that are in use(two more in storage), My main tank is my 110 gallons(416.3953 liters I think? I used a online converter) goldfish tank, yes goldfish. Fancy goldfish to be precise. Right now I have 3 goldfish. When I am done stocking I will have 6 goldfish total.
My lionhead, Shiro http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s323/dakotak_01/IMG_2048.jpg
My Red cap Oranda, Dottie http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s323/dakotak_01/fishy.jpg
My Ryukin, Kyro http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s323/dakotak_01/IMG_2612-1.jpg

My second tank is my 2.45 gallon snail tank. I have two blue apple snails in it. Once they get a bit bigger they will wither get a 10 gallon with other snails or go into my goldfish tank. Excuse the dirtiness please. It has been cleaned since then.

My third tank is my 5 gallon betta tank, it was my brothers betta but he neglected him so I took over his care.
Turquoise my veil tail.

My fourth tank is my 10 gallon hospital tank. I use it to treat sick fish or new fish to make sure they are healthy before introducing them into my main tank. That way I don't spread sickness or parasites to my healthy fish. Unfortunately Kyro is in the hospital tank. He has cysts and a bacterial infection. Fortunately neither are deadly at the current stage and I am treating both with mediated food and fish safe salt.

This is a basic evolution of my tank over the past year. I'm still improving. :3

Now show me your tanks!!

Mermaid Narina
10-06-2012, 05:40 AM
I dont have a fish tank :( my parents wont let me, but id love to have an enormous fish tank as a wal. Like i mean literally as a room divider, filled with tropical fish and coral and everything! It would be cool to swim in occasionally too ^.^
nice tanks!!! :) i love your betta fish!

Mermaid Caidence
10-06-2012, 02:13 PM
I'll have to take some pics once I get my 50 gallon set up. Hmmm.. tropical or goldies?

New York Mermaid
10-06-2012, 03:38 PM
I've been fishkeeping for over 15 years now, I've had Oscars, florida gars, silver and a blue arowanas, angelfish etc, But Since i got married I scaled everything down a bit .. My loving and patient hubby understands my love for fish -which is why i have a 55 gallon in the bedroom with 2 butterfly koi and a calico goldfish.

the tank after i filled it up, let it filter and in the process of setting up the rest of the plants.http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/283039_4081242382196_1973150883_n.jpg

my fishies: Aries on left and Draco on the right: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/313550_2508711669911_1045048825_n.jpg
just to get a sense of how big they are, Draco, my hubby's fish allows me to hold him for a checkup: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/223099_4081312583951_1619282855_n.jpg
I also have a 15 gallon (divided) tank with 2 male bettas Tsunami (halfmoon): http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/196710_3991401336226_593779151_n.jpg

and Oki (halfmoon plakat) http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j410/MermadLanai/ooki_zpsd998e067.jpg

And a 15 gallon in the kitchen for my two bettas Zeus (halfmoon plakat) http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j410/MermadLanai/zeus_zps4184caf7.jpg

and a female who i call Cookie (crowntail). http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j410/MermadLanai/cookie_zps14bc530a.jpg

I also have a 20 gallon tank but thats only for quarantine. LOL Finally uploaded the pic's of the fishes

10-06-2012, 03:39 PM
I have way too many... 3 gallon coral frag growing tank, 20 gallon percula tank, 55 gallon juvenile hatch tank, 75 and 10 gallon quarantines 1,000 gallon rearing pond, 1,500 gallon juvenile pond, 1,000 gallon above ground rearing pond, 6 ten gallons for whatever makes me happy, and a 65 for some unknown upcoming purpose. Do my tanks at the aquarium count too?

10-06-2012, 05:03 PM
You guys have such cool tanks! I would have hundreds if i could, but simply no room, no money :( Oh well! I do have 5 Freshwater tanks though! 3 One gallon betta tanks, one 20 gallon tropical community tank, and one 2.5 gallon quarantine tank :3 I LOVEEEEEE FISH!!! >O''

10-06-2012, 10:02 PM
I'll have to take some pics once I get my 50 gallon set up. Hmmm.. tropical or goldies?

Depends on how much you want to spend on filtration, how many time a week you want to do a water change and if you want to be able to have a planted tank.
If you go with goldfish I would go with 3 or 4 fancy goldfish in a 50( double tail, they are the smaller kinds) and you should have the tank over filtered. They are related to carp and get big and make a lot of waste, the biggest was 17 inches when he died. I have 3 filters on my tank, they all add up to 290 gallons worth of filtration and around 803 GPH(gallons per hour) and do weekly water changes of 30-50%. Once I am fully stocked I will need to do twice a week. Don't worry, all the water gets reused. I put them on my and my mothers plants so we don't waste water and I have hopes of having an aquatic garden one day and the fish tank water will go to that. Goldfish will eat just about all of the plants you put in there, they love plants. XD

Tropical you could have quite a few fish in there(depending on the types of course) and you could keep lots of plants. Most of the smaller tropical fish don't have quite as big of a bioload as goldies do so you can be more lax with filtration.

If you want more info on goldfish this is a lovely site to go to. :)

Mermaid Caidence
10-09-2012, 12:25 AM
Thanks! I think I'm going to go with the tropicals so I can get some variation of fish in there. :)

Mermaid Saphira
10-09-2012, 08:28 AM
I use to own a really big tank...I want to saw somewhere around 80 gallons, but it busted :( Now, all I have is a little 6 gallon tank and the filter keeps breaking :p

Mermaid Arianna
10-18-2012, 07:47 PM
I just got a ten gallon fish tank, only freshwater since saltwater is too much work for my current life style, only a betta so far but we are gonna get sucker fish and some tetras. :)

10-18-2012, 08:24 PM
I'm always happy to hear about someone putting their betta in a bigger tank :)

10-18-2012, 09:20 PM
I have in one tank, 2 guppies, 2 black phantoms, an angelfish and a kuhli loach. and I have a veil tail betta in his own tank