View Full Version : That Awesome Moment when you find out your Friends are Mers!

10-07-2012, 07:55 PM
So, I just wanted to put up a thread about experiencing that epic moment when you find out one of your friends, or at least acquaintances, is actually a mer!
So, it started out with a girl I met in school. She was super nice and we clicked as BFFs instantly. As soon as i figured out I could trust her enough with my secret, I told her about my tails and the mermaid community. She told me that she loves swimming like a mermaid, and though she's never owned a tail or ever heard of other mers, she loved them and wanted to be one of us. So I told her about all of my favorite pro mers, the wonders of silicone tails, and even got to making a tail for herself! She uses my monofin though lol! Now, she is totally serious about being a mermaid and can't wait to get a FishButt!
And another discovery!
Me and my mer-buddy, whose mermaid name is Isis, were talking about the designs on our future FishButts, Jesse's silicone tails, and a bunch of other mermaid stuff. We were trying to keep quiet, cause we were in school and there were people all around us, but somehow one girl who is also a distant friend overheard us talking, came up to us, and guess what? She had a tail! Isis and I figured out that she had no idea of the mermaid community, so we are now showing her the ropes around here, and she's super excited she found others like her, and same with Isis and I.

So yeah! I just think that finding other mermaids is really exciting, and i was wondering if you lovely people have had experiences like this you'd like to share? Awesomeness.:cool:

10-07-2012, 08:45 PM
That's AWESOME. I'm sure you're so giddy now :) Finding other mers is amazing.

Mermaid Arianna
10-07-2012, 10:00 PM
Lucky! Even my best friend thinks I am weird and when I did a report an hannah fraser last year she called hannah a nutcase. It stung but, I accept her weirdness and she is learning to accept my. let me change that to unique qualities, its not weird

10-07-2012, 10:16 PM
I did a report on Hannah Fraser too! Lucky for me only the teacher saw it and he didnt think it was weird at all :) Sorry about your experience though :/ At least she's starting to understand! <3

Mermaid Narina
10-08-2012, 08:18 AM
my cousin Charlotte loves mermaids too! I was so happy when i introduced her to mernetwork, so that now there is a mermaid near me ;)
all my friends think its a bit loopy :P but they will get over it!

10-08-2012, 10:49 PM
Natasha- Yeah, they always do! Im really glad that the bullying and referring ANYTHING that remotely has something having to do with mermaids to me has died down over the summer :) Man, it was really harsh though! One of the biggest mistakes was telling those girls my secret. Oh well! Its all good now :)

Mermaid Margarete
10-11-2012, 01:04 PM
I had an "awesome moment" just yesterday and it was with someone I had just met!

I just got my monofin in the mail yesterday. I've been going swimming at a pool by where I work (and I work about an hour away from where I live) and I REALLY wanted to swim with my new monofin SOO I found a pool near where I live - It costs a bit more than the pool by my work, but they're open 30 mins longer - I emailed them and asked if they're typically busy on Wednesday nights (since they have limited lanes) and if I could swim with a monofin in their pool - figured I could swing by home and get there with about a little less than an hour to swim.

Got an email back saying they're typically not very busy Wednesday nights and my equipment would be just fine. I managed to get there with 45mins to swim (after paying, changing, showering etc) and eagerly slipped on my flipper and into the pool. There was a boyscout troup there and one lifeguard on duty and they're ALL staring at me and my giant, hot pink monofin (I got the hydra ^^). After a few laps one of the boyscout leaders is asking me questions about my flipper (where I'd get it, why do people use them, "That is SO cool!").

After about 30 mins the manager (who turned out to be the girl I paid to get into the pool) comes to the edge and starts talking me. She told me she was wanting to buy a monofin herself - she paused, "SO, I'm curious if you're swimming with a monofin for the same reason I want to swim with a monofin..." I could tell by her sly smile it was the same reason, so I told her I'm working towards being a professional mermaid and she was like "OMG! ME TOO!" We then started talking about tail designers and apenea and freediving and such. When I told her I was planning on ordering my tail in the next month she was like "PLEASE come swim at my pool!!"

NOT ONLY was their pool so much nicer than the one by where I work, it was less crowded (I'd sometimes get little kids trying to swim in my lane at the pool by my work), they play music BUT ALSO the manager is totally into mermaiding!! =D

It was also really awesome to tell my mom this cause she thinks I'm crazy for wanting to be mermaid so it was like a "HA!" moment, too! XD

10-11-2012, 02:13 PM
Gintsuki, that is such an awesome story!

Mermaid Caidence
10-11-2012, 02:47 PM
Awesome! I wish things like that happend where I lived. :)

Mermaid Margarete
10-15-2012, 01:38 PM
Definitely wasn't expecting it to =) It's funny how the universe works that way

Mermaid Celissa
10-15-2012, 06:47 PM
So on my 13th birthday this summer, I used my Magictail in the pool and my friend, who we shall call S, was like, "OMG! Can I try it on? This other girl, R, let S try hers. (I bought R's, she's not really into it) The next day, S's mom came and picked her up. My mom started telling her about the tail and she said, "Oh, my S loves mermaids too." So I was shocked in a happy way that there were other mers near me. Since then, I've given S a drawing of herself as a mermaid, the mermaid book Lies Beneath, and my very first monofin-less fabric tail (seen on the first video of my YouTube account). We haven't gotten together yet, but we will soon.

10-15-2012, 10:26 PM
That is just too awesome Gintsuki!! I cant stop smiling for you :) And that's pretty cool too, Celissa ;)

Mermaid Dottie
10-16-2012, 11:45 AM
Well, I didn't have any existing friends that turned out to be mers, but I did find out that I'm not really the only mermaid in the whole big desert state of utah!
I was so thrilled when I found out about the mermaids of the great salt lake and about mermaid thalassa. I was totally excited that we could do events together and stuff, like the pirate festival in september, or the renaissance festival in spring. ^_^

Mermaid Lei Loni
10-16-2012, 04:05 PM
Well, I didn't have any existing friends that turned out to be mers, but I did find out that I'm not really the only mermaid in the whole big desert state of utah!
I was so thrilled when I found out about the mermaids of the great salt lake and about mermaid thalassa. I was totally excited that we could do events together and stuff, like the pirate festival in september, or the renaissance festival in spring. ^_^

Me too!! <3

10-27-2012, 10:52 PM
I like reading these stories! They make me really happy for you all!

It's also nice to think that there closet merfolk around me. I'm pretty shy about my love for mer. I don't really know where it fits into my life and personality yet, so I've kept it pretty hidden, but I think that if I saw someone swimming with a tail I'd probably want to go talk to them instantly. I guess my point is that I think anyone who swims with a tail is really brave, but also helps other people be brave too. I hope I run into some merfolk soon, maybe they'll help me bring out/figure out my own mersona.

10-28-2012, 01:43 PM
I like reading these stories! They make me really happy for you all!

Me too! It's a really big thing to find another mer cause there are only a handful of us out there! That is why i love all you guys here on Mernetwork, cause we can all talk and find new friends and be all crazed with mermaid fever without any strange looks or rude remarks :) <3 <3 <3

05-08-2013, 10:40 PM
ERMAGERSH Something soooooo awesome happened today!! Let me begin :D

At school we are taking our final tests so we aren't required to bring backpacks but most girls carry small bags. So, I had brought my favorite one with a sparkley Ariel mermaid on it. A girl who I have never really talked to before had come up and complimented me on my bag and said that it was really cute. I replied with a thanks and then out of the blue my mind compelled me to say "yeah, I kinda have a thing for mermaids.'' And to my surprise, she said "really? me too! Sort of an obsession though"
I was like, oh gosh, could this really be? So I asked cautiously: "Do you by any chance have a tail?" And she does!! She is ordering a magictail :D Anyways, she knows all about the community and we were talking all about Mertailor and Raven and the tail I am going to make! I asked her if she had an account on here and she doesn't yet but she said she probably would :) I kinda feel awesome right now because she thought she was the only mer at my school but she met me and I'll introduce her to Isis soon so we can all talk and stuff :) Eeeeep! I am so happy to have found another mer in my area, at my school, and in my grade! :yay:

Mermaid Elena
05-08-2013, 11:11 PM
That's awesome! I wish that would happen to me because I would love to have a merfriend.

05-08-2013, 11:21 PM
Well you have us! But I totally get what you are saying. I try to look for small signs in people that may lead to new discoveries. Like today, she was commenting on my bag and I felt like there was a bit more. And another friend of mine was talking about making a costume so I asked if he was a cosplayer and he was! :) So just keep your eyes peeled ;)

Carolina Mermaid
05-08-2013, 11:25 PM
Where do you live!?! I've never met any other mer fans where I live

05-08-2013, 11:30 PM
My location is undisclosed (parent's rule :P) but it's not near you, sorry! I am near the beach, however, and its populated by many mers that I haven't personally met yet :)

Carolina Mermaid
05-08-2013, 11:35 PM
Lucky, I need to find a few other Carolina mers at my school, but no one has spoken up to

05-09-2013, 02:31 PM
I wish this sort of thing would happen to me! I would love to have other mer friends in real life. The closest I have come is that I recently discovered one of my friends from Australia is a mermaid and even has an account on here, but I did not know this until after I moved back to the US :( So we never got to mermaid together.

Mermaid Margarete, whereabouts in Seattle do you swim?? I'm from Seattle (currently living in Tulsa) and I'm hoping to move back soon. It would be awesome to find a mer-friendly swimming spot when I get home!

05-09-2013, 03:07 PM
Oh my! All these wonderful storys! I wish I had a mer-friend. <3