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11-15-2012, 01:39 PM
Hey all, I'm Elinox and I hail from central PA.

While I don't have a mer name per se, I go by Elinox (or Eli for short) in my online forums. I took two of my greatest passions, Gaelic and Latin, and through using two words in those languages, and some creative liberty, created a unique name all my own. This is a very personal name for me and is something that I very strongly identify with. So while it's not strictly mer-related, it is something which represents online-me very well!

I've felt a fascination from the sea for as long as I can remember. The sea calls to me and it's a yearning that I cannot ignore. I learned to swim when I was young and have continued to this day. Yearly trips to the beach are a must for me, so much so that the past few years I've actually gone to the Atlantic during the winter months just to get my salt water fix. And in February of this past year I had the pleasure of trying scuba diving for the first time. Needless to say, now I'm hooked and looking at getting certified soon!

I believe I was first introduced to the concept of merfolk when I was little through stories and of course, Disney's The Little Mermaid. But unlike a lot of other little girls at the time of the movie's release, it wasn't that I wanted to marry a prince and become human; quite the opposite! I always wanted to trade in my legs for that fish's tail!

Honestly, my idea of a perfect mermaid isn't half human female and half fish, although those are nice enough and by far the most popular depictions of mermaids. But I like to think of my ideal a species of merfolk, which I sometimes call aquatic fae, rather as a more blurring of lines between the two: gills on the neck, a dorsal fin, hip fins, webbed hands, pointed ears, scales all over, a long fish tail...

Sadly, I do not own any tails. Mostly due to their expense, but also because being a landlocked mermaid most of the year it would also be a bit impractical for me. I do have a pair of dive fins that I wear to swim which work just as well for my 'wanting a tail' feelings.

I joined here in the hopes of interacting with like-minded mer-enthusiasts who are interested in all things mer! If you've got questions, feel free to ask them as I am easy-going and friendly. ;)

11-15-2012, 01:42 PM
welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here!

11-15-2012, 02:00 PM
Welcome to the forums.

Sea Pearl
11-15-2012, 02:12 PM
Welcome Elinox!

11-15-2012, 06:18 PM
Welcome to Mernetwork!

Merrow Fair Isle
11-15-2012, 09:33 PM
Welcome ! I am also in PA :)

11-16-2012, 01:26 AM
Welcome elinox, nice to see you on here!

SeaGlass Siren
11-16-2012, 04:11 PM
Hi Elinox! I have the same reasons as you lol.. i wanted to trade my legs for fins to replace Ariel x')