View Full Version : The Most Amazing Tails

Dee Tal
11-24-2012, 04:13 PM

I was browsing YouTube and came across videos of people swimming in tails made for a student film called "Legends of Atlantis and The Pearl Trident". I recognized the name, Hannah Fraser in the credits I can't find evidence that the film ever was completed but I would live to know who made these tails as they are incredible and I'd love to get some more details on materials, construction etc.





11-24-2012, 04:25 PM
the links dont work, you need to put the entire youtube link and use this code:

[ video ] [ / video ]

without the spaces

Mermaid Cascada
11-24-2012, 04:25 PM
I was reading the comments on one of the videos and it said that they drew the design and a costume designer brought them to life. They also said that you can find her website on the youtube channel.

11-24-2012, 04:32 PM
Im not sure, because there's no links here, are you by chance referring to this tail?

Dee Tal
11-24-2012, 04:36 PM
Not that tail. These are ones that extend past the monofin/"first" fluke. I fixed the links now. Sorry about that, I was posting from Tapatalk before.

I checked the channel and can't find any link to the designer's website.

11-24-2012, 06:54 PM
they dont look to me like they extend, they just look like fabric tails that the fabric trails past the monofins, which a few tail makers in the fabric world do. *shrug* I think they're just fabric but they look misleading because most of the shots are silhouetted.

Merrow Fair Isle
11-24-2012, 07:11 PM
I agree with Raina... they have the illusion of a double fluke because if a trailing fabric "sock" that ends in a traditional fluke shape. It's really pretty, but keep in mind that THAT much fabric triling behind you will bring a heck of a lot of hydrodynamic drag with it. Not to mention yoh would need a wide open space to achieve the continual undulation of all that fabric. It sure does look cool though..very graceful.

11-24-2012, 07:44 PM
I know Mermagica offers that with some of their tails:


Aqua tails does it too!



So they certainly exist if you wanted to buy one, or there are lots of ideas if you want to try your hand at making them!

11-24-2012, 07:57 PM
The way it moves through the water, though, is just beautiful! I love how it holds the shape of every kick as you go, like a rhythmic gymnast's ribbon. It would look a little silly on land, but underwater, it moves wonderfully!

11-24-2012, 08:45 PM
I was browsing YouTube and came across videos of people swimming in tails made for a student film called "Legends of Atlantis and The Pearl Trident". I recognized the name, Hannah Fraser in the credits I can't find evidence that the film ever was completed but I would live to know who made these tails as they are incredible and I'd love to get some more details on materials, construction etc.





I sincerely apologize if this was discussed elsewhere (very likely on the old forum I imagine) and I did my best to search this forum for anything related.

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken - Oscar Wilde

did that movie ever exixted or it was only a trailer?

11-24-2012, 09:01 PM
Yeah I wonder what happened to that movie. I found those videos around 2010 and never found anything else from the movie.
Those tails cool yet... Eh. I don't think they're the most amazing tails in my book. To be honest it looks like a Finish Rapid and then just a lot of extra fabric at the end. Maybe there's "some" latex of silicone on top of them to give them a slight fishy look to them. But they're just kinda odd in my eyes.

But that's just my two-cents..

Dee Tal
11-24-2012, 09:11 PM
they dont look to me like they extend, they just look like fabric tails that the fabric trails past the monofins, which a few tail makers in the fabric world do. *shrug* I think they're just fabric but they look misleading because most of the shots are silhouetted.

I meant the fabric itself extending. I can see where the monofin stops and where the fabric begins (except one of the black ones that doesn't really look like it has a monofin at all). I know there would be definite tradeoffs for such a design. A) Increased drag. The people in the video do for the most part seem to move at an alright pace, B) Dry land appearance - one wouldn't be able to flap their tail in the same way as the fabric would just hang off the end.

I think I could find a decent balance between their style and the traditional style. I am completely mesmerized by the undulations of the extended fabric. It takes my eye away from the knee joints and heel bumps and make it more realistic in a certain fashion. I've seen Mermagica's site, not really my style though.

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken - Oscar Wilde

Prince Calypso
11-25-2012, 01:23 AM
the movie was one of those artsy films you find as film festivals. never really meant to be something real or serious.
the tails are very interesting to look out but as mentioned above, they only "look" longer and flowy because most of the shots of the tails are done in Silhouette.
the tails are pretty and the idea is actually very Unique and well done but it really is no more than a Neoprene mermaid tail with a neoprene tube that allows after the mono-fin and as mentioned it really wouldn't look all that appeasing above water.
if there had made the attempt to fill in the excess part of the tail someone it could have easily passed for an interesting sight.

11-25-2012, 03:32 AM
I think the idea of extended tails would look awesome if done correctly.

However, I personally don't like these tails at all. :/ I definitely understand the concept and how they were supposed to look but it just looks so... so... inorganic?
I just don't like how you see the first part of the tail as rigid (because obviously there's someone legs in there) and then it's just loose flowy fabric after the monofin. It's personal preference, but I like tails to have a sort of uniform look and flexibility. I like them as realistic as possible.

There's gotta be a way to find a middle ground between these and the JMB FX tails that have the expensive mechanics involved.

Great concept though.

Dee Tal
11-25-2012, 03:53 AM
I do agree with you about the change from legs to fins as being abrupt. I am surprised they didn't at least put linear fins up the sides of the legs. This would be something that I would include in my version, (along with paint on the leg area).

11-25-2012, 05:29 AM
Hey guys. These tails remind me of the tails in the videos. I saw these videos on Youtube a while ago, and it claimed to be footage of a real mermaid....


And another:


I know it's not a REAL mermaid, first cause you can see the rays on her fluke at the beginning, and they're all swirly, and second, you see the way she moves her arms? it kinda reminds me of how Mermaid Melissa swims.
Well anyway, the tail kinda reminds me of the tails in those videos.

11-25-2012, 10:58 AM
those are both Hannah, lol.

11-25-2012, 03:44 PM
those are both Hannah, lol.

Mahina actually. The owner of Oceankina Merfins. Both vids were taken around the Great Barrier reef. :)

http://www.byronbaysurffestival.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Mermaid.jpg http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltlovnU32O1qcxfhgo1_500.jpg

BUT ANYWAY, back on topic....

Prince Calypso
11-25-2012, 04:57 PM
I think the idea of extended tails would look awesome if done correctly.

However, I personally don't like these tails at all. :/ I definitely understand the concept and how they were supposed to look but it just looks so... so... inorganic?
I just don't like how you see the first part of the tail as rigid (because obviously there's someone legs in there) and then it's just loose flowy fabric after the monofin. It's personal preference, but I like tails to have a sort of uniform look and flexibility. I like them as realistic as possible.

There's gotta be a way to find a middle ground between these and the JMB FX tails that have the expensive mechanics involved.

Great concept though.

I agree, an inexpensive middle ground has to be out there, floating in some creative and technical mind, or as some costumers table sketched out and waiting.

my boyfriend made an attempt to help me elongate my tail that look great in dry photo shoots but when we attempted to swim in it it looked awkward and...it looked like shit honestly.

11-25-2012, 05:39 PM
these are from 2009, I didn't think Mahina was active back then? I thought she only started doing this at the end of 2011. I was also sure I'd seen Hannah talk about them before (possibly comment on one of them). They're both the same video, the original one was from 2009. Are you thinking they're Mahina because of the fin shape? Oceanika didn't exist back then and Hannah has made monofins and swam in a variety of tails. Especially in those last few clips you can see the tail is blue and see her trade mark dorsal

11-25-2012, 05:46 PM
those are both Hannah, lol.
Politely disagree, but may be wrong. I was on the Oceanika Merfins website and saw the exact same footage on there...
If you scroll down to the bottom of the homepage, and click "play'' on the last video on the right, you will see the two videos being played in slow-mo and a voiceover of a man explaining the "truth" about mermaids. I don't see why they would post any of Hannah's videos on there, but still may be wrong :)

11-25-2012, 05:53 PM
yeah, they're from Mermaids: Fact of Faked, which cites Hannah as the mermaid. It says that all over the comments too. It could be both of them in there like when she's done things with Linden. But yeah this clip is originally from 2009, from a TV show that was first produced in 2008. Imma just going to go ask them, LOL. (you know you're obsessed with mermaids when XD)

11-25-2012, 05:57 PM
(you know you're obsessed with mermaids when XD)
Oh yeah, I've had those moments! :D

11-25-2012, 06:03 PM
I figure, what's the point of debating on a forum when I can simply ask XD lol Hannah has a whole bunch of "real mermaid sighting" videos. My favourite is guys on a boat who see her and caught it on film. Legit not planned, they stumbled onto a photoshoot or something. Hilarious.

11-25-2012, 06:23 PM
This one? :D

Mermaid Vezella
11-25-2012, 06:32 PM
Eh, I wouldn't call them the most amazing. but they are great!

Merrow Fair Isle
11-25-2012, 07:12 PM
That has to be hilarious...those unexpected moments when you're in your super realistic tail , in a remote area, and someone accidentally stumbles upon your swim/pod/shoot . Even more surprising running into divers! Soooooooooooooooo funny. The looks on peoples faces has to be 100% priceles!!!

Dee Tal
11-25-2012, 08:07 PM
... but it really is no more than a Neoprene mermaid tail with a neoprene tube that allows after the mono-fin and as mentioned it really wouldn't look all that appeasing above water.
if there had made the attempt to fill in the excess part of the tail someone it could have easily passed for an interesting sight.

Here's an idea. What if there was a little velcro-closed slot near the end of the monofin fluke where you'd temporarily slide a shaped piece of lexan into the rest of the central fabric to give it rigidity for land/photos and who know it might even have a positive effect on speed underwater (at a loss of that beautiful waving).

11-25-2012, 11:47 PM
Daemon, I enjoyed these tails when I first saw them a while back :) they reminded me of the old sea serpent stories that I've enjoyed studying and make me think about the idea of strange deep sea merfolk. If you figure out how to fill out the second half of the tail so it has a little more form while still having that flow while swimming let me know I'll be all over it ;)

11-26-2012, 01:03 AM
yeah, they're from Mermaids: Fact of Faked, which cites Hannah as the mermaid. It says that all over the comments too. It could be both of them in there like when she's done things with Linden. But yeah this clip is originally from 2009, from a TV show that was first produced in 2008. Imma just going to go ask them, LOL. (you know you're obsessed with mermaids when XD)

Mahina has definitely been mermaiding for a good while. Definitely before the creation of Oceanika. And thanks to Netflix I actually got to see that episode of Fact or Faked that you are talking about. :)

In that episode, they "found" the videos of Mahina swimming. And in the end they actually hired Hannah to do a test run in one of her tails while they filmed underwater. They took similar shots and compared the films side by side and concluded that it was faked. Big shocker. lol :P I think they would have credited her based on that. My guess is that they have no idea who was in the actual vid.

Now back on topic!...

I completely agree about adding some sort of extender. A lexan sheet would be a shep up in my opinion but like EnidDarkWater said, to give it an extra realistic kick there should be someway to "fill" the end so it's not just a flat section of tail.

Mermaid Miel
12-13-2012, 06:21 AM
Also consider the drag and weight... If the lexan is too heavy, without any attachment to the feet the lexan would drag a fabric tailskin off your legs and sink the end towards the bottom. Maybe some light plastic sheeting? (the kind used in plastic folders; thin, very stiff and flexible.) The real challenge would be in providing the rigidity and flow of motion to the "leg" between the monofin and fake fin so as to have a consistent pattern of movement.

Prince Calypso
12-13-2012, 11:56 AM
Here's an idea. What if there was a little velcro-closed slot near the end of the monofin fluke where you'd temporarily slide a shaped piece of lexan into the rest of the central fabric to give it rigidity for land/photos and who know it might even have a positive effect on speed underwater (at a loss of that beautiful waving).
i actually do like this idea

Prince Calypso
12-13-2012, 12:02 PM
i almost forgot, i had started a thread about making longer tails a while back and someone had a really good idea

Dee Tal
12-13-2012, 11:30 PM
That extended monofin is an interesting idea indeed. I wonder how a longer vs. wider monofin would affect propulsion.

Sammi Ray
01-10-2013, 05:54 AM
To me the tails kind of look like thing latex or silicone at the end, i think if it was fabric then it wouldn't of looked so smooth as in fabric in the water doesn't always look flat kinda folds in on itself a bit and they would of had to of used something a bit harder to keep the extension from folding in on itself and not being so fluid, but the monofin before the extension in my opinion it doesn't look right but everyone has their own tastes :)

Dee Tal
01-11-2013, 08:37 AM
It looks like fabric to me still, perhaps lines with some sheet foam for a little thickness. I like how the monofin/first fluke is bigger. It has a deep sea creature feel to it. It definitely breaks from the traditional big fluke style.

Sammi Ray
01-11-2013, 08:55 AM
Yeah i agree its very creatureish but i just think they could of chose better colours atleast so you could see it better and with it being so slim right after the monofin to me it should of be a gradual fading to thin, I suppose it could of been neoprene fabric :) but that is my opinion but it is nice to see someone doing something different :)

Sammi Ray
01-11-2013, 09:17 AM
I just watched that fact or faked thing and i certainly think its Mahina. Maybe she had her own tail for a while before she started making the monofins to sell? Anyways, still fun to watch :)

Sammi Ray
01-11-2013, 09:43 AM

Same vid of her in the same spot swimming :D